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The Grapes of Wrath. Ricky Ian Gordon. Voice sheet music. Piano sheet music.


The Grapes of Wrath. Ricky Ian Gordon. Voice note. Klavir note.


The Grapes of Wrath. An Opera in Three Acts. Composed by Ricky Ian Gordon. For Vocal Score. Piano reduction. vocal score. 376 pages. Published by Carl Fischer. CF.VS5. ISBN 0825871328. Premiered at the Minnesota Opera in 2007, The Grapes of Wrath is a full-scale opera with libretto by Michael Korie, now available in its entirety from Carl Fischer Music. Based on the Pulitzer prize-winning 1939 novel by John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath was named "the great American opera" by Musical America, and Los Angeles Times critic Mark Swed wrote that. the greatest glory of the opera is Gordon's ability to musically flesh out the entire 11-member Joad clan. Gordon's other great achievement is to merge Broadway and opera. greatly enhanced by his firm control over ensembles and his sheer love for the operatic voice.


The Grapes of Wrath. Opera v treh dejanjih. Sestavljajo ga Ricky Ian Gordon. Za Vocal Score. Zmanjšanje klavir. vokal ocena. 376 strani. Izdala Carl Fischer. CF.VS5. ISBN 0825871328. Premierno Minnesota Opera leta 2007, The Grapes of Wrath je opera v polnem obsegu z libreta Michael Korie, zdaj v celoti na voljo od Carl Fischer Glasba. Temelji na Pulitzerjevo nagradne 1939 romanu Johna Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath je bil imenovan "Great American opera", ki ga Musical America in Los Angeles Times kritik Mark SWED zapisal, da. največja slava opere je sposobnost Gordonom za glasbeno popestrijo celotno 11-člansko Joad klan. Gordon je drugi velik dosežek je združitev Broadway in opera. zelo okrepila njegov močan nadzor nad ansamblov in njegov odklon ljubezni do operne glas.
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