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Ride The Lightning - Drums. Metallica. Drums sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Intermediate.
Ride The Lightning - Bobni. Metallica. Bobni note. Tolkala note. Vmesna.
Ride The Lightning - Drums. For Drums. By Metallica. For Drums. Percussion. Metal and Hard Rock. Difficulty. medium. Drum notation songbook. Drum notation, vocal melody, lyrics, drum notation legend and performance notes. 48 pages. Cherry Lane Music #3507. Published by Cherry Lane Music. HL.2503507. ISBN 0895246104. With drum notation, vocal melody, lyrics, drum notation legend and performance notes. Metal and Hard Rock. 9x12 inches. Matching folio to Metallica's second album, including. Creeping Death. Fade To Black. and more. Fight Fire With Fire. Ride The Lightning. For Whom the Bell Tolls. Escape. Trapped Under Ice. The Call Of Ktulu. Creeping Death. Fade To Black.
Ride The Lightning - Bobni. Za Drums. Metallica. Za Drums. Tolkala. Metal in Hard Rock. Težavnost. srednje. Drum zapis pesmarica. Boben za zapis, vokalna melodija, pesmi, drum zapis legenda in uspešnosti pojasnila. 48 strani. Cherry Lane Music. Izdala Cherry Lane Music. HL.2503507. ISBN 0895246104. Z boben za zapis, vokalna melodija, pesmi, drum zapis legenda in uspešnosti pojasnila. Metal in Hard Rock. 9x12 cm. Ujemanje Folio za drugi album Metallice, vključno. Creeping Death. Zbledi v črno. in bolj. Boj proti ognju z ognjem. Ride The Lightning. Za koga so Cestnine Bell. Escape. Ujet v ledu. The Call Of Ktulu. Creeping Death. Zbledi v črno.