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The Honor Of Your Company. Tom Paxton. Voice sheet music. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.


Honor Of Your Company. Tom Paxton. Voice note. Akustična kitara note. Vmesna.


The Honor Of Your Company by Tom Paxton. G Composer Collection. Folk. Difficulty. medium. Guitar. vocal songbook. Vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, introductory text and black & white photos. 142 pages. Published by Cherry Lane Music. HL.2500010. ISBN 1575601443. With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, introductory text and black & white photos. Folk. 9x12 inches. This festival of song, biography and memorabilia celebrates one of America's modern folk legends. Tom Paxton tells his story as only he can, from his early days in Oklahoma through the exciting '60s in Greenwich Village and London, up to the present, including his long interest in creating and performing children's music. Lavishly illustrated with photos and anecdotes throughout, this wonderful collection features music and lyrics to 89 beloved standards and songs of protest, love, humor and childhood. Includes. My Dog's Bigger Than Your Dog. My Ramblin' Boy. The Marvelous Toy. The Last Thing on My Mind. and many more. You Are Love. Gettin' Up Early. Along The Verdigris. Passing Through Tulsa. Wearing The Time. Blue Mountain Road. The First Song Is For You. Coffee In Bed. Johnny Got A Gun. When I Go To See My Son. The Honor Of Your Company. What Did You Learn In School Today. Born On The Fourth Of July. Mother. The Last Hobo. And Loving You. Bad Old Days. Beneath The Bridge. Come Along Home. Come Away With Me. Corrymeela. Deep Fork River Blues. Ev'ry Time. When We Are Gone. Home, Sweet Oklahoma. I'm The Man That Built The Bridges. Johnson. Little Girl. A Long Way From Your Mountain. Modern Maturity. My Favorite Spring. The Names Of Trees. No Time To Say Goodbye. On The Road From Srebrenica. She Sits On The Table. Thank You, Republic Airlines. Who Will Feed The People. The Willing Conscript. Yuppies In The Sky. Dance In The Shadows. Goodman, Schwerner And Chaney. The High Sheriff Of Hazard. The Hostage. I Followed Her Into The West. I Read It In The Daily News. Jesus Christ, SRO. Katy. Leaving London. My Son, John. Not Tonight, Marie. Victoria Dines Alone. Wasn't That A Party. What A Friend You Are. The Ballad Of Lorena Bobbitt. Bobbitt. Little Brand New Baby. Bottle of Wine. Goin' To The Zoo. The Marvelous Toy. My Dog's Bigger Than Your Dog. Peace Will Come. Whose Garden Was This. I Can't Help But Wonder. Where I'm Bound. My Ramblin' Boy. Forest Lawn. Did You Hear John Hurt. My Lady's A Wild Flying Dove. I Give You The Morning. Home To Me. Is Anywhere You Are. There Goes The Mountain. Outward Bound. When Annie Took Me Home. Annie's Going To Sing Her Song. Jimmy Newman. Crazy John. Jennifer's Rabbit. About The Children. Talking Vietnam Pot Luck Blues. Cindy's Cryin'. Clarissa Jones. Wish I Had A Troubadour. I Am Changing My Name To Chrysler. One Million Lawyers. The Ballad Of Gary Hart. When Princes Meet. Lyndon Johnson Told The Nation. The Unknown. The Death Of Stephen Biko. I Don't Want A Bunny-Wunny. Anytime. The Last Thing On My Mind.


Honor vašega podjetja Tom Paxton. G Skladatelj Collection. Folk. Težavnost. srednje. Kitara. vokal pesmarica. Vokalna melodija, besedila, imena, tetiva, uvodno besedilo in črna. 142 strani. Izdala Cherry Lane Music. HL.2500010. ISBN 1575601443. Z vokalne melodije, besedila, imena, tetiva, uvodno besedilo in črna. Folk. 9x12 cm. Ta festival pesmi, biografije in spominkov praznuje eno od ameriških sodobnih ljudskih legendah. Tom Paxton pripoveduje svojo zgodbo, saj je le on lahko od njegovih zgodnjih dni v Oklahomi skozi razburljivo 60-ih v Greenwich Village in Londonu, do danes, vključno z njegovo dolgoročno zanimanje za ustvarjanje in izvajanje otroško glasbo. Bogato ilustrirana s fotografijami in anekdotami ves ta čudovita zbirka ponuja glasbo in besedila za 89 ljubljeni standardov in pesmi protest, ljubezni, humorju in otroštva. Vključuje. Moj pes je večji od tvojega psa. Moj Ramblin 'Boy. Čudovito Toy. Last Thing on My Mind. in še veliko več. Se Ljubezen. Gettin 'Up Early. Vzdolž Verdigris. Passing Through Tulsa. Nošenje Time. Blue Mountain Road. The First Song Is For You. Kava v postelji. Johnny Got Gun. Ko sem šel bi videl svojega sina. Honor Of Your Company. Kaj ste se naučili v šoli Danes. Rojen v četrtem julija. Mati. Zadnja Hobo. In Loving You. Bad Old Days. Beneath The Bridge. Come Along Home. Come Away With Me. Corrymeela. Deep River Blues Fork. Ev'ry čas. When We Are Gone. Home, Sweet Oklahoma. Sem človek, ki je zgradila mostove. Johnson. Little Girl. Long Way From Vaš Mountain. Modern Zapadlost. My Favorite Spring. Imena Trees. No Time To Say Goodbye. Na poti iz Srebrenice. Ona sedi na tabeli. Hvala, Republika Airlines. Kdo bo nahranil ljudi. Pripravljen naborniška. Japiji v nebo. Ples v senci. Goodman, Schwerner In Chaney. Visoka Sheriff Of Hazard. Hostage. Jaz za njo Into The West. Prebral sem v The Daily News. Jezus Kristus, SRO. Katy. Zapušča London. Moj sin, John. Ne nocoj, Marie. Victoria Dines Alone. Ni bil, da se stranka. Kaj Friend You Are. Ballad Of Lorena Bobbitt. Bobbitt. Malo Brand New Baby. Steklenica vina. Grem v živalski vrt. Čudovito Toy. Moj pes je večji od tvojega psa. Peace Will Come. Čigav Garden je bil ta. Ne morem pomagati, ampak se sprašujem. Kje sem Bound. Moj Ramblin 'Boy. Forest Lawn. Si slišal John Hurt. Moja gospa je Wild Leteči golob. Jaz dam zjutraj. Home To Me. Je Anywhere You Are. There Goes Mountain. Pasivno Bound. Ko Annie me je vzel Domov. Annie bo Sing pesmijo. Jimmy Newman. Crazy John. Jennifer je Rabbit. O otrocih. Talking Vietnam lonec Luck Blues. Cindy Cryin '. Clarissa Jones. Wish I Had potujočem glasbeniku. I Am Changing My Name Chrysler. One Million Odvetniki. Ballad Of Gary Hart. Ko Princes Meet. Lyndon Johnson je povedal Nation. Neznano. Death Of Stephen Biko. Nočem zajček Wunny. Anytime. Last Thing On My Mind.
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