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The Alligator Purse - Old Games Made New with Movement and Song. Collection. Lee Campbell-Towell. Choir sheet music.Prevod
Alligator Zaporna - Old Games Made novega v gibanju in pesmi. Zbiranje. Lee Campbell-towell. Zbor note.Originalno
The Alligator Purse - Old Games Made New with Movement and Song. Collection. composed by Lee Campbell-Towell. For Choral. Expressive Art. Choral. CD only. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.8740705. From the creator of “Cat Paws” comes this new collection of 18 movement and activity songs for children. These songs will provide a wonderful opportunity for children to interact, learn and develop important skills. This collection comes complete with games, activities and movement for each song in an easy-to-use format that is ideal for the music classroom. Available. Song Collection, CD. full performance only. For gr. K-3. Colored Eggs. Flea. Hank And Georgia. Heart to Heart. Hoop It Up. Mashed Potatoes. On My Way Back Home. Prints Of Peace. S.O.S. See Ya Later Alligator. Teacher teacher. The Alligator Purse. The Machine. The Wind. This Is A Song. Where Are You. Yellow Brick Road. Monkey See Monkey Do.Prevod
Alligator Zaporna - Old Games Made novega v gibanju in pesmi. Zbiranje. ki ga sestavljajo Lee Campbell-towell. Za zborovsko. Izrazna umetnost. Zborovska. Samo CD. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.8740705. Od ustvarjalca "mačka Paws" prihaja nova kolekcija 18 gibanja in aktivnosti pesmi za otroke. Te pesmi bo čudovito priložnost za otroke, da sodelujejo, se učijo in razvijajo pomembne spretnosti. Kolekcija je na voljo v kompletu z igrami, dejavnosti in gibanja za vsako pesem v enostaven za uporabo formatu, ki je idealen za glasbeni učilnici. Na voljo. Song Collection, CD. Samo polno zmogljivost. Za gr. K-3. Obarvana jajca. Flea. Hank in Gruzijo. Srca do srca. It Hoop Up. Pire krompir. On My Way Back Home. Prints miru. S.O.S. Se vidimo Alligator. Učitelj učitelj. Alligator zaporno. The Machine. Veter. To je pesem. Kje ste. Yellow Brick Road. Monkey See Monkey Do.Največkrat iskano