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On the Beaten Path -- Beginning Drumset Course, Level 3. Rich Lackowski. Drum Set sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Beginning.


Na utrjenih poti - začetek Drumset seveda, Level 3. Rich Lackowski. Drum Set note. Tolkala note. Začetek.


On the Beaten Path -- Beginning Drumset Course, Level 3. An Inspiring Method to Playing the Drums, Guided by the Legends. Composed by Rich Lackowski. For Drumset. Artist. Personality. Book. CD. Method. Instruction. Percussion - Drum Set Method or Collection. On the Beaten Path. Beginner. 48 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.35445. ISBN 0739071300. This inspiring three-volume series teaches you to play the drums using carefully selected beats and fills from hit songs that shaped modern music. Level 3 teaches you to play with over 30 authentic country, funk, reggae, Latin, and jazz beats and fills by legendary drummers, including Carlton Barrett. Bob Marley. , Joseph "Zigaboo" Modeliste. The Meters. , Nick Mason. Pink Floyd. , Neil Peart. Rush. , and many more. You'll also learn about first and second endings, polyrhythms, sextuplets, dropping bombs, rim shots, open hi-hat splashes, stick clicks, the 5-stroke roll, trading fours, and buzz strokes. Plus, you'll learn to play in more time signatures, and to play double time, half time, ritardandos, and accelerandos. Tips, tools, and terms are used throughout the book to introduce key drumming concepts at just the right pace, and the included audio CD contains all the beats and fills presented in the book. "This series makes it fun to learn to play, learning pieces of inspirational drumming performances to build a rhythmic foundation. - Robin Tolleson, Modern Drummer. "By the time you complete the course, you'll understand the essentials of being a good drummer and have a well-rounded vocabulary of more than 100 beats gleaned from experts like Art Blakey, Mitch Mitchell, Buddy Rich, Max Roach, Ringo Starr, Steven Adler, Levon Helm, and Alex Van Halen. - Making Music magazine. The Path. Acknowledgements. Reading Music Notation---What You Should Already Know. Basic Country Beats. On the Road Again. from Willie Nelson's 16 Biggest Hits. 1998, originally released on the Honeysuckle Rose soundtrack in 1980. The Devil Went Down to Georgia. from The Charlie Daniels Band's Million Mile Reflections. 1979. Basic Funk Beats. Groovy Lady. from The Meters' Funkify Your Life. The Meters Anthology. 1995. Doodle Loop. The World Is a Little Bit Under the Weather. from The Meters' Funkify Your Life. The Meters Anthology. 1995. Unfunky UFO. from Parliament's Mothership Connection. 1976. You Can Make It If You Try. from Sly & the Family Stones' Stand. 1969. Tippi-Toes. from The Meters' Struttin'. 1970. Brick House. from The Commodores' Commodores. 1977. Chameleon. from Herbie Hancock's Head Hunters. 1973. Thinking. from The Meters' Look-Ka Py Py. 1969. Super Bad, Pt. 1. from James Brown's 70's Funk Classics. 2004, single originally released in 1970. Basic Reggae Beats. 54--46 That's My Number. from Toots & The Maytals' The Very Best of Toots & The Maytals. 2000, single originally released in 1968. Buffalo Soldier. from Bob Marley and the Wailers' Confrontation. 1983. One Love. People Get Ready. from Bob Marley and the Wailers' Exodus. 1977. Rootsman Skanking. from Bunny Wailers' Rootsman Skanking. 1987. Basic Latin Beats. The Girl from Ipanema. from Astrud Gilberto, Jo„o Gilberto, & Stan Getz's Getz. Gilberto. 1964. Fee. from Phish's Junta. 1989. Desafinado. Off Key. from Charlie Byrd & Stand Getz's Jazz Samba. 1962. More Jazz Beats. In Walked Bud. from Thelonious Monk's The Very Best. 2005, song originally recorded in 1947. More Jazz Fills. In Walked Bud. ex. from Thelonious Monk's The Very Best. 2005, song originally recorded in 1947. In Walked Bud. ex. from Thelonious Monk's The Very Best. 2005, song originally recorded in 1947. Straight, No Chaser. from Miles Davis's Milestones. 1958. So What. from Miles Davis's Kind of Blue. 1959. In Walked Bud. ex. from Thelonious Monk's The Very Best. 2005, song originally recorded in 1947. Chelsea Bridge. from Buddy Rich's The Best of Buddy Rich. Pacific Jazz. 1997, song originally recorded in 1970. In Walked Bud. ex. from Thelonious Monk's The Very Best. 2005, song originally recorded in 1947. Blues Walk. ex. from Lou Donaldson's Blues Walk. 1958. Blues Walk. ex. from Lou Donaldson's Blues Walk. 1958. Blues Walk. ex. from Lou Donaldson's Blues Walk. 1958. More Time Signatures. Money. from Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon. 1973. I Never Loved a Man. The Way I Love You. from Aretha Franklin's I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You. 1967. The Trees. from Rush's Hemispheres. 1978. I Hung My Head. from Sting's Mercury Falling. 1996. Tom Sawyer. from Rush's Moving Pictures. 1981. Time. Meter. Tempo Manipulation. Me and Bobby McGee. from Janis Joplin's Pearl. 1971. Wherever I May Roam. from Metallica's Metallica, a. The Black Album. 1991. Stand. from Blues Traveler's Four. 1994.


Na utrjenih poti - začetek Drumset seveda, Level 3. Navdušujoče Metoda za igranje bobnov, ki jih usmerja Legends. Ki ga sestavljajo Rich Lackowski. Za Drumset. Umetnik. Osebnost. Knjiga. CD. Metoda. Navodila. Tolkala - Drum Set Metoda ali Collection. Na utrjenih poti. Začetnik. 48 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.35445. ISBN 0739071300. Ta navdihujoča tri obsegu serijsko uči igrati na bobne s pomočjo skrbno izbranih ritmov in napolni z uspešnic, ki so oblikovali sodobno glasbo. 3. stopnja uči, da igrajo z več kot 30 verodostojno državo, funka, reggaeja, latinščine in jazz ritmov in napolni z legendarnim bobnarjev, vključno Carlton Barrett. Bob Marley. , Joseph "Zigaboo" Modeliste. Merilnikov. , Nick Mason. Pink Floyd. , Neil Peart. Rush. , In še veliko več. Boste izvedeli tudi o prvem in drugem končiče, polyrhythms, Sextuplets padajo bombe, platišča posnetkov, odprtih hi-hat pljuski, držijo klikov, 5-taktni roll, trgovske štiric in buzz kapi. Plus, boste izvedeli, da igrajo v več časovnih podpisov, in da igrajo dvojni čas, polovični delovni čas, ritardandos in accelerandos. Nasveti, orodja in izrazi se uporabljajo po knjigi uvesti ključne koncepte bobnarske v pravem ritmu, in vključiti avdio CD vsebuje vse bije in zapolnjuje predstavljena v knjigi. "Ta serija omogoča zabavno, da se naučijo igrati, učenje kosov navdihujočih bobnarske predstav za izgradnjo ritmično podlago. - Robin Tolleson, Modern Drummer. "Do takrat, ko ste končali tečaj, boste razumeli bistvene biti dober bobnar in imajo dobro zaokrožen besedni zaklad več kot 100 utripov naberejo od strokovnjakov, kot so ARTA, Mitch Mitchell, Buddy Rich, Max Roach, Ringo Starr , Steven Adler, Levon Helm, Alex Van Halen. - Revija ustvarjanja glasbe. Pot. Zahvale. Branje notni zapis --- Kaj morate vedeti že. Osnovni Beats Država. Na cesto. od Willie Nelson je 16 največjih uspešnic. 1998, prvotno sprosti na Honeysuckle Rose soundtrack leta 1980. Devil Went v Gruziji. Od Charlie Daniels Band Million Mile Razmišljanja. 1979. Osnovni Funk Beats. Groovy Lady. Od metrov ali več, Funkify Your Life. Merilnikov Anthology. 1995. Doodle Loop. World Is Little Bit Pod Vreme. Od metrov ali več, Funkify Your Life. Merilnikov Anthology. 1995. Unfunky UFO. od Mothership povezave Parlamenta. 1976. Lahko bi bilo, če boste poskušali. od Sly. 1969. Tippi prsti. od števcev "Struttin". 1970. Brick House. Od Commodores "Commodores. 1977. Chameleon. od Head Hunters Herbie Hancock je. 1973. Razmišljanje. od števcev "Look-Ka Py Py. 1969. Super Bad, Pt. 1. od Jamesa Browna, ki je 70-Funk Classics. 2004, eno je prvotno izšel leta 1970. Osnovni Reggae Beats. 54-46 To je moja številka. od srček. 2000, eno je prvotno izšel leta 1968. Buffalo Soldier. Bob Marley in soočenja the Wailers ". 1983. One Love. Ljudje Get Ready. Bob Marley and the Wailers "Exodus. 1977. Rootsman Skanking. od zajček Wailers "Rootsman Skanking. 1987. Osnovni Latin Beats. Dekle iz Ipanema. od Astrud Gilberta, Jo "O Gilberta,. Gilberto. 1964. Pristojbina. od lažnega je Junta. 1989. Desafinado. Off Key. od Charlie Byrd. 1962. Več Jazz Beats. V hodil Bud. od Thelonious Monk je Very Best. 2005, pesem prvotno zabeležili leta 1947. Več Jazz napolni. V hodil Bud. ex. od Thelonious Monk je Very Best. 2005, pesem prvotno zabeležili leta 1947. V hodil Bud. ex. od Thelonious Monk je Very Best. 2005, pesem prvotno zabeležili leta 1947. Ravna, No Chaser. od mejnikov Milesom Davisom je. 1958. So What. od Milesa Davisa Kind of Blue. 1959. V hodil Bud. ex. od Thelonious Monk je Very Best. 2005, pesem prvotno zabeležili leta 1947. Chelsea Bridge. od Buddy Rich je Best of Buddy Rich. Pacific Jazz. 1997, pesem prvotno zabeležili leta 1970. V hodil Bud. ex. od Thelonious Monk je Very Best. 2005, pesem prvotno zabeležili leta 1947. Blues Walk. ex. od Lou Donaldson je Blues Walk. 1958. Blues Walk. ex. od Lou Donaldson je Blues Walk. 1958. Blues Walk. ex. od Lou Donaldson je Blues Walk. 1958. Več časa Podpisi. Denar. od Pink Floyd The Dark Side of the Moon. 1973. I Never Loved A Man. Way I Love You. od Aretha Franklin je nisem nikoli Loved A Man Way I Love You. 1967. Dreves. od polobel Rush je. 1978. I Hung My Head. od Sting je Mercury Falling. 1996. Tom Sawyer. od Rush je gibljivih slik. 1981. Čas. Meter. Tempo Manipulacija. Me and Bobby McGee. Janis Joplin od bisera. 1971. Wherever I May Roam. od Metallice je Metallica,. The Black Album. 1991. Stand. od Blues Traveler je Four. 1994.
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