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David Lanz - Liverpool. Re-Imagining the Beatles. David Lanz. Piano Solo sheet music.


David Lanz - Liverpool. Ponovno Upanje The Beatles. David Lanz. Piano Solo note.


David Lanz - Liverpool. Re-Imagining the Beatles by David Lanz and The Beatles. For Piano. Piano Solo Personality. Softcover. 112 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.307184. ISBN 1617740373. 9x12 inches. David Lanz's 2010 release pays tributes to one of his greatest influences – the Beatles – and includes a stunning original piece in tribute to the band, as well as his unique solo piano interpretations of their classics. From David Lanz. Liverpool, England. a city on the banks of the Mersey River. The river made famous in the 1964 hit song "Ferry Across The Mersey", by Gerry and the Pacemakers. Liverpool. the birthplace of John, Paul, George, and Ringo, and where we begin our musical journey. The sounds of the Mersey harbor can be heard as it introduces the first strains of the opening song. This title track was composed as a tribute, an emotional overture of sorts, imbued with subtle musical phrasing from The Fab Four. From here, we traverse through a decade of Lennon and McCartney songs, arranged and re-imagined through the lens of my own musical voice, which admittedly, has been joyfully shaped and informed by this great and enduring legacy of musical history - a time so explosive and fruitful we may never see anything like it again. I spent nearly half a year listening, selecting and arranging the material to be recorded on Liverpool. The recording sessions began in May of 2009 and carried on through the fall. Once the lion's share of the recording was complete, and on the insistence of my friend and collaborator Gary Stroutsos, we, along with photographer and personal assistant, Carole May, took off on a pilgrimage to Liverpool England, to see where the music of the Beatles all began. Shortly after our arrival, we were given an extraordinary tour by England's National Trust. It started with an intimate inside look at John Lennon's boyhood home where he lived from the age of five until he was twenty-three. I was completely taken off guard at the impact the spirit of place had on me. This was especially true when I climbed the stairs and stood by myself in the small bedroom that had been John's, the room where he had done much of his early imaginative dreaming. Chills ran through me and ghosts from the past were palpable. It was here in this house named Mendips that 14-year-old Paul McCartney and 17-year-old John Lennon began their friendship and started a song writing partnership that would change the world. They also soon began meeting and writing songs in Paul McCartney's more modest home, less than a mile away from Mendips, at 20 Forthlin Road. Our tour continued through the McCartney home. One of the outstanding features was the black and white original photographs taken by Paul's younger brother, Michael. Photos capturing family, friends, and everyday household events. Most notable was a photograph of the two teenage musicians, sitting in Paul's small living room, holding guitars, notebook opened to the hand written lyrics of an early Lennon and McCartney classic, "I Saw Her Standing There". I am so grateful for the chance to have connected in such an intimate way and to have come full circle with two of my greatest musical role models. I will never forget the time spent in Liverpool. the drive down Penny Lane, standing by the gate at Strawberry Fields. all giving new meaning and greater dimension to the music of the Beatles. "There are places I remember. All my life. Liverpool. Rain Eight Days A Week. Because I'm Only Sleeping. London Skies - A John Lennon Suite. Lovely Rita. Norwegian Wood. This Bird Has Flown. Things We Said Today. Yes It Is.


David Lanz - Liverpool. Ponovno si predstavlja Beatles, ki jih David Lanz in The Beatles. Za klavir. Piano Solo Osebnost. Mehko prekrivalo. 112 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.307184. ISBN 1617740373. 9x12 cm. David Lanz za leto 2010 je javnost plača poklon enemu izmed njegovih največjih vplivov - The Beatles - in vključuje omamljanje originalni del v poklon do pasu, kot tudi njegove edinstvene klavir solo interpretacije njihovih klasikov. David Lanz. Liverpool, Anglija. Mesto na bregovih reke Mersey. Reka je znana v 1964 hitu "Ferry Across The Mersey", Gerry in srčnih spodbujevalnikov. Liverpool. rojstna hiša Janeza, Paul, George in Ringo, in kjer smo začeli našo glasbeno pot. Zvoki Mersey pristanišče je mogoče slišati, saj uvaja prve sevov otvoritvene pesmi. Ta naslov skladbe je bila sestavljena kot poklon, čustveno uverturo razpoloženje, prežeta s subtilno glasbeno fraziranje iz Fab Four. Od tu prečkala skozi desetletje Lennon in McCartney pesmi, urejena in ponovno zamislili skozi objektiv mojega glasbenega glasu, ki sicer je bil oblikovan z veseljem in to veliko in trajno zapuščino glasbeno zgodovino obveščen - časovno tako eksplozivne in plodno bomo morda nikoli več videla česa podobnega. Sem preživel skoraj pol leta, da poslušajo, izbiro in pripravo materiala, ki se zbirajo na Liverpool. Na snemanjih je začela maja 2009 in potekajo prek padca. Ko je bil levji delež snemanje končano, in na vztrajanje mojega prijatelja in sodelavca Gary Stroutsos, smo skupaj z fotografom in osebni asistent, Carole maja, se je odpravil na romanje v Liverpoolu v Angliji, da vidite, kje glasba Beatles vse začelo. Kmalu po našem prihodu, smo dobili izjemno turnejo z National Trust v Angliji. Začelo se je z intimnim Inside Poglej John Lennon je deček doma, kjer je živel od petega leta starosti, dokler je bil triindvajset. Bil sem popolnoma prevzel nepripravljene na vpliv duh prostora je za mano. To je bilo še posebej velja, ko sem se povzpel po stopnicah in je stal sam v majhni sobi, ki je bila Johna, prostor, kjer je storil veliko svojega zgodnjega domiselne sanje. Mrzlica tekel skozi mene in duhovi iz preteklosti je bilo otipljivo. Bilo je tukaj v tej hiši z imenom Mendips, da je 14-letni Paul McCartney in 17-letni John Lennon se je začela svoje prijateljstvo in začel pisanje pesmi partnerstvo, ki bi spremenil svet. Prav tako kmalu začela so se sestali in pisanje pesmi Paul McCartney je bolj skromni dom, manj kot kilometer stran od Mendips, pri 20 Forthlin Road. Naša tura je nadaljevalo skozi McCartney doma. Eden od izstopajočih lastnosti je črne in bele izvirne fotografije, ki jih mlajšega brata Pavla, Mihaela. Fotografije zajemanje družina, prijatelji in vsakdanje gospodinjske dogodki. Najbolj opazna je bila fotografija dveh najstniških glasbenikov, ki je sedel v Pavlovem majhno dnevno sobo, ki ima kitare, notebook odprli na roko napisanih besedil v zgodnji Lennon in McCartney klasike "I Saw Her Standing There". Tako sem hvaležen za priložnost, da so priključene na tak intimen način in da so prišli polni krog z dvema od mojih največjih glasbenih vzornikov. Nikoli ne bom pozabil na čas, preživet v Liverpoolu. znižanje Penny Lane, ki je stal pri vratih na Strawberry Fields. vse daje nov pomen in večjo dimenzijo glasbe Beatlov. "Obstajajo kraji Spomnim. Vse moje življenje. Liverpool. Dež Osem dni na teden. Ker sem Only Sleeping. London Skies - John Lennon Suite. Lovely Rita. Norwegian Wood. Ta Bird je preletenih. Stvari je rekel, da smo danes. Da Je.