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The Music of Richard L. Saucedo - Volume 2. Richard L. Saucedo.


Music of Richard L. Saucedo - zvezek 2. Richard L. Saucedo.


The Music of Richard L. Saucedo - Volume 2 composed by Richard L. Saucedo. For Concert Band. Concert Band CD Recording. CD only. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.4002460. Includes. Song and Dance, Hymn for the Cream and Crimson, To This Heartbeat There Is No End, Dreamsong, Whirlwind. , Fantasy on a Theme by Samuel Barber, With Each Sunset. Comes the Promise of a New Day. , Antares, Fanfare for the Third Planet, Dashing Through The Snow, A Celtic Christmas and Music from Carmen. Antares. Overture For Band. Song And Dance. Fanfare For The Third Planet. With Each Sunset. Comes The Promise Of A New Day. Whirlwind. To This Heartbeat There Is No End. Hymn For The Cream And Crimson. Dreamsong. Overture To Carmen. Jingle Bells. Love Came Down At Christmas. Wexford Carol. Deck the Hall. Overture To School For Scandal.


Glasba Richard L. Saucedo - zvezek 2 sestavljajo Richard L. Saucedo. Za Concert Band. Concert Band CD Snemanje. Samo CD. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.4002460. Vključuje. Pesem in ples, Himna za kreme in Crimson, na to bitje srca ni konca, Dreamsong, vrtinčasti. , Fantazija na teme Samuel Barber, z vsakim Sunset. Prihaja Obljuba novega dne. , Antares, Fanfare za tretje Planet, drzni skozi sneg, A Celtic božič in glasbo iz Carmen. Antares. Uvertura za Band. Pesem in ples. Fanfare Za tretji planet. Z vsakim Sunset. Comes The Promise Of A New Day. Tornado. To This Heartbeat ni konec. Himna Za smetane in Crimson. Dreamsong. Uvertura Za Carmen. Jingle Bells. Ljubezen je prišel božič. Wexford Carol. Deck Hall. Uvertura v šolo Scandal.
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