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More of the Easy Seventies Fake Book. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music.


Več o Easy sedemdesetih Fake Book. Various. C Instrument note. Klavir note.


More of the Easy Seventies Fake Book. C Instruments. Composed by Various. For C Instruments. Easy Fake Book. Softcover. 240 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240290. ISBN 1423419863. 9x12 inches. 100 more memorable '70s hits arranged in the key of “C” with larger-than-most fake book notation, lyrics and simplified chords that remain true to each tune. Includes. After the Lovin'. Alone Again Naturally. At Seventeen. Bennie and the Jets. Billy, Don't Be a Hero. Copacabana. Da Ya Think I'm Sexy. Dancing Queen. Dust in the Wind. Feelings. Fire and Rain. I Shot the Sheriff. Imagine. Killing Me Softly with His Song. The Long and Winding Road. Maggie May. Smoke on the Water. Still. Sweet Home Alabama. The Way We Were. You Light Up My Life. You're So Vain. and more. It's Sad To Belong. Precious And Few. You Belong To Me. After The Lovin'. Afternoon Delight. I'll Be There. You Light Up My Life. Why Can't We Be Friends. My Eyes Adored You. I'm In You. Smoke On The Water. Still. Always And Forever. You Don't Have To Be A Star. To Be In My Show. Annie's Song. At Seventeen. Imagine. Baby, I'm-A Want You. I Think I Love You. You Decorated My Life. Ben. Bennie And The Jets. Billy, Don't Be A Hero. Put Your Hand In The Hand. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Brand New Key. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do. Come And Get Your Love. Copacabana. At The Copa. Cracklin' Rosie. Dancing Queen. Different Worlds. Da Ya Think I'm Sexy. Don't Cry Out Loud. We Don't Cry Out Loud. Dream Weaver. Dust In The Wind. Eres Tu. Touch The Wind. Feelings. Dime. Garden Party. Go Away, Little Girl. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Got To Get You Into My Life. Heartache Tonight. Heatwave. Love Is Like A Heatwave. Hopelessly Devoted To You. Hot Line. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart. Hurting Each Other. I Am Woman. I Like Dreamin'. I Shot The Sheriff. I Won't Last A Day Without You. Just The Way You Are. Killing Me Softly with His Song. Last Night. I Didn't Get to Sleep At All. Let 'Em In. The Loco-motion. The Long And Winding Road. Long Cool Woman. In A Black Dress. Where Do I Begin. Love Theme. Love Will Keep Us Together. Maggie May. Make It With You. Me And Bobby McGee. Midnight Train To Georgia. Neither One Of Us. Wants To Be The First To Say Goodbye. Night Moves. On Broadway. Please Mr. Postman. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head. A Rainy Night In Georgia. Ready To Take A Chance Again. Rocket Man. I Think It's Gonna Be A Long Long Time. She's A Lady. Snowbird. Spiders And Snakes. Superstition. Sweet Home Alabama. Touch A Hand, Make A Friend. Touch Me In The Morning. Two Divided By Love. Waterloo. The Way We Were. When I Need You. Will It Go Round In Circles. Evil Ways. Year Of The Cat. Yesterday Once More. You're So Vain. Baby What A Big Surprise. Don't Go Breaking My Heart. If You Leave Me Now. My Love. Let's Stay Together. The Logical Song. No No Song. Rikki Don't Lose That Number. Don't Give Up On Us. It Never Rains In Southern California. Alone Again. Naturally.


Več o Easy sedemdesetih Fake Book. Instrumenti C. Sestavljajo ga Various. Za C Instruments. Easy Fake Book. Mehko prekrivalo. 240 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.240290. ISBN 1423419863. 9x12 cm. 100 več znamenitih '70s hits razporejeni na ključ "C" z večjim-kot-najbolj ponaredek knjižni zapis, lyrics in poenostavljenih akordov, ki ostajajo zvesti vsako melodijo. Vključuje. Po Lovin '. Alone Again Naturally. Pri sedemnajstih. Bennie in Jets. Billy, ne bodi junak. Copacabana. Da Ya Think sem Sexy. Dancing Queen. Prah v vetru. Občutki. Fire and Rain. I Shot the Sheriff. Predstavljajte si,. Killing Me Softly s svojo pesmijo. Long in Winding Road. Maggie May. Dim na vodi. Še vedno. Sweet Home Alabama. The Way We Were. Si prižgejo My Life. Ti si tako domišljav. in bolj. To je žalostno, da pripadajo. Precious in malo. You Belong To Me. Po Lovin '. Popoldne Delight. Pridem. Si prižgejo My Life. Zakaj ne moremo biti prijatelji. Moje oči You oboževal. Jaz sem v vas. Smoke On The Water. Še vedno. Vedno in povsod. Ali ni treba biti zvezda. V mojem salonu. Annie Song. Pri sedemnajstih. Predstavljajte si,. Baby, jaz-Want You. I Think I Love You. Vi Okrašena My Life. Ben. Bennie And The Jets. Billy, ne bodi junak. Daj roko v roki. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Brand New Key. Breaking up je težko narediti. Come And Get Your Love. Copacabana. Na Copi. Cracklin 'Rosie. Dancing Queen. Različni svetovi. Da Ya Think sem Sexy. Ne Cry Out Loud. Mi ne Cry Out Loud. Dream Weaver,. Dust In The Wind. Ste Vi. Dotikajte veter. Občutki. Dime. Garden Party. Go Away, Little Girl. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Got To Get You Into My Life. Heartache Tonight. Vročinski val. Ljubezen je kot vročinskega vala. Brezupno posvečen vas. Hot Line. Kako lahko Popraviti Broken Heart. Boli seboj. I Am Woman. I Like Dreamin '. I Shot the Sheriff. Ne bo trajalo Day Without You. Just The Way You Are. Killing Me Softly s svojo pesmijo. Last Night. Nisem dobil, da spati. Let 'Em V. Loco-motion. Long in Winding Road. Long Cool Woman. V črno obleko. Kje naj začnem. Ljubezen Theme. Ljubezen Will Keep Us Together. Maggie May. Make It With You. Me And Bobby McGee. Midnight Train Gruziji. Niti eden od nas. Hoče biti prvi, da se poslovite. Night Moves. Na Broadwayu. Prosim, gospod poštar. Raindrops Keep Fallin 'On My Head. Rainy Night V Gruziji. Pripravljeni tvegati spet. Rocket Man. Mislim, da bo še dolgo časa. Ona je Lady. Snowbird. Pajki in kače. Vraževerje. Sweet Home Alabama. Dotikajte Hand, Make prijatelju. Dotikaj se me jutri zjutraj. Dva deljeno z ljubeznijo. Waterloo. The Way We Were. Ko sem Need You. Bo šel v krogu. Evil Ways. Year of the Cat. Yesterday Once More. Ti si tako domišljav. Baby Kaj Big Surprise. Ne Go Breaking My Heart. If You Leave Me Now. Moja ljubezen. Ostanimo skupaj. Logical Song. Ne Ne Song. Rikki ne izgubijo to število. Ne obupajte na nas. To Never Rains V južni Kaliforniji. Sam enkrat. Naturally.
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