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You Can Teach Yourself Guitar. William Bay. Easy Guitar sheet music. Beginning.


You Can Teach Yourself Guitar. William Bay. Easy Guitar note. Začetek.


You Can Teach Yourself Guitar composed by William Bay. For Guitar. All. Perfect binding, Methods. You Can Teach Yourself. All Styles. Beginning. Book. CD Set. 112 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94301BCD. ISBN 9780786644100. All Styles. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. This is a very popular guitar method. Its success lies in the fact that is extremely easy to understand and very flexible. It moves at a slow, steady pace and enables you to play chord accompaniments in 7 primary guitar keys. In addition, you will learn to strum blues chords and you will also begin to play fingerstyle backgrounds. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Down in the Valley. Down By The Riverside. Beginning. Careless Love. Give Me Oil in My Lamp. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Away In A Manger. Blues Endings. Single Note Finger Style Lick. Do, Lord. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. On Jordan's Stormy Banks. Streets Of Loredo. There Is a Tavern in the Town. What Child Is This. 12th Street And Delmar. Blues Run In Tab Form. Oh, Sinner Man. Slidin' Into E. Syncopated Pattern. Bless The Lord. Three Blind Mice. Old Joe Clark. This Little Light of Mine. Wade In The Water. Blues Shuffle Rhythm. Green Grow The Lilacs. Oh, My Darling Clementine. The Bend. Another 3. 4 Strum. Amazing Grace. Rock-A-My-Soul. What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Coventry Carol. Polly Wolly Doodle. Were You There. Worried Man Blues. Frankie and Johnny. Long, Long Ago. Mine Eyes And My Desire. Shuffle Rhythm. Blues Shuffle Boogie. Standing In, The Need Of Prayer. The God Of Abraham Praise. The Wabash Cannonball. Brother John Sing And Play. City Slicker. Down And Out. Go Tell It On the Mountain. Shenandoah. The Marine's Hymn. A New 4. 4 Strum. Look Down. He's Got The Whole World. Just A Closer Walk. Kum Ba Yah. Mary Ann. Peace Like A River. Pushin' And A Pullin'. Buffalo Gals. Motown Shuffle. Now The Day Is Over. Pay Me Money Down. She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain. When The Saints Go Marching In. Aura Lee. Beautiful Brown Eyes. Sweet By And By. When Johnny Comes Marching Home.


You Can Teach Yourself Guitar sestavljeno William Bay. Za kitaro. Vse. Popolna vezava, Metode. You Can Teach Yourself. Vse Styles. Začetek. Knjiga. CD Set. 112 strani. Izdala Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94301BCD. ISBN 9780786644100. Vse Styles. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. To je zelo priljubljen način kitara. Njen uspeh je v tem, da je zelo enostaven za razumevanje in zelo prilagodljiv. Se premika počasi in enakomerno hitrostjo in vam omogoča, da igrajo tetiva spremljav v 7 primarnih ključev kitare. Poleg tega se boste naučili Drndanje blues akordov in boste tudi začeli igrati Fingerstyle ozadja. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. V dolini. Navzdol ob reki. Začetek. Nepreviden Ljubezen. Daj mi olje v moj Lamp. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Gosti v jasli. Blues Endings. Samski Opomba Finger Style Lick. Storiti, Lord. Vsak Time I Feel The Spirit. Na Jordanije Stormy bank. Streets Of Loredo. Obstaja Tavern v mestu. Kaj Child Is This. 12th Street In Delmar. Blues prodor Tab obrazcu. Oh, Sinner Man. Slidin "Into E. Sinkopiranih Vzorec. Blagoslovi Gospoda. Tri slepe miši. Old Joe Clark. Ta Little Light of Mine. Wade v vodo. Blues Shuffle Rhythm. Zelena raste lilij. Oh, My Darling Clementine. Bend. Druga 3. 4 Preigravajte. Amazing Grace. Rock-A-My-Soul. Kaj naj naredimo s Drunken Sailor. Battle Hymn Republike. Coventry Carol. Polly wolly Doodle. Ste bili. Skrbelo Man Blues. Frankie in Johnny. Long, Long Ago. Moje oči in moje Desire. Shuffle Rhythm. Blues Shuffle Boogie. Stoji v, potrebo po molitvi. Bog Abrahamov Praise. Wabash Cannonball. Brother John igrati in peti. Mesto Slicker. Navzdol in navzven. Pojdi Povej It On the Mountain. Shenandoah. The Marine je Hymn. New 4. 4 Preigravajte. Poglej Dol. On ima cel svet,. Samo Closer Walk. Kum Ba Yah. Mary Ann. Mir Kot River. Privadim In Pullin ". Buffalo Galona. Motown Shuffle. Zdaj dneva je konec. Plačajte mi denar dol. Ona bo Prihaja Round the Mountain. Ko Saints Go Marching V. Aura Lee. Beautiful Brown Eyes. Sweet By In By. Ko Johnny Comes Marching Domov.