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The Amazing Grace Race. Celeste Clydesdale. Choir sheet music. Beginning.Prevod
Amazing Grace Race. Celeste Clydesdale. Zbor note. Začetek.Originalno
The Amazing Grace Race composed by Celeste Clydesdale. Arranged by David Clydesdale. For Unison. 2-part choir. Musical. Modern Christian. Easy. Choral Book. Duration 37'00". Published by Word Music. WD.080689743177. We have performed the musical, b. On your mark. get set. GO. Tie your shoe strings and begin your race with this high-energy kid's musical, The Amazing Grace Race , created by Celeste Clydesdale. These young racers are learning that the secret to running life's grace race is to follow in His steps but in their shoes. When facing tough stretches through places like the Valley of Despair and Badlands Bog, these kids learn the value of love, forgiveness, perseverance, and the value of working as a team. Running with faith, they look to the great cloud of witnesses cheering them on and consider the signs they are leaving for those who will come behind. Most importantly, they run so as to cross the finish line and hear Jesus say, Well done.Prevod
Amazing Grace Race, ki ga sestavljajo Celeste Clydesdalu. Uredil David Clydesdalu. Za Unison. 2-delni zbor. Musical. Modern Christian. Easy. Zborovska Book. Trajanje 37'00 ". Izdala Wordov Glasba. WD.080689743177. Smo izvedli muzikal, b. Na vaši znamki. se določi. GO. Zaveži čevlje strune in začeli svojo raso s tem visoko energetsko otroški muzikal, Amazing Grace Race, ki ga Celeste Clydesdalu ustvaril. Ti mladi dirkači se učijo, da je skrivnost, da teče življenjsko milost dirko po njegovih korakih, temveč v svojih čevljih. Ko se soočajo težke razteza skozi kraje, kot so doline obupa in Badlands BOG, ti otroci naučijo vrednost ljubezni, odpuščanja, vztrajnostjo in vrednost delati kot ekipa. Tek z vero, gledajo na velik oblak prič jih navija na in menijo znake saj so zapuščajo za tiste, ki bodo prišli v ozadju. Najpomembneje je, da jih vodijo tako, da prečka ciljno črto in slišati je Jezus rekel Bravo.Največkrat iskano
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