
Partiture $25.25


Permission To Land. The Darkness. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.


Dovoljenje za pristanek. Darkness. Voice note. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Vmesna.


Permission To Land. Warning Explicit Lyrics. By The Darkness. For guitar and voice. This edition. Guitar TAB. Vocal. Artist. Personality. Guitar Personality. Guitar TAB. Hard Rock, Glam Rock and Rock. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 183 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.55-10003A. ISBN 1843286491. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Hard Rock, Glam Rock and Rock. 9x12 inches. The debut album Permission to Land has gone four times platinum in the United Kingdom, and the album folio is the fastest-selling in the history of the U.K. This folio includes five pages of color photography. Titles are. Black Shuck. Get Your Hands Off My Woman. Growing on Me. I Believe in a Thing Called Love. Love Is Only a Feeling. Givin' Up. Stuck in a Rut. Friday Night. Love on the Rocks with No Ice. Holding My Own. Christmas Time. Don't Let the Bells End. The Best of Me. How Dare You Call This Love. Bareback. Makin' Out. Physical Sex. Out of My Hands. I Love You 5 Times.


Dovoljenje za pristanek. Opozorilo Explicit Lyrics. By The Darkness. Za kitaro in glasom. Ta izdaja. Guitar TAB. Vocal. Umetnik. Osebnost. Kitara Osebnost. Guitar TAB. Hard Rock, Glam Rock in Rock. Težavnost. srednje. Guitar tablature pesmarica. Kitara tablature, standardni zapis, vokalna melodija, lyrics, tetiva imena in kitara struna diagrami. 183 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.55-10003A. ISBN 1843286491. S kitaro tablature, standardni zapis, vokalna melodija, lyrics, tetiva imena in kitara struna diagrami. Hard Rock, Glam Rock in Rock. 9x12 cm. Prvenec dovoljenje za pristanek je šel štirikrat platine v Združenem kraljestvu, in album folio je najhitreje prodajan v zgodovini Velike Britanije To folio vključuje pet strani barvno fotografijo. Naslovi so. Črna Shuck. Get Your Hands Off My Woman. Raste on Me. Verjamem v stvar imenovano ljubezen. Love Is Only Feeling. Odnehala. Zaljubljen v Rutu. Petek ponoci. Ljubezen z ledom brez ledu. Holding My Own. Božični čas. Ne Naj zvonovi koncu. Best of Me. Kako si drzneš to imenujemo ljubezen. Brez sedla. Mečkanje. Fizična Sex. Out of My Hands. I Love You 5 krat.