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Praise. Our Songs and Hymns. KJV, Dawn Blue. Various. Choir sheet music.


Pohvale. Naši pesmi in psalmi. KJV, Dawn Blue. Various. Zbor note.


Praise. Our Songs and Hymns. KJV, Dawn Blue. arranged by Various. For SATB choir. Benson Hymnals. Sacred, Modern Christian. Hymnal. Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.2598642137. Songs include. 'Tis Midnight An On Olive's Brow - 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus - A Christian Home - A Flag To Follow - A Mighty Fortress - A Student's Prayer - Abide With Me - Above Every Name - According To Thy Gracious Word - Alas. And Did My Savior Bleed. - All Creatures Of Our God And King - All Day Song - All For Jesus - All Glory To Jesus - All Glory, Laud and Honor - All Hail The Power - All In The Name Of Jesus - All Nature's Works His Praise Declare - All People That On Earth Do Dwell - All That Thrills My Soul - All The Way My Savior Leads Me - All Things Work Out For Good - All Will Be Well - All Your Anxiety - Alleluia - Almighty Father, Strong To Save - Almighty God, Thy Word Is Cast - Almost Persuaded - Am I A Soldier Of The Cross. - Amazing Grace - Amen. - Amens - America The Beautiful - And Can It Be. - Angels We Have Heard On High - Angels, From The Realms Of Glory - Another Year Is Dawning - Anywhere With Jesus - Are You Washed In The Blood. - As With Gladness Men Of Old - At Calvary - At The Cross - At The Name Of Jesus - Away In A Manger - Be Still, My Soul - Be Thou My Vision - Because He Lives - Because I Have Been Given Much - Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme - Behold The Lamb Of God - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus - Beyond The Sunset - Bless His Holy Name - Bless The Lord - Blessed Assurance - Blessed Be The Name - Blessed Quietness - Blessed Redeemer - Blest Be The Tie That Binds - Bread Of The World - Break Thou The Bread Of Life - Breathe On Me, Breath Of God - Brethren, We Have Met To Worship - Bring Back The Springtime - Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary - Calvary Covers It All - Channels Only - Chariot Of Clouds - Children Of The Heavenly Father - Christ Arose. - Christ Be Beside Me - Christ For The World We Sing. - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth. 572 songs arranged by topic. 83 Scripture readings. affirmations. prayers and devotionals. Alphabetical index of titles. first lines and hymn origins. Topical song index with 131 headings. Scriptural texts and adaptations in hymns. Metrical index. Tune index. Everybody Sing Praise To The Lord. Sing Praise To God. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. The Lord Is King. Praise The Lord, Sing Hallelujah. I Just Came To Praise The Lord. We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer. To God Be The Glory. I Sing the Mighty Power of God. Sometimes "Alleluia". Lord, We Praise You. Where Two Or Three Are Gathered. We Gather Together. When All Thy Mercies. Our Sacrifice Of Praise. How Great Thou Art. Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart. God Of Everlasting Glory. Brethren, We Have Met to Worship. Revive Us Again. The Lord Is In His Holy Temple. All Nature's Works His Praise Declare. Thy Loving-Kindness Is Better Than Life. For Thine Is The Kingdom. Praise The Lord Who Reigns Above. For The Beauty Of The Earth. All People That On Earth Do Dwell. O Worship the King. Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme. Alleluia. Love Divine. O God, Our Help In Ages Past. Bless The Lord. Bless His Holy Name. Come, Thou Fount. Now Thank We All Our God. All Creatures Of Our God And King. Doxology. Holy, Holy, Holy. Gloria Patri. We Believe In One True God. Father, I Adore You. Praise Ye The Triune God. Glory Be To God On High. Come, Thou Almighty King. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name. Triune Blessing. Holy, Holy. Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Immortal, Invisible. This Is My Father's World. OUR GREAT SAVIOR. Fairest Lord Jesus. Praise The Savior. May Jesus Christ Be Praised. And Can It Be. O For A Thousand Tongues. Praise Him. Praise Him. Come, Christians, Join To Sing. His Name Is Wonderful. There's Something About That Name. Come Let Us Adore Him. Ye Servants Of God. Jesus, We Just Want To Thank You. I Am His And He Is Mine. Join All the Glorious Names. Thou Art Worthy. Worthy Is The Lamb. Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory. All Glory To Jesus. Above Every Name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds. Let's Just Praise The Lord. Take The Name Of Jesus With You. O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus. Blessed Be the Name. Jesus The Very Thought Of Thee. Holy Spirit, Light Divine. Come, Holy Spirit. Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. O Breath Of Life. Sweet, Sweet Spirit. Spirit Of The Living God. Bring Back The Springtime. Channels Only. The Comforter Has Come. Fill Me Now. Pentecostal Power. Old-time Power. Greater Is He That Is In Me. Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is. Blessed Quietness. O Day Of Rest And Gladness. Amens. Go Out With Joy. The Lord Bless You and Keep You. Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing. God Be With You. Savior, Again To Thy Dear Name. Goodbye. Now The Day Is Over. Day Is Dying In The West. Thanks To God. Come, Ye Thankful People. Great God, We Sing That Mighty Hand. Let Us With Gladsome Mind. Another Year Is Dawning. The Church, O Lord, Is Thine. We Bid You Welcome. Lord God, Our Thanks To Thee We Raise. We Come Unto Our Fathers' God. Open My Eyes. Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart. Standing On The Promises. Break Thou The Bread Of Life. Holy Bible, Book Divine. Almighty God, Thy Word Is Cast. How Wonderful That Book Divine. The Spirit Breathes Upon The Word. Wonderful Words Of Life. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken. Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation. The Church's One Foundation. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Faith of Our Fathers. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord. Blest Be The Tie That Binds. Praise God For The Body. The Bond Of Love. The Family Of God. Christian Love. There's Quiet Understanding. Renew Thy Church, Her Ministries Restore. There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing. Shine Thou Upon Us, Lord. O Grant Us Light. A Student's Prayer. My Lord, I Do Not Ask To Stand. A Christian Home. Happy The Home When God Is There. Our Thanks, Of God, For Parents. Lord Of Life And King Of Glory. Faith Of Our Mothers. Thou Gracious God, Whose Mercy Lends. In Jordan's Stream. We Bless The Name Of Christ, The Lord. See Israel's Gentle Shepherd Stand. The Child We Dedicate To Thee. Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face To Face. According To Thy Gracious Word. Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts. Bread Of The World. O Lamb Of God. Let Us Break Bread Together. Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow. For God So Loved The World. Hallelujah, What A Savior. Wounded For Me. One Day. Come And Praise. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne. Joy To The World. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus. O Thou Joyful, O Thou Wonderful. Lift Up Your Heads. Hark. The Glad Sound. Go Tell It On the Mountain. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence. O Come, All Ye Faithful. Angels We Have Heard On High. What Child Is This. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing. Angels, From The Realms Of Glory. O Holy Night. Silent Night. Holy Night. When Lights Are Lit On Christmas Eve. Away In A Manger. The First Noel. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks. Ring The Bells. While By Our Sheep. O Little Town of Bethlehem. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. As with Gladness Men of Old. Now Shine A Thousand Candles Bright. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. We Three Kings. Good Christian Men, Rejoice. Love Was When. The Healer. Down From His Glory. Lonesome Valley. Tell Me The Story Of Jesus. That Beautiful Name. Behold the Lamb of God. O Love How Deep, How Broad, How High. Amen. All Glory, Laud and Honor. O Zion, Acclaim Your Redeemer. Ride On, Ride On, O Savior-King. Hosanna, Loud Hosanna. He Was Wounded For Our Transgressions. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded. O How He Loves You And Me. Cross Of Jesus, Cross Of Sorrow. Go To Dark Gethsemane. Why. Blessed Redeemer. Jesus Paid It All. Thanks. Lead Me To Calvary. There Is A Green Hill Far Away. What Will You Do With Jesus. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. Alas. And Did My Savior Bleed. 'Tis Midnight An On Olive's Brow. At the Cross. Were You There. Rise Again. The Day Of Resurrection. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today. Christ Arose. He's Living Today. He Is Lord. The Strife Is O'er. I Live. Jesus Lives. Because He Lives. Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain. All Hail the Power. Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned. Crown Him with Many Crowns. At The Name Of Jesus. Rejoice The Lord Is King. Jesus Shall Reign. Look, Ye Saints. The Sight Is Glorious. What If It Were Today. When He Shall Come. Jesus Is Coming Again. Lo. He Comes, With Clouds Descending. Christ Returneth. Chariot Of Clouds. With The Sound Of Trumpets. He Is Coming Again. I'll Fly Away. Will Jesus Find Us Watching. Jesus Is Coming. Lift Up The Trumpet. Is It The Crowning Day. Ye Must Be Born Again. Jesus Is The Friend Of Sinners. For Those Tears I Died. Not What These Hands Have Done. There Is A Fountain. My Hope Is In The Lord. Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary. Thank You, Lord. Nothing But The Blood. O Let Your Soul Now Be Filled With Gladness. Fill My Cup, Lord. All In The Name Of Jesus. I Know A Fount. Once For All. O Happy Day. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power. My Faith Has Found A Resting Place. Calvary Covers It All. My Sins Are Blotted Out, I Know. There's A Wilderness In God's Mercy. I Am Not Skilled To Understand. Tell Me The Old, Old Story. There Is Power In The Blood. Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus. If I Gained The World. I Am The Door, The Savior Said. The Light Of The World Is Jesus. I Know Whom I Have Believed. Jesus, Thy Blood And Righteousness. The Love of God. Wonderful Grace Of Jesus. Unbounded Grace. Amazing Grace. Great God Of Wonders. Only A Sinner. Grace. 'Tis A Charming Sound. Grace Greater Than Our Sin. Only Trust Him. Room At The Cross For You. The Savior Is Waiting. Softly And Tenderly. Have You Any Room For Jesus. Come With Your Heartache. For You I am Praying. Almost Persuaded. Just As I Am. God's Final Call. Are You Washed In The Blood. Rise And Be Healed. Pass Me Not. Into My Heart. Lord, I'm Coming Home. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Jesus, I Come. Rock Of Ages. O For A Closer Walk With God. Cleanse Me. Whiter Than Snow. Blessed Assurance. Trust and Obey. It Is Well With My Soul. I Just Keep Trusting My Lord. Trusting Jesus. 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. Jesus, I Am Resting. All Things Work Out For Good. Children Of The Heavenly Father. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Anywhere With Jesus. Moment by Moment. Until Then. All Will Be Well. A Mighty Fortress. Be Still, My Soul. He Hideth My Soul. Yesterday, Today, Forever. Nothing Is Impossible. How Firm A Foundation. I Have Christ In My Heart. The Solid Rock. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow. God Moves In A Mysterious Way. Like A River Glorious. All Your Anxiety. Peace Like A River. Jesus Never Fails. O Lord. Does Jesus Care. There Is A Balm In Gilead. Wonderful Peace. No One Understands Like Jesus. Come Ye Disconsolate. Peace, Perfect Peace. Where Could I Go. Jesus Cares. In The Cross of Christ I Glory. O The Love, The Love Of Jesus. God Will Take Care of You. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. He Giveth More Grace. Each Step Of The Way. Jesus Is Walking With Me. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. He Leadeth Me. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us. The Lord's My Shepherd. If You Will Only Let God Guide You. The King Of Love My Shepherd Is. Surely Goodness And Mercy. Day by Day. The Branch Of Healing. God Is So Good. In Pleasant Places. Precious Lord, Take My Hand. All The Way My Savior Leads Me. Almighty Father, Strong To Save. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me. Be Thou My Vision. Sun of My Soul. Higher Ground. Lord, I Want To Be A Christian. I Need The Every Hour. I Would Be Like Jesus. I Am Thine, O Lord. My Jesus, I Love Thee. Near To Thy Heart. May The Mind Of Christ My Savior. Make Me A Blessing. Christ Be Beside Me. My Desire. More About Jesus. My Faith Looks Up To Thee. To Be Like Jesus. Close To Thee. Nothing Between. O To Be Like Thee. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. More Love To Thee. I Would Be True. Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus. Create In My A Clean Heart. Near The Cross. Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord. Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus. I Must Tell Jesus. Teach Me To Pray. Near to the Heart of God. Spend A Little Time With Jesus In Prayer. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Lord, Listen To Your Children Praying. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Our Father In Heaven. Let Us Come Boldly. Pray For Me. Prayer Responses. Tell It To Jesus. In Times Like These. Who Is On The Lord's Side. Take Time To Be Holy. Give Them All To Jesus. Jesus Calls Us. Only Believe. Yield Not To Temptation. Reach Out To Jesus. We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder. All Day Song. Count Your Blessings. Because I Have Been Given Much. Grant Us, Lord, The Grace Of Giving. Little Is Much When God Is In It. Something for Thee. We Give Thee But Thine Own. I Gave My Life For Thee. Trust, Try and Prove Me. Seek Ye First. I'll Live For Him. Follow On. Wherever He Leads I'll Go. A Flag To Follow. Only One Life. The Master Has Come. Have Thine Own Way, Lord. I'd Rather Have Jesus. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken. Shepherds Of Love. Take My Life and Let It Be. Living For Jesus. I Surrender All. Where He Leads Me. All For Jesus. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus. The Son Of God Goes Forth To War. Stand Up for Jesus. We Are More Than Conquerors. Fight The Good Fight. Faith Is The Victory. Lead On, O King Eternal. The Banner Of The Cross. I've A Home Beyond The River. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. He The Pearly Gates Will Open. My Savior First Of All. When We See Christ. When We All Get To Heaven. In The Sweet By And By. Beyond The Sunset. What A Day That Will Be. Mansion Over The Hilltop. Over The Sunset Mountains. O That Will Be Gory. Jesus Led Me All The Way. We're Marching to Zion. Shall We Gather at the River. For All The Saints. Abide with Me. Face To Face. The Sands Of Time Are Sinking. Where the Roses Never Fade. We Shall Walk Through The Valley. I've A Longing In My Heart. O Jordan's Stormy Banks. America The Beautiful. My Country, 'Tis Of Thee. God Bless Our Native Land. God Of Our Fathers. Thou, By Heavenly Hosts Adored. Where Cross The Crowded Ways Of Life. When Your Heart, With Joy O'erflowing. Let Your Heart Be Broken. Cups Of Cold Water. Share Jesus With Others. Jesus Saves. Hear The Voice Of Jesus Calling. O Zion, Haste. Christ For The World We Sing. Am I A Soldier Of The Cross. So Send I You By Grace Made Strong. So Send I You. We've Got A Story To Tell. The Church Of God Is Debtor. Go Ye Into All The World. Send The Light. The Breaking Of The Bread. Pass It On. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee. In Christ There Is No East Or West. Lord, Speak To Me. Show A Little Bit Of Love And Kindness. With Eternity's Values In View. I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go. Who Will Tell Them. Rescue the Perishing. I Love To Tell The Story. Freely, Freely. It Took A Miracle. Love Lifted Me. O How I Love Jesus. I've Found A Friend. My Savior's Love. Saved, Saved. At Calvary. Heaven Came Down. Voctory In Jesus. Got Any Rivers. Without Him. No, Not One. He Was There All The Time. What A Wonderful Savior. He Touched Me. I Believe In Miracles. Love Found A Way. Satisfied. My Tribune. New Life. Now I Belong To Jesus. I Will Sing Of My Redeemer. I Can Do All Things. In the Garden. Jesus Loves Even Me. Through It All. Something Beautiful. He Lifted Me. I Will Sing the Wondrous Story. No Other Song. Glory To His Name. He's Everything To Me. He Lives. Jesus Christ Is The Way. In My Heart There Rings A Melody. Isn't The Love Of Jesus Something Wonderful. The Old Rugged Cross. Jesus Loves Me. Jesus Is All The World To Me. Redeemed. Springs Of Living Water. Sunshine In My Soul. Yes, He Did. Since Jesus Came Into My Heart. You Can Have A Song In Your Heart. All That Thrills My Soul. His Banner Over Me Is Love. Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus. Happiness Is The Lord. Learning To Lean. He's The Savior Of My Soul. He's The One. No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus. Happy Am I. He Keeps Me Singing.


Pohvale. Naši pesmi in psalmi. KJV, Dawn Blue. urejeno z različnimi. Za SATB zbor. Benson pesmarice. Sveto, Modern Christian. Pesmarica. Izdala Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.2598642137. Pesmi vključuje. 'Tis Midnight o oljčnem na čelo -' Tis Torej Sweet zaupati Jezusu - Christian Domov - zastavica slediti - Mighty Fortress - Molitev študenta - Ostani z mano - nad vsakim imenom - po tvoji milostljiv Word - Alas. In je moj Odrešenik Bleed. - Vse bitja našega Boga in kralja - All Day Song - Vse Jezusu - Vse Slava Jezusu - Vse Glory, Pohvala in čast - All Hail The Power - vse v imenu Jezusa - vsa narava je Works pohvalami razglaša za - Vsi Ljudje To za vraga pa naseli - Vse, ki navdušuje moje duše - All My Way Odrešenik me vodi - Vse stvari izšlo dobro - bo vse dobro - All Your Tesnobnost - Aleluja - Vsemogočni Oče, Strong, da prihranite - Vsemogočnemu Bogu besedo tvojo se Cast - Skoraj prepričanju - Am IA Soldier Of The Cross. - Amazing Grace - Amen. - Amens - America The Beautiful - In to je lahko. - Angeli smo slišali na High - Angels, From The Realms of Glory - Another Year je Svitanje - Anywhere Z Jezusom - Are You Oprana v krvi. - Kot je z veseljem Men of Old - Na Kalvariji - na križu - po Jezusovem imenu - Gosti V Manger - Be Still My Soul - Bodi moja vizija - ker živi - Ker so bila dana Much - Begin, Moj jezik, nekaj nebeški Theme - Glejte, Božje Jagnje - Beneath Jezusovega križa - Beyond The Sunset - Bless njegovo sveto ime - Bless The Lord - Blessed Assurance - Blessed Be The Name - blaženi tišini - Blessed Redeemer - Blest Bodi Tie ki se veže - Kruh of the World - Break Ti si kruh življenja - Breathe On Me, dih Boga - Bratje, Izpolnili smo častili - Bring Back pomlad - Bremena se odpravijo na Kalvariji - Kalvarija It All Covers - kanale - voz oblakov - otroci nebeškega Očeta - Kristus je nastal. - Kristus Bodi ob meni - Kristus za svetovni pojemo. - Kristus je narejen Sure Foundation - Kristus vrnil,. 572 pesmi urejene po temah. 83 Sveto pismo branje. Izjave. molitve in devotionals. Abecedni seznam naslovov. Prve vrstice in Himna izvor. Indeks aktualna skladba s 131 postavkami. Knjižnega besedila in priredbe v hvalnic. Metrični indeks. Indeks Tune. Vsi pojte Slava Gospodu. Pojejo hvalo Bogu. Hvalite Gospoda, vsemogočnega. Gospod je kralj. Hvalite Gospoda, Sing Aleluja. Prišel sem pohvalil Gospoda. Hvalimo Tebe, o Bog, naš Odrešenik. Bogu Bodite Glory. I Sing mogočne moči Boga. Včasih "Aleluja!". Gospod, hvalimo vas. Če se dva ali trije so zbrani. Skupaj zbiramo. Ko vse Thy Mercies. Naša Sacrifice Of Praise. Kako Great Thou Art. Veselite se, Ye čistim v srcu. Bog večno slavo. Bratje, smo srečali na verske. Oživiti nas ponovno. Gospod je v svoji Sveti Temple. Vsa narava je Works pohvalami razglasi,. Tvoje ljubeče prijaznosti je boljši Than Life. Ker tvoje je kraljestvo. Hvalite Gospoda, ki kraljuje nad. Za lepoto Zemlje. Vsi ljudje na Zemlji Do naseli. O častili kralju. Začetek, moj jezik, nekaj Heavenly Theme. Aleluja!. Ljubezen božansko. O Bog, Naša Pomoč V veku preteklosti. Blagoslovi Gospoda. Blagoslovi njegovo sveto ime. Daj no, ti Vodnjak. Zdaj Hvala bogu, smo vse. Vsa bitja našega Boga in kralja. Doxology. Holy, Holy, Holy. Gloria Patri. Verjamemo v enem pravega Boga. Oče, obožujem vas. Praise Ye troedinega Boga. Slava Bogu na visokih. Daj no, ti vsemogočni kralju. Sveti Bog, hvalimo tvoje ime. Troedini Blessing. Holy, Holy. Pohvale, My Soul, King of Heaven. Joyful, Joyful, častimo Thee. Great Is Thy Zvestoba. Immortal, Invisible. To je svetovno očetova. Naša velika SAVIOR. Najlepša Gospod Jezus. Hvalite rešitelj. Morda Jezus Kristus je dobrodošlo. In to je lahko. O za tisoč Tongues. Ga pohvalite. Ga pohvalite. Daj no, kristjani, Pridružite pel. Njegovo ime je čudovito. Nekaj ​​je na tem imenom. Pridite Naj nas častite Ga. Ye uslužbencev Boga. Jezus, smo samo želim, da se vam zahvaljujem. Jaz sem njegova in on je Mine. Pridružite Vsi slavno Imena. Thou Art Worthy. Vredno je Jagnje. Moje oči so videli Glory. Vse Slava Jezusu. Nad vsakim imenom. Jezus, Jezus, Jezus. Kako Sweet imenu Jezusa Zvoki. Reciva, Hvalite Gospoda. Bodite v imenu Jezusa z vami. O Deep, Deep Jezusove ljubezni. Hvaljen Ime. Jezus Very Thought Of Thee. Sveti Duh, Light Divine. Pridi, Sveti Duh. Božji Duh, se spustimo Upon My Heart. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. O Breath Of Life. Sweet, Sweet Spirit. Duh živega Boga. Bring Back spomladi. Kanali samo. Tolažnik Has Come. Me izpolnite Zdaj. Binkoštna moč. Old-time moč. Večja je, ki je v meni. Kjer je Duh Gospodov je. Blažena tišina. O dan počitka in veselje. Amens. Go Out z radostjo. Naj vas Bog blagoslovi in ​​Keep You. Gospod, Opusti nam tvojega blagoslova. Bog z vami. Rešitelj, spet Thy Name Dragi. Goodbye. Zdaj dneva je konec. Dan umira na Zahodu. Hvala Bogu. Pridite, hvaležen People. Veliki Bog, pojemo To Mighty Hand. Naj nam Gladsome Mind. Še eno leto je Svitanje. Cerkev, o Gospod, je tvoje. Mi vam dobrodošlico. Gospod Bog, Naši Hvala tebi dvigamo. Mi Daj Bogu naših očetov '. Odprem oči. Thy besed sem se skrila v mojem srcu. Stoji na Promises. Break Ti si kruh življenja. Sveto pismo, Knjiga Divine. Vsemogočni Bog, tvoja beseda je Cast. Kako čudovito, da Knjiga Divine. Duh diha ob Wordu. Čudovite Besede življenja. Glorious stvari o tebi govorijo. Kristus je narejen Sure Foundation. Cerkve One Foundation. Nadaljnja, Christian Soldiers. Faith of Our Fathers. I Love Thy kraljestvo, Gospod. Blest Bodi Tie, ki veže. Hvalite Boga za telo. Bond Of Love. Družina Of God. Christian Ljubezen. Tam Mirna razumevanje. Renew Thy Cerkev, Njene Ministrstva Restore. Tam se Tuš blagoslov. Shine Thou na nas, Gospod. O Grant nas svetlobe. Molitev študenta. Gospod, jaz ne prosim, da Stand. Christian Domov. Z veseljem Home Ko je Bog obstaja. Naša Hvala, Of God, za starše. Lord Of Life And King Of Glory. Faith naše mame. Ti milostljiv Bog, Čigava Mercy posoja. V Jordaniji je tok. Mi Bless imenu Kristusa, Gospoda. Glejte Izraela Gentle Shepherd Stand. Otrok bomo posvetili tebi. Tukaj O moj Gospodar, vidim Thee iz oči v oči. Po tvoji milostljiv Wordu. Jezus, Ti Joy ljubiti Hearts. Kruh Of The World. O Lamb Of God. Vzemimo Kruh Skupaj. Včeraj, danes, jutri. Boga namreč svet tako vzljubil. Aleluja, kaj Odrešenik. Ranjen For Me. One Day. Come In Praise. Ti si dopust Thy Throne. Veselje v svet. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Daj no, ti si dolgo pričakovani Jezus. O Thou Joyful, O Thou Wonderful. Dvigni Heads. Evocirati. Vesel sem, da Sound. Pojdi Povej It On the Mountain. Naj All Mortal Flesh molči. O Come, All Ye Faithful. Angeli smo slišali na visokih. Kaj Child Is This. Evocirati. Herald Angels Sing. Angeli, From The Realms of Glory. O Holy Night. Silent Night. Holy Night. Ko so lučk na božični večer. Gosti v jasli. First Noel. Medtem ko Pastirji gledani svoje črede. Zvonili zvonovi. Medtem ko se je z naše ovce. O mestece iz Betlehema. Je prišel Ob Midnight Clear. Kot je z veseljem Men Staro. Zdaj sijalo Tisoč sveč Bright. Slišal sem Bells na božični dan. Mi Three Kings. Good Christian Men, Veselite. Ljubezen je bilo, ko. Zdravilec. Navzdol od svojega Glory. Lonesome Valley. Povej mi zgodbo o Jezusu. To lepo ime. Glejte, Božje Jagnje. O ljubezni, kako globoko, kako Broad, How High. Amen. Vse Glory, Laud in Honor. O Zion, odobravanje Vaš Odrešenika. Ride On, Ride On, O Odrešenik-King. Hozana, Loud Hozana. Ranjen je bil zaradi naših prestopkov. O Sacred Head, zdaj Ranjeni. O, kako je tebe in mene Loves. Jezusovega križa, križ Sorrow. Pojdi na Dark Getsemani. Zakaj. Blessed Odrešenik. Jezus It All Plačan. Hvala. Svinec Me Za Kalvarijo. There Is Green Hill Far Away. Kaj boste storili z Jezusom. Ko sem Survey čudežno križ. Alas. In je moj Odrešenik Bleed. 'Tis Midnight On Olive Brow. Na križu. Ste bili. Rise spet. Dan vstajenja. Kristus Gospod je Risen Today. Kristus je nastal. On Living Danes. On je Gospod. Strife je varujeta. Živim. Jezus Lives. Ker živi. Pridite, Faithful, Raise seva. Vse Hail moč. Majestic Sladkost sedi na prestolu. Ga okronali z veliko krone. V imenu Jezusa. Veselite se, Jahve je kralj. Jezus je kraljeval. Poglej, Ye Saints. Sight Je Glorious. Kaj če bi bil danes. Ko on se. Jesus Is Coming enkrat. To. On pride, z oblaki Padajoče. Kristus vrnil,. Voz oblakov. Z zvokom trobent. Prihaja spet. Bom Fly Away. Bo Jezus Poiščite nas opazujejo. Jesus Is Coming. Dvignite Trumpet. Je Dan Crowning. Ye, je treba ponovno rojeni. Jezus je prijatelj grešnikov. Za solze sem umrl. Ne, kaj ti Roke so to storile. Je vodnjak. Moje upanje je v Gospodu. Obremenitev se odpravijo na Kalvariji. Hvala, Gospod. Nothing But the Blood. O Let Your Soul Zdaj napolni z radostjo. Izpolnite My Cup, Lord. Vse v imenu Jezusa. Poznam studenec. Enkrat za vselej. O Happy Day. Blood Will Never Lose svojo moč. My Faith je našel počivališče. Kalvarija It All ovitkov. Moji grehi so ti opral, I Know. Tam Wilderness V Božjega usmiljenja. Nisem usposobljeni Razumeti. Povej mi, staro, stara zgodba. Tam je moč v krvi. Turn Your Eyes ob Jezusu. Če sem dobil The World. Jaz sem vrata, Odrešenik Said. Luč sveta je Jezus. Vem koga bom verjel. Jezus, tvoja kri in pravičnosti. Božja ljubezen. Wonderful Grace Jezusovo. Neomejen Grace. Amazing Grace. Veliki Bog čudes. Samo Sinner. Grace. 'Tis Charming Sound. Grace večji od našega Sin. Samo Trust Him. Prostor na križ za vas. Odrešenik čaka. Mehko In Nežna. Ste že prostora za Jezusom. Pridi z vašo bolečino. Za vas molim. Skoraj prepričanju. Tako kot sem. Božji Final Call. Ali ste Oprana v krvi. Vstanite in ozdravel. Pass Me Not. Into My Heart. Gospod, Prihajam domov. Jezus, Lover of My Soul. Jezus, I Come. Rock Of Ages. O tesnejše hodi z Bogom. Osvoboditi Me. Bolj bela kot sneg. Blessed Assurance. Zaupanje in Obey. To je dobro z mojo dušo. I Just Keep Zaupanje moj Lord. Zaupanje Jezus. 'Tis tako sladko, da zaupanje v Jezusa. Jezus, jaz sem Počitek. Vse stvari izšlo Dobro. Otroci nebeškega Očeta. Dobil je ves svet v svojih rokah. Anywhere z Jezusom. Moment Moment. Do takrat. Vse bo dobro. Mighty Fortress. Be Still My Soul. On Hideth My Soul. Včeraj, danes, Forever. Nič ni nemogoče. Kako trdno Foundation. I Have Kristusa v srcu. Solid Rock. Vem, kdo Drži Tomorrow. Bog Premakne na skrivnosten način. Kot reka Glorious. All Your tesnoba. Mir Kot River. Jezus nikoli ne. O Lord. Jezus Care. Tam je balzam v Gileadu. Wonderful Peace. Nihče ne razume kot Jezus. Pridite Ye Beznadan. Mir, popoln mir. Kje lahko grem. Jezus Cares. V Kristusovega križa I Glory. O ljubezni, ljubezni,. Bog bo poskrbel za vas. Vodnik Me, O Thou Great Jehova. On Giveth Več Grace. Vsak korak poti. Jezus Walking With Me. Naslanja na Everlasting orožja. On Vodil me. Rešitelj, Kot pastir vpelji nas. Gospodova moj pastir. Če boš Naj samo Bog vodnik vas. King Of Love My Shepherd. Dobrota in usmiljenje. Dan za dnem. Branch Of Healing. Bog je tako dober. V prijetnih krajev. Precious Lord, Take My Hand. All The Way My Odrešenik me vodi. Vsemogočni Oče, Strong za varčevanje. Jezus, Rešitelj, Pilot Me. Be Thou My Vision. Sun of My Soul. Višje Ground. Gospod, želim biti kristjan. I Need vsako uro. Bil bi kot Jezusa. Jaz sem tvoja, o Gospod. Moj Jezus, I Love Thee. Blizu srcem. Maj mislih Kristusa za svojega Odrešenika. Make Me blagoslov. Kristus Bodi ob meni. Moj Desire. Več o Jezusu. My Faith zgleduje po tebi. Kot Jezus. Zapri tebi. Nič od. O To Be Like Teboj. Samo Closer Walk s teboj. Več Ljubezen tebi. Jaz bi veljalo. Sedenje na noge Jezusove. Ustvarite In My Heart Čisto. V bližini križa. Teach Me Thy pot, Gospod. Mora Jezus Bear križ Alone. Dragi Gospod in Oče človeštva. Pod Jezusovega križa. Povedati moram Jezusa. Teach Me To Pray. Blizu srca Boga. Preživeti nekaj časa z Jezusom v molitvi. Kaj prijatelja imamo v Jezusu. Gospod, poslušajte svojo otroki Praying. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Nebeškemu Očetu. Naj nas Gremo pogumno. Molite zame. Molitev Odzivi. Povej to, da Jezusu. V teh časih. Kdo je na Gospodovi Side. Vzemite si čas, da se sveti. Daj vse, da Jezusu. Jezus nas kliče. Verjemite samo. Donos ne želite Temptation. Stik z Jezusom. Smo Plezanje Jakobova lestev. All Day Song. Preštejte svoje blagoslove. Ker sem dobile veliko. Dovolite nam, Gospod, milosti Giving. Malo je veliko Ko je Bog je v njem. Nekaj ​​za teboj. Dajemo Thee Ampak Thine Own. Dal sem življenje zate. Zaupanje, preizkusili in dokazali Me. Seek Ye prvih. Živela bom za njega. Sledite On. Kjerkoli je Interesenti bom Pojdi. Zastava slediti. Samo eno življenje. Master Has Come. Imajo tvoji Own Way, Gospod. Raje Jezusa. Jezus, moj križ bili sprejeti. Pastirji ljubezni. Bodite My Life in Let It Be. Živeti za Jezusom. I Surrender All. Kjer vodi me. Vse Jezusu. Odločil sem se slediti Jezusu. Božji Sin gre na vojsko. Stand Up za Jezusa. Mi smo več kot osvajalci. Boj dober boj. Vera je Victory. Svinec On, kralj Eternal. Banner od Križa. Sem Home Beyond the River. Ko se čutim vpoklican potem tukaj. On Pearly Gates bo odprta. Moj Odrešenik najprej. Ko vidimo Kristusa. When We All Get To Heaven. V bombona, ki pa je z. Beyond The Sunset. Kaj dan, da se bo. Mansion Over hribu. Over the Sunset Mountains. O, da bo Gory. Jezus Led Me All The Way. Pohode v Zion. Se bomo zbrali na reki. Za vse svete. Ravnajo z menoj. Iz oči v oči. The Sands of Time Ali Sinking. Kje Roses Never Fade. Bomo hodil po dolini. Sem hrepenenje v mojem srcu. Ø Jordanov Stormy Banks. America The Beautiful. My Country, 'Tis Of Thee. God Bless Naša Domovino. God Of Our Fathers. Ti, z Heavenly gostitelji oboževal. Kjer prečkamo gneča načini življenja. Ko Your Heart, z veseljem O'erflowing. Vaše srce naj se Broken. Skodelice hladne vode. Deliti Jezusa Z Drugo. Jezus prihrani. Slišati glas Jezusu Calling. O Zion, Haste. Kristus za svetovni pojemo. Sem Soldier Of The Cross. Torej Pošlji sem, da po milosti Made Strong. Torej Pošlji sem, da si. Imamo svojo zgodbo. Cerkev je Božje dolžnika. Pojdite po vsem svetu. Pošlji luči. Lomljenju kruha. Pass It On. O Master, Let Me Walk S Teboj. V Kristusu ni noben vzhodu ali zahodu. Gospod, govori z menoj. Pokaži malo ljubezni in prijaznosti. Z vrednotami večnosti po mnenju. Jaz bom šel tja, kjer želiš, da Go. Kdo jih bo povedal,. Reševanje pogubljenja. I Love povedati zgodbo. Prosto, prosto. Trajalo je čudež. Ljubezen Lifted Me. O, kako ljubim Jezusa. Sem našel prijatelja. Moja ljubezen Odrešenikova. Shranjeno, Saved. Na Kalvarijo. Heaven prišel dol. Voctory V Jezusu. Imaš kakšen Rivers. Brez njega. Ne, ni eden. Tam je bilo vse čas. Kaj Wonderful Odrešenika. Dotaknil se me. Verjamem v čudeže. Ljubezen je našel način. Zadovoljen. Moj Tribune. New Life. Zdaj sem Jezusov. Pel bom Of My Odrešenika. I vse zmorem. Na vrtu. Jesus Loves me celo. Through It All. Nekaj ​​Beautiful. On Me Lifted. Pel bom čudovite zgodbe. No Other Song. Slava njegovega imena,. On mi je vse. Živi. Jezus Kristus je Pot. V mojem srcu ni Rings Melody. Ni ljubezni, nekaj čudovitega. Old Rugged Cross. Jesus Loves Me. Jesus Is All The World To Me. Odkupijo. Izvirom žive vode. Sunshine In My Soul. Da, je. Ker je Jezus prišel v moje srce. Lahko imaš pesem v srcu. Vse, ki navdušuje moja duša. Njegov Banner Over Me je ljubezen. Čudovito, čudovito je Jezus. Sreča je Gospod. Učenje pusto. On je Odrešenik Of My Soul. On je tisti,. Nihče nikoli skrbeli zame kot Jezus. Srečna Am I. Me ohranja petje.
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