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Fuir Le Bonheur De Peur Qu'Il Ne Se Sauve. Jane Birkin. Piano sheet music.Prevod
Sreča Od bežijo da ne on Sauve. Jane Birkin. Klavir note.Originalno
Fuir Le Bonheur De Peur Qu'Il Ne Se Sauve by Jane Birkin. By Serge Gainsbourg. Arranged by Patrice Bourges. For piano with lyrics. This edition. French Edition. Crock Music. French Chanson. Sheet music. 2 pages. Published by Editions Bourges. BU.EBR-047. The Crock Music collection consists of transcriptions of French songs for the piano, along with the song lyrics. These music sheets are made by a teaching staff gathering several piano teachers. They are graduated in levels of difficulty. from 1 to 9. The music sheets are printed on rigid paper of great quality and are conditioned in a small plastic pocket.Prevod
Sreča Od bežijo da ne bi bil Sauve Jane Birkin. Serge Gainsbourg. Urejen Patrice Bourges. Za klavir z lyrics. Ta izdaja. Francoski Edition. Crock Glasba. Francoski Šanson. Note. 2 strani. Izdala Editions Bourges. BU.EBR-047. Zbirka Crock Glasba je sestavljena iz transkripcij francoskih skladb za klavir, skupaj z besedili pesmi. Te glasbene plošče so narejene s pedagoškim osebjem zbrali več učiteljev klavirja. So diplomiral leta težavnosti. od 1 do 9. Glasba listi so natisnjeni na togo papirju zelo kakovostne in so pogojeni v majhni plastični žep.Največkrat iskano