Partiture $40.00
Eurydice. a tone poem for cello and orchestra. 1995. Thomas Oboe Lee. Cello Solo sheet music. Advanced.
Eurydice. pesnitev za violončelo in orkester. 1995. Thomas oboa Lee. Cello Solo notno. Napredno.
Eurydice. a tone poem for cello and orchestra. 1995. composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. For Cello,Full Orchestra. 21st Century,20th Century,Romantic Period,Classical Period,Baroque Period. Advanced Intermediate. Score. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee. S0.48399. Instrumentation. solo cello and orchestra, 3222-4231-timp-2perc-hp-strings. When I presented to Max Hobart the idea of composing a new work for Andrés Díaz and the Civic Symphony Orchestra, he suggested that I, instead of writing a conventional "concerto," consider writing a tone poem for cello and orchestra. I thought, why not. I always enjoy a good challenge. So, I looked into all that wonderful stuff Hector Berlioz and Richard Strauss came up with in that genre - "Harold in Italy," "Romeo and Juliet," "Don Quixote," "Ein Heldenleben," "Tod und Verklärung," etc. I had a blast re-living the joy of all that out-pouring of emotion, orchestral colors, and uninhibited romantic excess in musical expression. In choosing my subject, I went straight to the reason why I wanted to write a piece for Andrés in the first place - the wonderful tone and singing quality of his cello and that soulful voice only he can project - a voice that charms and enchants. Orpheus seemed the perfect subject. According to Greek myth, Orpheus' singing lyre put everyone who listened into a spell. Edith Hamilton writes in her book, Mythology, "There was no limit to his power when he played and sang. No one and nothing could resist him. Everything animate and inanimate followed Orpheus. He could move trees, mountains, and change the courses of rivers. " My tone-poem is about Orpheus and Eurydice, a love story in which Orpheus loses Eurydice soon after their wedding. He laments her death, and then resolves to rescue her from the Underworld. Because his singing is so beautiful and irresistible, the Furies cannot refuse his request to return Eurydice. With Eurydice in his arms, finally, they dance. But the denizens of the Underworld change their minds and take her away again. In the aftermath, Orpheus laments his loss once more. It is true, the myth has been a favorite subject among composers since the advent of opera in the 1600's. A few of the better-known examples. Jacopo Peri's "Euridice," Claudio Monteverdi's "Orfeo," Christoph Willibald von Gluck's "Orfeo ed Euridice," Jacques Offenbach's operetta, "Orpheus in the Underworld," and Igor Stravinsky's ballet, "Orpheus. " It seems like a tremendous responsibility and burden for a composer to try to come up with something "new" after all these precedents. But, what the heck, there really isn't anything "new" or "shocking" anymore these days. A composer does not always consciously try for the "new. " It is just as important to make music that speaks to the heart. Music with dramatic narrative. Music that moves. In that sense, my "Eurydice" is music theater. And in the process, should a "masterpiece" reveal itself, so much the better. The work is in four movements, played without pause -I. Orpheus weepsII. Orpheus' resolveIII. Orpheus and EurydiceIV. Orpheus' apotheosisFirst performances -1. Cello and piano version on February 27, 1995, in Gasson 100, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MAAndrés Díaz and Judith Gordon2. Cello and orchestra version on April 30, 1995, in the Fine Arts Center, Regis College, Weston, MAAndrés Díaz and the Civic Symphony Orchestra of BostonMax Hobart, music director and conductor. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.
Eurydice. pesnitev za violončelo in orkester. 1995. ki ga sestavljajo Thomas oboo Lee. . 21. stoletje, 20. stoletje, Romantic Period, Classical Obdobje, baroka. Napredno Intermediate. Ocena. Objavljeno Thomas oboo Lee. S0.48399. Instrumentation. solo violončelo in orkester, 3222-4231-TIMP-2perc-HP-strings. Ko sem predstavil Max Hobart idejo sestavljati novo delo Andrés Díaz in Simfoničnega orkestra Civic, je predlagal, da sem namesto pisanja konvencionalno koncert, menijo, pisanje pesnitev za violončelo in orkester. Mislil sem si, zakaj pa ne. Vedno sem uživajo dober izziv. Torej, sem pogledal na vse te čudovite stvari Hector Berlioz in Richard Strauss prišli do v tem žanru - Harold v Italiji, Romeo in Julija, Don Kihot, Ein Heldenleben, Tod und Verklärung, etc. Imel sem trobljenje ponovno živi veselje vseh, ki out-lije čustev, orkestrskih barv in neoviranega romantično presežek v glasbenem izrazu. Pri izbiri mojo temo, sem šel naravnost na razlog, zakaj sem hotel napisati košček Andrés na prvem mestu - čudovit ton in pevske kakovost njegovega čela in da Duševna glas samo on lahko projekt - glas, ki očara in začara. Orfej je zdelo popolno temo. Po grški mit, Orfej "petje lira dal vsem, ki so poslušali v urokom. Edith Hamilton piše v svoji knjigi, mitologiji, ni bilo omejitev na svojo moč, ko je igral in pel. Nihče in nič ne more se mu uprla. Vse, žive in nežive sledi Orfej. Lahko premaknete drevesa, gore, in spremenite tečaje rek. Moj tone-pesem o Orfej in Eurydice, ljubezensko zgodbo, v kateri Orpheus izgubi Eurydice kmalu po poroki. On obžaluje svojo smrt, potem pa je odločen, da jo je rešil iz Podzemlja. Ker njegovo petje je tako lepa in zapeljiva, da se Furies ne more zavrniti njegovo zahtevo, da se vrnete Eurydice. Z Eurydice v naročju, končno, plešejo. Vendar pa so zemljanom podzemlja premislijo in jo odnese spet. Pri odpravljanju posledic, Orpheus obžaluje njegovo izgubo enkrat več. Res je, da je mit bil najljubši predmet med skladatelji, saj prihodom opere v 1600-ih. Nekaj bolj znanih primerov. Jacopo Peri je Euridice, Claudio Monteverdi je Orfeo, Christoph Willibald Gluck je von Orfeo ed Euridice, Jacques Offenbach je opereti Orfej v podzemlju in Igorja Stravinskega balet, Orpheus. Zdi se, kot ogromno odgovornost in breme za skladatelja, da bi poskušali priti do nekaj novega, po vseh teh precedensov. Ampak, kaj za vraga, pa res ni nič novega ali šokanten anymore teh dneh. Skladatelj ne vedno zavestno poskusite za novo. To je prav tako pomembno, da bi glasbo, ki govori s srcem. Glasba z dramatično pripoved. Glasba, ki se premika. V tem smislu je moje Eurydice je glasba gledališče. In v procesu, je treba mojstrovina sama razkrila, toliko bolje. Delo je v štirih gibanj, igral brez premora -I. . Violončelo in klavir različico 27. februarja 1995, v Gasson 100, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MAAndrés Díaz in Judith Gordon2. Violončelo in orkester različico 30. aprila 1995 v Fine Arts Center, Regis College, Weston, MAAndrés Díaz in Simfoničnega orkestra Civic od BostonMax Hobart, glasbeni vodja in dirigent. Digitalni tisk je mogoče natisniti glasba voljo stanja kadarkoli in kjerkoli. Samo nakup, tiskanje in predvajanje. Oglejte si vašo spletno note doma, v šoli, na delu ali kjerkoli imate računalnik, povezan z internetom. Uporabite naš iPad aplikacijo za ogled digitalnega note na poti. Z digitalnim tiskom lahko natisnete svoje digitalne not takoj po nakupu, ali počakati, dokler njegova priročno. In naša namestitev programske opreme je enostavno - vam bomo vodil skozi preproste korake, da poskrbite, da imate Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR in ponjave aplikacij Music Plus AIR.