
Partiture $8.00


Moravian Hymn Dance. Fredrick Allen. Grade 4.


Moravska Himna Dance. Fredrick Allen. 4. stopnje.


Moravian Hymn Dance composed by Fredrick Allen. For concert band. Approved contest. festival piece for the University Interscholastic League. UIL. Grade 4. Full score. Duration 5. 58. Published by TRN Music Publisher. TU.FSMOR1. Recording available separately on TRNCD25. UIL Level 4. The Moravian hymn "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" is the basis for this piece. This beautiful dorian melody is heard most clearly in the trumpet and saxophone solos between measures 61 and 75. Figures in the opening and closing portions of the piece are derived or developed from this melody as well. A paradox lies in the admonition from the text to "keep silence. " Therefore the predominant feeling is one of joy that simply cannot keep silent, but must express itself in an unrestrained dance. Performed at Mid-West in 1995.


Moravska Hymn Dance sestavljajo Fredrick Allen. Za koncert pasu. Odobril tekmovanje. Festival kos za univerzitetne lige Interscholastic. UIL. 4. stopnje. Polna ocena. Trajanje 5. 58. Izdala TRN Music Publisher. TU.FSMOR1. Snemanjem na voljo ločeno TRNCD25. UIL Level 4. Moravska himna "Naj All Mortal Flesh molči", je osnova za to delo. Ta čudovita melodija Dorian je najbolj jasno slišati v trobento in saksofon solo med ukrepi v 61. in 75.. Številke v odpiranje in zapiranje obrokov kosa izhajajo ali se je razvil iz te melodije kot tudi. Paradoks je v tem opominu od besedila z "molči. "Zato prevladuje občutek je eden od veselja, ki preprosto ne more molčati, vendar pa se mora izražati v neprivezan ples. Nastopil na Mid-West leta 1995.