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Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt. Christian August Jacobi. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Double Bass sheet music. Harp sheet music. Piano and Keyboard sheet music.


Bog je namreč svet tako vzljubil. Christian avgust Jacobi. Voice note. Zbor note. Dvojni bas note. Harp note. Klavir in klaviature note.


Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt. Weihnachtskantate. Composed by Christian August Jacobi. Edited by Tobias Nicolaus. For SATB vocal soli, SATB choir, 2 violins, cello. contrabass, harp ad lib, basso continuo. F-Dur. F major. Score available separately - see item CA.1036900. Cantatas, Christmas. Harp part. Language. German. English. Composed 1708. 4 pages. Duration 19 minutes. Published by Carus Verlag. CA.1036948. With Language. German. English. Cantatas, Christmas. The Bach contemporary Christian August Jacobi is among those composers who made a lasting impression among 18th century Middle German composers, since the influence of the Thomaskantor himself was limited primarily to Leipzig. Jacobi's cantatas are richly varied and they not too difficult to perform. Five of the six movements of the Christmas cantata Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet for soli, choir, strings and basso continuo are based on Luther's Christmas chorale "Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her", which give the work a traditional character. the text of the first movement is based on the Gospel of St. John. The richly varied instrumentation and alternation between choral movements and duets by the soloists bring to the sound of the cantata a variety which will also be enhanced by the use of the harp. ad libitum.


Bog je namreč svet tako vzljubil. Božič Kantata. Ki ga sestavljajo Christian avgust Jacobi. Uredil Tobias Nicolaus. Za SATB vokalni soli, SATB zbor, 2 violini, violončelo. kontrabas, harfa ad lib, continuo. F-Dur. F-duru. Rezultat na voljo ločeno - glej točko CA.1036900. Kantate, božič. Harp del. Jezik. Nemško. Angleščina. Sestavlja 1708. 4 strani. Trajanje 19 minut. Izdala Carus Verlag. CA.1036948. Z jezikom. Nemško. Angleščina. Kantate, božič. Bach sodobni krščanski avgust Jacobi je ena izmed tistih skladateljev, ki so dale vtis med 18. stoletja srednjega nemških skladateljev, saj je bil vpliv Thomaskantor sam omejene predvsem na Leipzigu. Kantate Jacobi so bogato spreminjala in ne preveč težko izvesti. Pet od šestih premikov božično kantato tudi hat Gott die Welt geliebet za soli, zbor, godala in basso continuo temeljijo na Lutrove božični korala "Vom Himmel hoch, da komm jo Ich", ki dajejo delo, tradicionalen značaj. Besedilo prvega gibanja temelji na evangeliju svetega Janeza. Bogato raznolika instrumentacija in menjavanje med zborovskih gibanj in duetov s solisti prinašajo zvok kantate sorte, ki se bo okrepilo tudi z uporabo harfo. ad libitum.
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