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The Ragtime Dance. Scott Joplin. Flute sheet music.Prevod
Ragtime Dance. Scott Joplin. Flavta note.Originalno
The Ragtime Dance composed by Scott Joplin. 1868-1917. Arranged by Castine. Flute Ensemble. For 6 Flutes. Sheet Music. Published by Zimmermann. PE.ZM31800. At the turn of the century, Ragtime still had much of the aura of the saloons and "sporting houses" in which it was born, although the harmonic language used by Joplin goes beyond what one would expect of bawdy background music and, indeed, sometimes bears a striking resemblance to that of Chopin. Although a forerunner of Jazz, Ragtime is in essence a composed, rather than improvised art form. Nevertheless, a certain amount of extemporaneous ornamentation is characteristic of authentic performance practice, particularly in repeated sections. Following on this model, the arrangement found here contains much in the way of ornamentation. The tempo marking - not too fast - is Joplin's original instruction.Prevod
Ragtime Dance sestavljajo Scott Joplin. 1868-1917. Urejene po Castine. Flute Ensemble. 6 flavte. Sheet Music. Izdala Zimmermann. PE.ZM31800. Na prelomu stoletja, Ragtime še imel veliko auri v salonih in "športnih hiš", v katerem se je rodila, čeprav harmonična jezik, ki ga uporabljajo Joplin presega tisto, kar bi pričakovali od bawdy glasbo in seveda včasih ima presenetljivo spominja, da je od Chopina. Čeprav predhodnik Jazz, Ragtime je v bistvu sestavljen, kot improvizirana oblika umetnosti. Kljub temu pa določena količina improvizirano okraševanje je značilno avtentični izvajalski praksi, še zlasti v zaporednih oddelkih. Po na tem modelu, razporeditev najdete tukaj vsebuje veliko na poti okrasja. Tempo CE - ne prehitro - je izvirna navodila Joplin je.Največkrat iskano