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Hip To The Blues with CD - Trombone. Tony Santorella. Trombone sheet music.


Hip bluesu s CD - pozavna. Tony Santorella. Pozavna note.


Hip To The Blues with CD - Trombone composed by Tony Santorella. For trombone. This edition. Paperback. Collection. Jazz Duets. Book & CD. Text Language. English. 48 pages. Published by Santorella Publications. SP.TS016WCD. ISBN 9781585603954. With Text Language. English. Jazz Duets. Hip To The Blues published by Santorella Publications is a series of 22 jazz duets edited by Douglas Weeks, that combine the best elements of education, playability and musical fun. These lyrical melodies are unique to the industry. The CD is recorded in a "music minus one" fashion with the duet being played in entirety. both parts. if your stereo is evenly balanced. Move the balance to right or left channel to isolate the top or bottom. 1st or 2nd. part and play along with Nick Lane, one of the best studio trombone players in Los Angeles today. Get ready to enjoy these "Hip" Lee West "Blues" titles. Foolin' Blues - Working Man's Blues - Too Blue to Cry - Sittin' Back - Floppy Dog Blues - Can't Decide - Makin' Your Acquaintance - 8th Street Shuffle - Avenue Blue - Flamingo Way - Everything's Blue - Tom Cat Talk - Tongue in Cheek - Impromptu Blues - Old Shoe Blues - Minor Difficulties - Ain't No Stoppin' - Hip to the Blues. Take #1. - Blue Wind - Blue Zambu - Under Your Spell - Baroque In Blue. About Nick Lane. Nick Lane has been active in the Los Angeles music scene for over twenty five years. He joined Maynard Ferguson's Band after graduating from Boston's Berklee College of Music and remained on the road for three years before moving to Los Angeles. He continued touring while based in L. A. with Rod Stewart, The Who and Tom Petty & The Heart Breakers. Nick Lane continues to perform with Etta James, Chicago, Shakira, Alejandro Sans and has even performed with Jennifer Lopez. Nick has also been featured in a special PBS broadcast about "the blues" with T-Bone Burnett. Nick remains active in the commercial recording fields for movies, television, commercials and has recorded with such Pop artists as. Macy Gray, Tim Mc Graw, Baby Face, Destiny's Child, The Offspring, The Wallflowers, Fast Ball, Green Day, No Doubt, Natalie Merchant, Everclear, Barbara Streisand and Joe Cocker. Nick has recorded with such Jazz artists as Rick Braun, Jeff Golub, David Benoit, Dave Koz, Kombo, Greg Karukus and Warren Hill. Nick's popular "lounge jazz" CD performed with baritone saxophonist Greg Smith and an organ trio is recorded on the Oakland Stroke Label.


Hip To The Blues s CD - pozavno ga sestavljajo Tony Santorella. Za pozavno. Ta izdaja. Platnice. Zbiranje. Jazz Duets. Knjiga. Angleščina. 48 strani. Izdala Santorella publikacije. SP.TS016WCD. ISBN 9781585603954. Z Text Language. Angleščina. Jazz Duets. Hip bluesu, ki ga Santorella publikacije objavljenih je serija 22 jazzovskih duetov uredil Douglas tednih, ki združujejo najboljše elemente izobraževanja, družabnim in glasbeno zabavo. Te lirične melodije so edinstveni za industrijo. CD je posnet v "glasbeni minus ena" mode s duet, ki je igral v celoti. oba dela. če je vaš stereo je razporejeno. Premaknete ravnotežje na desni ali levi kanal izolirati vrhu ali na dnu. 1. ali 2.. del in igrajo skupaj z Nick Lane, enega najboljših studio pozavna igralcev v Los Angelesu je danes. Se pripraviš, da uživajo te "Hip" Lee zahodu "Blues" naslovi. Preslepijo Blues - Blues delovni človek je - Too Blue jokati - sedel nazaj - Floppy Dog Blues - Ne morem se odločiti - Makin 'Vaš Seznanitev - 8th Street Shuffle - Avenue Blue - Flamingo Way - Vse Blue - Tom Cat Talk - Tongue v Cheek - Improvizirani Blues - Old Shoe Blues - Manjše težave - Aint No more zaustaviti - Hip za Blues. Принимать. - Blue Wind - Blue Zambu - Under Your Spell - barok v modrem. O Nick Lane. Nick Lane je bila dejavna v Los Angelesu glasbeni sceni že več kot petindvajset let. Maynard Ferguson Band se je pridružil po diplomi iz bostonskem Berklee College of Music in ostal na cesti za tri leta pred selitvijo v Los Angeles. Nadaljeval je touring, medtem ko s sedežem v Los Angelesu z Rodom Stewartom, The Who in Tom Petty. Nick Lane še naprej opravlja z Etta James, Chicago, Shakira, Alejandro Sans in je celo izvedli z Jennifer Lopez. Nick je bil izrazit tudi v posebni oddaji PBS o "blues" s T-Bone Burnett. Nick je še vedno aktiven v trgovinskem področju snemanja za filme, televizijo, reklam in je posnel s takimi Pop umetniki. Macy Gray, Tim Mc Graw, Baby Face, Destiny je Child, The Offspring, The Wallflowers, Fast Ball, Green Day, No Doubt, Natalie Merchant, Everclear, Barbara Streisand in Joe Cocker. Nick je posnel s takimi jazzovskimi umetniki, kot so Rick Braun, Jeff Golub, David Benoit, Dave Koz, Kombo, Greg Karukus in Warren Hill. Nick priljubljen "lounge jazz" CD izvedli z bariton saksofonist Greg Smith in trio organ se evidentirajo na Oakland Stroke Label.
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