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Lighthouse Collection. of newly composed fiddle tunes. Fiddle sheet music. Violin Solo sheet music. Beginning.


Svetilnik Collection. na novo sestavljena dren melodije. Gosli note. Violina Solo note. Začetek.


Lighthouse Collection. of newly composed fiddle tunes. edited by Paul Stewart Cranford. For Fiddle & Violin. Lay flat, Transcribed Solos. Cranford Publications. Fiddle Tunes. Beginning-Intermediate. Book. CD Set. 112 pages. Published by Cranford Publication. MB.LCBCD. ISBN 9780969118152. Fiddle Tunes. 9 x 12 inches. This book celebrates the vibrant musical culture of Cape Breton Island. It gives a refreshing glimpse into a rooted, community-based, living tradition. Fiddle tunes from more than seventy-five contemporary composers are presented together with Scottish and Cape Breton music from earlier centuries. Compiled as a part of Cranford Publications Cape Breton Musical Heritage Series, this collection is presented to give recognition to The Cape Breton Fiddlers Association. After The Storm. Aine. Alice MacEachern. Allan Bradbury. Annie May's Kitchen. Aoife O'keeffe's Cape Breton. Ashmead. The. Barbara Frost. Barna Norton. Bear in the Cage. The. Beside The Chimney. Between Sets. Bill Hutton. Bill Nicholson's Welcome To North Shore. Blueberry Bonnach. Bonnie Thompson. Bottomless Cup. The. Brenda's New Fiddle. Broderick's Pub. Bull Beer. Cameron's Return. Caution To The Wind. Chief. The. Christmas At The Lighthouse. Chucki MacLellan's Reel. Close Call In The Tickle. Coleman's 100th Birthday. Colleen's Wedding. Columba. Daybreak Near Milltown. Dean. The. Deir Designs. Designated Driver. Dillon Thomas. Distant Bells. Dog On A Lace. Doug Macphee's Welcome To Moloney's Creek. Drift Ice. Du John Special. Dungreen. The. Eamon Coyne's Visit. Eastern Passage. English Deli. The. Every Rock In Place. Farewell To Swish. Farmer's Hall. Fenella. Ferguson's Light. The. Fin Fever. Fiona's Folly. Fionnuala's Fancy. First Week in July. The. Five Dollar Fiddle. The. Flat Stones. Fogged In. Friends At The Bridge. From Buncrana To Cape Breton. Frozen Pipes. Fundy Tides. Gale Force. Gannon Road. The. Generous Gesture. Genivieve. Giggles From The Bear. Gillis Point MacLeans. The. Glace Bay. Goose With an Attitude. The. Graveyard of the Gulf. The. Gull Rock. Hair'm Scare'm's. The. Head To Head. Hector Josey's. Helene's Clam Chowder. Horse Tigers. Indian Summer. Invisible Immigrant. The. Isabel. It's An Orchard You Need. Jack Jardine. Jackie's Recovery. Jacqueline's Jig. Jim Scott's. Jimmy Dry Reed. Joe MacLean - McKay Point. Joe The Jigger. John Donald's Fiddle. The. John Doozer. John Neil Maclean. Johnny Beaton. Johnny Wilmot's Reel. Jon's Re-Entry. Juggler. The. Just Cook Enough For Yourself. Kate's Fancy. Kendra's Hornpipe. Kenny Hutchins. Kingfisher. The. Lady Mary on the Lighthhouse. Larry Of Arabia. Last Day of School. The. Last Day on the Rock. The. Leaving For Ireland. Liam Lewis. Light Tower. The. Lighthouse Keeper's Jig. The. Lighthouse Sisters. The. Lion. The. Lisa Giles. Lomax Corset. The. Long Stretch. The. Looking Up At Chestnuts. Loretta Beaudry. Lotte's Reel. MacDonald Sisters. The. MacDougall Pipes. The. Macisaac's Big Day. MacKay Point Macleans. The. Maire's Return. Malodorous Dog. The. Mary Bill's. Mary Cotter's. Mary Jessie Gillis. Maudie On The Hill. Maybelle's Explanation. Mcinerney's Fancy. Melancholy Child. The. Memories Of St. Paul Island. Michelle O'sullivan. Migration. Mike Peters. Mildred Leadbeater. Mischievous Barmaid. The. Mising Keys. Mollach. The. Month on the Rock. Moody Fiddle. The. Mortgage Burn. The. My Brother Mark. Neil Martin's. New Dory. The. New Harbour. Night in the Glen. Norbrook Fiddle. The. North West Arm. North Wind. The. O'Keeffe Recipe. The. One For Dan Hughie. Open Door. The. Open Water. Order Up Another Round. Osprey and the Crows. The. Otis In Disneyland. Packo's Jig. Paint The Paint. Pat Phee. Paulus. The. Penniless and Stranded. Periwinkle. Pine Duck Chapel. Poppi And Mombo's Delight. Potter's Wheel. The. Puffin Surgeon. Puffins Return. The. Quandary,. The. Rakesh. Ravine. The. Razorbill Rant. Return To Loughrea. Rob Fraken. Roger Treat. Ron's 'Jig'. Roseate Tern. Ryan MacDonald. Sanford Maclellan. Saturday Morning. Shelter from the Storm. Shift Change. Siobhan's Request. Skidway, The. Slingshot. The. Slip Reel. The. Slippery Eels. Snarl. The. Snookered. Sonny Slade. Spring Breakup. Stewart Beaton. Surprise Shift. Susan Beaton. Sweets For Breakfast. Teaspoon of Gunpowder. Theft In Whitley Bay. Theresa Morrison. Tim And Debbie's Wedding. Tiny Script. Tom Trainor. Tommy Kelly's Hideaway. Tully's. Twice a Year Fiddler. The. Union Street Session. Vacant Bridal Suite. Val Boudreau. Visiting Dignitaries. Waiting For The Wind. Walk Through the Ruins. Walking The Plank. Water Colors. Wedding Party. The. Whiskey Island. Whitewater. The. Wild Honey. Wukitsch Of Shenacadie.


Svetilnik Collection. na novo sestavljena dren melodije. uredila Paul Stewart Cranford. Za dren. Plosko, prepisan solaže. Cranford publikacije. Gosli Tunes. Začetek-Intermediate. Knjiga. CD Set. 112 strani. Izdala Cranford Objava. MB.LCBCD. ISBN 9780969118152. Gosli Tunes. 9 x 12 cm. Ta knjiga praznuje živahno glasbeno kulturo Cape Breton Island. To daje osvežujoč vpogled v koreninami, ki temelji na skupnosti, ki živi tradiciji. Gosli melodije iz več kot petinsedemdesetih sodobnih skladateljev so predstavljene skupaj s škotsko in Cape Breton glasbo iz prejšnjih stoletjih. Pripravijo kot del Cranford publikacije Cape Breton Musical Heritage Series, je ta zbirka predstavljena dati priznanje The Cape Breton godcev Association. Po nevihti. V dimljah. Alice MacEachern. Allan Bradbury. Annie maju Kuhinja. Aoife O'Keeffe v Cape Breton. Ashmead. The. Barbara Frost. Barna Norton. Imejte v kletki. The. Poleg dimnika. Med Scena. Bill Hutton. Bill Nicholson je Welcome To North Shore. Blueberry Bonnach. Bonnie Thompson. Dna Cup. The. Brenda New gosli. Broderick je Pub. Bull Beer. Cameronova Nazaj. Z vetrom. Chief. The. Božič v svetilniku. Chucki MacLellan je Roll. Zapri Call In The Tickle. Coleman 100. rojstni dan. Colleen poroko. Columba. Svitu bližini Milltown. Dean. The. Deir modeli. Imenovani Driver. Dillon Thomas. Distant Bells. Pes na Lace. Doug MacPheeja je Welcome To Moloney Creek. Plavajoči led. Du John Posebna. Dungreen. The. Eamon Coyne je obisk. Eastern Passage. Angleški Deli. The. Vsak Rock In Place. Poslovili Swish. Kmeta Hall. Fenella. Ferguson svetlobe. The. Fin Fever. Fiona Folly. Fionnuala je Fancy. Prvi teden v juliju. The. Pet dolar gosli. The. Ploščati Stones. V fogged. Prijatelji na mostu. Od Buncrana V Cape Breton. Zamrznjene cevi. Fundy Tides. Gale Force. Gannon Road. The. Velikodušna gesta. Genivieve. Giggles From The Bear. Gillis Point MacLeans. The. Glace Bay. Gosji z odnosom. The. Pokopališče zaliva. The. Gull Rock. Hair'm Scare'm je. The. Glavo na glavo. Hector Josey je. Helene je školjk. Horse Tigers. Indian Summer. Invisible Immigrant. The. Isabel. To je Orchard rabiš. Jack Jardine. Jackie Recovery. Jacqueline je Jig. Jim Scott. Jimmy Dry Reed. Joe MacLean - McKay Point. Joe jigger. John Donald gosli. The. John Doozer. John Neil Maclean. Johnny Beaton. Johnny Wilmot je Roll. Jon je Re-Entry. Žongler. The. Samo Cook Dovolj zase. Kate Fancy. Kendra je Hornpipe. Kenny Hutchins. Kingfisher. The. Lady Mary na Lighthhouse. Larry Of Arabia. Zadnji dan šole. The. Last Day na Rock. The. Leaving Za Irsko. Liam Lewis. Svetlobni stolp. The. Svetilnika Jig. The. Svetilnik Sisters. The. Lion. The. Lisa Giles. Lomax Korzet. The. Long Stretch. The. Looking Up Na kostanji. Loretta Beaudry. Lotte je Reel. MacDonald Sisters. The. Macdougall Cevi. The. Big Day MacIsaac je. MacKay Point Macleans. The. Maire je Return. Smrdljiv Dog. The. Mary Bill. Mary Cotter je. Mary Jessie Gillis. Maudie On Hill. Maybelle je Razlaga. McInerney je Fancy. Melanholijo Otrok. The. Memories Of St Paul Island. Michelle O'Sullivan. Migracije. Mike Peters. Mildred Leadbeatrom. Nagajiv Natakarica. The. Najbolj zmanjšajo Keys. Mollach. The. Mesec na Rock. Moody gosli. The. Hipotekarni izgorevanja. The. Moj brat Mark. Neil Martin je. New Dory. The. New Harbour. Noč v Glen. Norbrook gosli. The. North West Arm. Severni veter. The. O'Keeffe Recipe. The. One For Dan Hughie. Odprta vrata. The. Open Water. Naročite Up drugi krog. Osprey in Crows. The. Otis V Disneylandu. Packo je Jig. Paint Paint. Pat Phee. Paulus. The. Brez denarja in Stranded. Zimzelen. Pine Duck Kapela. Poppi In Mombo je Delight. Lončarskem vretenu. The. Puffin kirurg. Mormoni Nazaj. The. Dilem,. The. Rakesh. Soteska. The. Razorbill Rant. Vrni se na Loughrea. Rob Fraken. Roger Treat. Ron "Jig". Roseate čigra. Ryan MacDonald. Sanford MacLellan. V soboto zjutraj. Zavetje pred nevihto. Shift Change. Siobhan je Request. Skidway,. Slingshot. The. Slip Roll. The. Spolzka jegulje. Rezanje. The. Snookered. Sonny Slade. Spring Breakup. Stewart Beaton. Presenečenje Shift. Susan Beaton. Sladkarije za zajtrk. Čajna žlička smodnika. Kraja V Whitley Bay. Theresa Morrison. Tim In Debbie Wedding. Tiny Script. Tom Trainor. Tommy Kelly Hideaway. Tully je. Dvakrat na leto Fiddler. The. Union Street Session. Vacant Bridal Suite. Val Boudreau. Obisk dostojanstvenikov. Waiting For The Wind. Sprehodite se skozi ruševine. Hoja po deski. Vodni Barve. Wedding Party. The. Whiskey Otok. Whitewater. The. Wild Honey. Wukitsch Of Shenacadie.
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