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Nunc Dimittis. A Cappella sheet music.


Nunc Dimittis. Cappella note.


Nunc Dimittis composed by Patrick Rooney. For SATB choir, a cappella. Pathways Series. Octavo. Duration 4 minutes. Published by Imagine Music. IG.VMF134. COMPOSER'S NOTES I stumbled upon this text while reading about Sergei Rachmoninov's All Night Vespers, and the way he had painted the text in his setting of Nunc Dimittis. I was inspired by how he used both harmony and texture to paint the calm, meditative nature of the text and how he captured it's use as a prayer for the evening time. As I more closely examined the text, I began to feel its emotion and hear music in the words that gave me a deep desire to create a setting of my own. The biblical context of this text is of a prayer of praise and thanks. An old, suffering man. Simeon. was wishing for death to achieve peace at last. Upon seeing Jesus taken to the temple to be baptized, Simeon says these words of prayer to exalt and thank God for fulfilling the prophecy which He had promised would occur before Simeon could be released to death. the coming of the Son of God. This text has become possibly the most common evening prayer used in the worship services of churches in both the Eastern and Western Traditions. In setting this text, I attempted to capture not just the meaning of the text, but also its meditative nature. The composition is designed to progress as a journey of sorts, containing a sense of longing and a hope. The piece reaches a joyous climax illustrating the experience of witnessing Jesus's long awaited arrival. It is my hope that both performer and audience will experience the feeling of that journey.


Nunc Dimittis sestavljajo Patrick Rooney. Za SATB zbor, a cappella. Poti Series. Osma. Trajanje 4 minute. Izdala Predstavljajte Music. IG.VMF134. POJASNILA skladateljevega sem naletel na to besedilo, ko berem o Sergeja Rachmoninov All Night večernicah, in način, kako ga je naslikal besedilo v njegovem določanju Nunc Dimittis. Navdihnil me je, kako se je tako harmonijo in teksturo slikati miren, meditativen značaj besedila in kako ga ujeli, da je uporaba kot molitev za večernem času. Kot sem bolj pozorno proučil besedilo, sem začel čutiti njeno čustvo in slišati glasbo z besedami, da mi je dal globoko željo, da bi ustvarili nastavitev moje. Svetopisemski kontekst tega besedila je molitev za hvalo in zahvalo. Stari, trpi človek. Simeon. je želijo za smrt za dosego miru na zadnji. Po videnje Jezusa odpeljali v templju se je krstil, Simeon pravi, da te besede molitve, da bi povzdignil in hvala bogu za izpolnitev prerokbe, ki mu je obljubil, bi se zgodilo, preden se lahko sprosti Simeon do smrti. prihod Božjega Sina. To besedilo je postal morda najbolj pogosti večerne molitve uporablja pri storitvah čaščenja cerkva v obeh vzhodne in zahodne tradicije. Pri določanju tega besedila, sem poskušal ujeti ne le pomen besedila, temveč tudi meditativne narave. Sestava je zasnovan tako, da napreduje kot potovanje vrst, ki vsebujejo občutek hrepenenja in upanja. Kos doseže vrhunec veselo ponazarja izkušnjo priča Jezusovega dolgo pričakovani prihod. To je moje upanje, da se bo tako performer in občinstvo doživeli občutek tem potovanju.
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