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Turn the Page. Aaron Thompson.


Obrnite stran. Aaron Thompson.


Turn the Page composed by Aaron Thompson. Sacred. CD. Published by GIA Publications. GI.G-CD-588. From fun and funky to heartfelt and soulful, Aaron Thompson's high energy and deep faith shine through each and every note of his music. Let Aaron's infectious melodies and thoughtful texts draw you in to the wonderful and inspirational messages of his ministry. Turn the Page , filled with songs of hope, is dedicated to children past and present who have experienced the betrayal of sexual abuse. Let the Castle Fall - Disturb Us - Dream 32603. Two Gardens. - Turn the Page - Mary, Pray for Me - God Is There - Great and Eternal God - Make Me Holy - Let Your Face Shine on Us. Psalm 4. - Is It True. - Above and Below - Awestruck.


Obrnite stran sestavljeno Aaron Thompson. Sacred. CD. Izdala GIA publikacije. GI.G-CD-588. Od zabave in funky, da prisrčnega in soulful, Aaron Thompson je visoko energetsko in globoko vero sijalo skozi vsako in vsako noto njegove glasbe. Naj nalezljive melodije Aronovi in ​​premišljen besedila vam pripravijo v čudoviti in navdihujočih sporočil ministrstva. Obrnite stran, ki je napolnjena s pesmimi upanja, ki je namenjen otrokom preteklosti in sedanjosti, ki so doživeli izdajstvo spolne zlorabe. Naj Castle padca - Disturb nas - Dream 32603. Dve Gardens. - Obrnite stran - Marija, moli zame - Bog obstaja - Velika in Eternal Bog - Make Me Sveti - Let Your Face Shine o podjetju. Psalm 4. - Je res,. - Zgoraj in spodaj - Poln strahu.
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