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Boogie With My Baby. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Advanced.Prevod
Boogie Z My Baby. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Napredno.Originalno
Boogie With My Baby composed by Joel Evans & Adryan Russ. For Piano,Piano. Vocal. Chords,Voice. 20th Century,Jazz,Movies,TV,Secular. Advanced Intermediate. Sheet Music Single. Published by One Hundred Percent Pub. Co.. BMI. S0.14462. This Songbook of Piano Vocal arrangements is the companion to the Evans & Russ CD, "Changing My Tune", which is available on iTunes, Amazon & CDBaby. Devotees of the Great American Songbook, Evans and Russ unveil their most delightfully endearing original songs. the culmination of an enduring creative partnership, for lovers of "standards" who wish to expand their listening and performing repertoire. Arthur Hamilton, legendary songwriter of the classic standard, "Cry Me a River" says, "Among their new CD collection of songs, Adryan Russ and Joel Evans offer something very special in "The Moments In Life. " The lyric, the music, the arrangement, and the moving vocal by Michael Dees combine to make the song happen to your heart. Don't even try to get away from it. it'll chase you down the block. "Hollywood Film & TV Composer Stu Phillips says, "If you love the song styles of 60 years ago. and if you don't, you should. , this CD, with songs written by Joel Evans & Adryan Russ and performed by some superb singers, is a MUST. The songs beautifully capture the period of pop music when a lyric meant something and a tune was memorable. CHANGING MY TUNE is the name of the CD and it should be in everyone's collection. " Joel Evans and Adryan Russ met at a gathering of The Society of Composers & Lyricists in Los Angeles. Joel had been writing for film and television and was seeking lyricists. Adryan had been writing pop tunes and songs for musical theater and was looking to write lyrics to great melodies -- and change her tune. They clicked in their mutual love for jazz and old standards. That was 10 ago. They're still working. Joel is a composer and bandleader from San Francisco whose extensive list of credits includes major Hollywood films, hip indie flicks, network and daytime television dramas, more than 75 big screen credits and 350 television episodes, including such award-winning movies and hit series as Wedding Crashers and Desperate Housewives. Television and radio ads for P. Diddy's Vodka, "Ciroq," prominently highlight Joel's Big Band number, "Fly Away," co-written with Julius Robinson, performed by Patrick Tuzzolino with Shelly Berg and the USC Thornton Jazz Orchestra. The 2010 tour of the Count Basie Orchestra features Grammy-winning vocalist Carmen Bradford singing Joel's song, "No Easy Way to Say Goodbye,” co-written by lyricist J. Elle. This song is also the title track of award-winning singer Hillary Smith’s CD, which took top honors at the 2009 New Mexico Music Awards. Best Album, Best Vocal Performance & Best Producer. Miramax’s Doubt, starring Meryl Streep, includes the song “Is It Me. ” with lyrics by Adryan Russ. Masters of Sex, Wedding Crashers, Glee, What Women Want, The Mindy Project, Ghost Rider, Criminal Minds, CSI, Dexter and Medium all utilize his work. Joel has been active in the San Francisco Bay Area music scene for many years. He held the position of house pianist and Entertainment Director at the Hotel Sofitel San Francisco from 1988-1998. The Yellowjackets, Dave Samuels and Andy Narell have recorded his compositions. He performed with Little Anthony in the feature film Partners, and has backed up artists such as the Coasters, Mickey Gilley and Bobby Freeman. Joel is most proud of his work with Adryan Russ, whose heartfelt and evocative lyrics elevate his melodies. Adryan conceived and wrote music and lyrics for Inside Out, an award-winning off-Broadway musical, with playwright. co-lyricist Doug Haverty. Inside Out was published by Samuel French, and the original cast CD distributed by DRG Records. It has been produced across the U.S., and twice in Europe. She and Haverty were commissioned to develop a new musical, iGhost, inspired by Oscar Wilde’s story “The Canterville Ghost,”. www. playworksmusic. com. Another of her new musicals with him was selected for presentation at the ASCAP. Disney Workshop in Los Angeles, and another for the ASCAP Workshop in Chicago with playwright Keith Huff. She wrote the score for The Ugly Duckling for Storybook Theatre, produced at Los Angeles’ Theatre West, where two of her one-act musicals, In A Different Light and Two Lives, were part of an evening of short plays. Adryan participated in a tribute to Charles Strouse, with Michael Feinstein, at Carnegie Hall, and at Chicago Humanities Festival’s “ASCAP Cabaret. Her Turn” with Karen Mason. LML Music. www. lmlmusic. com. released Everyone Has A Story. The Songs of Adryan Russ, produced by Bruce Kimmel, and arranged by Grant Geissman, featuring David Burnham, Tami Tappan Damiano, Susan Egan, Jason Graae, and Sharon McNight. For the past ten years, Adryan has received an ASCAP Award for Popular Music. She is a member of The Dramatists Guild, the Academy for New Musical Theatre, the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences and currently serves on the Board of the Society of Composers & Lyricists. While Adryan has been writing lyrics for several years, she feels particularly privileged to have written them to the music of Joel Evans’ masterful new standards. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.Prevod
Boogie Z My Baby sestavljajo Joel Evans. Za klavir, klavir. Vocal. Akordi, Voice. 20th Century, Jazz, filmi, TV, Secular. Napredno Intermediate. Sheet Music enotnega. Izdala stoodstotno Pub. Co. ITM. S0.14462. Ta Songbook od Piano Vocal dogovorov je spremljevalec Evans. Častilci Great American Songbook, Evans in Russ razkril svoje najbolj čudovito ljubezniv izvirne pesmi. Vrhunec trajen ustvarjalnega partnerstva, za ljubitelje standardov, ki želijo razširiti svoje poslušanje in opravlja repertoar. Arthur Hamilton, legendarni kantavtor klasične standarda, Cry Me River pravi, Med svojo novo zbirko CD skladb, Adryan Russ in Joel Evans ponujajo nekaj zelo posebnega v trenutkih v življenju. Lyric, glasba, ureditev in premikanje vokal Michael Deesom združiti, da bi pesem zgodi, da vaše srce. Niti ne poskušajo pobegniti od nje. pa ti bom lovil blok. Hollywood Film. in če ne, morate. Ta CD s pesmimi, ki jih Joel Evans pisnih. Spreminjam svoje tune je ime CD-ja in mora biti v zbirki vsakega posameznika. Joel Evans in Adryan Russ sestal na srečanje Društva skladateljev. Joel je bilo pisanje za film in televizijo in iskal piscev. Adryan je bilo pisanje pop melodije in pesmi za glasbeno gledališče in je bilo videti, da napišete besedilo v velikih melodij - in spremenila svoje mnenje. So kliknili v medsebojni ljubezni do jazza in starih standardov. To je bilo pred 10. Oni še vedno delajo. Joel je skladatelj in vodja skupine iz San Francisca, katerega obsežen seznam kreditov vključuje velike hollywoodske filme, hip indie Flicks, Network in dnevne televizijske drame, več kot 75 velikem zaslonu kredite in 350 televizijskih epizod, vključno s takšnimi nagrajenih filmov in zadeti zaporedje Wedding Crashers in Desperate Housewives. Televizijski in radijski oglasi za P. Diddy je vodka, Ciroq, vidno označite Big Band številko Joel je, Fly Away, soavtor Julius Robinson, Patrick Tuzzolino izvedli s Shelly Berg in Thornton Jazz Orchestra USC. 2010 tour grofa Basie Orchestra ima Grammy-zmagovalni vokalist Carmen Bradford petje Joel pesem, enostaven način za slovo, ki ga pesnik J. Elle soavtor. Ta pesem je tudi naslov skladbe iz CD-nagrajena pevka Hillary Smitha, ki je najvišje priznanje na 2009 New Mexico Music Awards. Najboljši album, najboljšo vokalno izvedbo. Miramax je Doubt, Meryl Streep, tudi pesem »Je Me. Z besedili, ki jih Adryan Russ. Mojstri seksa, Wedding Crashers, Glee, What Women Want, Mindy Project, Ghost Rider, Criminal Minds, CSI, Dexter in srednje velika podjetja izkoriščajo svoje delo. Joel je bila dejavna v San Francisco Bay Area glasbeni sceni že več let. Je zasedal položaj hišnega pianista in direktor zabava v hotelu Sofitel San Francisco from 1988-1998. The Yellowjackets, Dave Samuels in Andy Narell so zabeležili njegove viže. Nastopal je z Malega Antona v celovečernih filmskih partnerjev, in je podprta umetniki, kot so Coasters, Mickey Gilley in Bobby Freeman. Joel je najbolj ponosen na svoje delo z Adryan Russ, katerega iskreno in očarljiva lyrics povzdignil svoje melodije. Adryan zasnovana in napisal glasbo in besedila za Inside Out, nagrajene off-Broadway musical, z dramatika. co-tekstopisec Doug Haverty. Inside Out je bil objavljen Samuel francoskem jeziku ter originalna litega CD razdelil DRG Records. To je bil izdelan po vsej ZDA in dvakrat v Evropi. Ona in Haverty bili zadolženi, da se razvije nov muzikal, iGhost, se zgleduje po Oscar Wilde je zgodba Canterville Ghost,. www. playworksmusic. com. Še ena od njenih novih muzikalov z njim je bil izbran za predstavitev na ASCAP. Disney delavnica v Los Angelesu, in drugo za ASCAP delavnice v Chicagu s dramatika Keith Huff. Napisala je rezultat za Grdi raček za Storybook gledališče, proizvedeno v Los Angelesu Theatre Zahodu, kjer so dva izmed njenih eno dejanje muzikalov, v drugačni luči in dvoje življenj, del večera kratkih iger. Adryan sodelovali v poklon Charles Strouse, Michael Feinstein, v Carnegie Hall in v Chicagu humanistike festivala ASCAP Cabaret. Njen Turn s Karen Mason. LML Glasba. www. lmlmusic. com. sprosti Vsakdo ima svojo zgodbo. Pesmi Adryan Russa, ki jih Bruce Kimmel in urejen Grant Geissman, featuring David Burnham, Tami Tappan Damiano, Susan Egan, Jason Graae in Sharon McNight. V zadnjih desetih letih se je Adryan prejel ASCAP nagrado za zabavno glasbo. Je član The dramatikov Guild, Akademije za New Musical Theatre, National Academy of Recording Arts. Medtem ko Adryan je pisanje besedil za več let, se počuti še posebej počaščeni, da so jim pisal glasbo mojstrsko novih standardov Joel Evans '. Digitalni tisk je mogoče natisniti glasba voljo stanja kadarkoli in kjerkoli. Samo nakup, tiskanje in predvajanje. Oglejte si vašo spletno note doma, v šoli, na delu ali kjerkoli imate računalnik, povezan z internetom. Uporabite naš iPad aplikacijo za ogled digitalnega note na poti. Z digitalnim tiskom lahko natisnete svoje digitalne not takoj po nakupu, ali počakati, dokler njegova priročno. In naša namestitev programske opreme je enostavno - vam bomo vodil skozi preproste korake, da poskrbite, da imate Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR in ponjave aplikacij Music Plus AIR.Največkrat iskano