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Kids Classics Collection 1. Cedarmont Kids. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music.


Kids Classics Collection 1. Cedarmont Kids. Voice note. Kitara note. Klavir note.


Kids Classics Collection 1 by Cedarmont Kids. For piano, voice, guitar. chords only. Modern Christian. Cedarmont Kids Series. Children's and Sacred. Songbook. Published by Cedarmont Kids. IN.844564050176. Contains all the songs from the Bible Songs, Action Bible Songs, Sunday School Songs, Songs of Praise and Silly Songs recorded products. Little David. Play On Your Harp. This Is My Commandment. Jesus Loves Me. Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho. Jesus Loves Even Me. Dare To Be A Daniel. Everybody Ought to Know. Peter, James And John In A Sailboat. My God is So Big. Every Promise In The Book Is Mine. I Will Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord Forever. The B-I-B-L-E. Silver and Gold Have I None. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus. Give Me Oil in My Lamp. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Rise And Shine. Arky, Arky. Zacchaeus. Father Abraham. I'm In The Lord's Army. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. His Banner Over Me Is Love. Jesus Bids Us Shine. O Be Careful Little Eyes. Happy All the Time. Jesus Loves the Little Ones. Isn't He Wonderful. One Door and Only One. Behold, Behold. If You're Happy. This Little Light of Mine. Climb,Climb Up Sunshine Mountain. I Am A C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N. Standin' In The Need Of Prayer. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Alive, Alive. Jesus Loves The Little Children. Whisper A Prayer. Jacob's Ladder. Old Time Religion. Go Tell It On the Mountain. I've Got Peace Like A River. Michael, Row The Boat Ashore. Oh, How I Love Jesus. Down In My Heart. Let The Sunshine In. Do Lord. Dry Bones. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Wise Man And The Foolish Man. S-M-I-L-E. Do Your Ears Hang Low. Rocka My Soul. Skinny Marinky Dinky Dink. Fingers, Nose and Toes. The Bear Went Over The Mountain. Who Built the Ark. Bingo. I Got Shoes. Looby Loo. Polly-Wolly-Doodle. Who Did. Swallow Jonah. Michael Finnigan. Oh, You Can't Get to Heaven. There's A Hole In The Bucket. Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart. Praise Him, Praise Him. Hallelu, Hallelu. Wonderful Words Of Life. Fairest Lord Jesus. The Lord Is My Shepherd. Heavenly Father, I Appreciate You. Come And Go With Me. Kum-Ba-Yah. Come Bless The Lord. God Is So Good. Praise the Lord Together. Jesus In The Morning. He Is Lord. Love, Love.


Kids Classics Collection 1 z Cedarmont Kids. Za klavir, glas, kitara. Akordi samo. Modern Christian. Cedarmont Kids Series. Otroke in Sacred. Songbook. Izdala Cedarmont Kids. IN.844564050176. Vsebuje vse pesmi iz Biblije Pesmi, Action Svetopisemske pesmi, nedelja šolske pesmi, pesmi, molitev in Silly Songs posnetih izdelkov. Mali David. Igrajo na vaš harfo. To je moja zapoved. Jesus Loves Me. Joshua boril v bitki pri Jerihu. Jesus Loves me celo. Dare to be Daniel. Vsi kadarkoli vedeti. Peter, Jakob in Janez V Jadrnice. Bog je tako velik. Vsak Promise v knjigi Is Mine. Pel bom Of The milosti Gospodovem Forever. B-I-B-L-E. Silver in Gold Have I Noben. Jezus hoče, za Sunbeam. Odločil sem se slediti Jezusu. Daj mi olje v moj Lamp. Nadaljnja, Christian Soldiers. Vstanite. Arky, Arky. Zahej. Oče Abraham. Jaz sem v Gospodove vojske. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Njegov Banner Over Me je ljubezen. Jezus ponudbah za nas Shine. O Bodite previdni, majhne oči. Z veseljem ves čas. Jesus Loves najmlajše. Ali ni čudovit. Ena vrata in le ena. Evo, Evo. Če si srečen. Ta Little Light of Mine. Climb, povzpnemo Sunshine Mountain. Sem C-H-R-i-S-T-I-A-N. Stali, ki potrebujejo molitve. Dobil je ves svet v svojih rokah. Živ, Alive. Jesus Loves The Little Children. Šepetajo molitev. Jakobova lestev. Old Time Religion. Pojdi Povej It On the Mountain. Imam mir kot reka. Michael, Row Boat Ashore. Oh, How I Love Jesus. Dol v mojem srcu. Naj soncu v. Narediti Gospodu. Dry Bones. John Jacob Schmidt Jingleheimer. Wise Man In nespameten človek. S-M-I-L-E. Narediti ušesih Hang Low. Rocka My Soul. Skinny Marinky Dinky Dink. Prstov, nosu in Prsti. Medved je šel čez goro. Kdo Vgrajen skrinjo. Bingo. Dobil sem Čevlji. Looby Loo. Polly-wolly-Doodle. Kdo je naredil. Pogoltniti Jonah. Michael Finnigan. Oh, ne morete priti v nebesa. Tam je luknja v Bucket. Thy besed sem se skrila v mojem srcu. Hvalite ga, ga pohvalite. Hallelu, Hallelu. Čudovite Besede življenja. Najlepša Gospod Jezus. Gospod je moj pastir. Nebeški Oče, cenim, da si. Come And Go With Me. Kum-Ba-Yah. Pridi Bless Gospodu. Bog je tako dober. Hvalite Gospoda Skupaj. Jezus je v jutranji. On je Gospod. Ljubezen, ljubezen.
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