
Partiture $1.80


The Lord Is Risen. J. Paul Williams. Choir sheet music.


Gospod je vstal. J. Paul Williams. Zbor note.


The Lord Is Risen composed by J. Paul Williams and Michael Barrett. For Choral. SATB. Glory Sound. Sacred, Easter, Eastertide. 8 pages. Published by Glory Sound. HL.35026727. ISBN 1423487273. sacred, Easter, Eastertide. 6.75x10.5 inches. Uses. Easter, Eastertide. Scripture. Corinthians 15. 19-20. Matthew 16. 3-4. Romans 14. The glory of Easter is celebrated in the latest Williams. Barrett collaboration. Incorporating Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, this piece is a great opener for a traditional. transitional church as it incorporates both newly composed material and a classic hymn quote. The orchestration adds a wonderful exclamation point to this easily-prepared and highly-effective resurrection anthem. Powerful. Available separately. SATB, iPrint Full Orch CD-ROM, StudioTrax CD. Duration. ca. 13.


Gospod je vstal ga sestavljajo J. Paul Williams in Michael Barrett. Za zborovsko. SATB. Glory Sound. Sveto, velikonočni, Eastertide. 8 strani. Izdala Glory Sound. HL.35026727. ISBN 1423487273. sveto, velika noč, Eastertide. 6.75x10.5 cm. Uporabe. Velika noč, Eastertide. Pismo. Corinthians 15. 19-20. Matthew 16. 3-4. Rimljani 14. Slava veliko noč praznujejo v zadnjem Williams. Barrett sodelovanje. Vsebujejo Jezus Kristus je vstal Danes je ta kos je velik odpirač za tradicionalno. Prehodno cerkev, saj vključuje tako novo sestavljeno material in klasično hvalnico ponudbo. Orkestracija dodaja čudovit klicaj na to enostavno pripravljena in visoko učinkovite vstajenje himne. Zmogljiv. Na voljo ločeno. SATB, iPrint Polna Orch CD-ROM, CD StudioTrax. Trajanje. ca. 13.