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Composing Outside the Beatles. The Beatles.


Sestavljanje Zunaj Beatles. The Beatles.


Composing Outside the Beatles. Lennon and McCartney 1967-1972. By The Beatles. Live. DVD. DVD. MVD #PGDVD126. Published by MVD. HL.321198. Composing Outside the Beatles. Lennon and McCartney 1967-1972 is an independent documentary film which reviews the music and impact of Lennon and McCartney as solo composers, during this first post-Beatles period. From the avant-garde, Yoko-influenced, brace of Lennon. Ono albums, via some superb singles and albums from both players, and culminating with the first Wings album from Macca, and Lennon celebrating his new city of residence on the most political record he ever made, this film shows how and why they composed the music they did during this era and illustrates their using of old and new techniques, and how they were still borrowing from each other despite being in both legal and personal disputes throughout these years. Drawing on rare footage, archive and exclusive interviews, classic performances and penetrating revelations from close friends of the pair, fellow musicians, Beatles academics and musicologists, we discover here the true story of how their music was composed when writing alone, or with new partners. 2 hours, 18 minutes. Songs. Give Peace a Chance. Instant Karma. Don't Worry Kyoko. Momma Miss America. Maybe I'm Amazed. Mother. God. Ram On. Power to the People. Imagine. How Do You Sleep. Mumbo. John Sinclair. Dear Friend. Woman Is the Nigger of the World. Some People Never Know. Uncle Albert. Luck of the Irish.


Sestavljanje Zunaj Beatles. Lennon in McCartney 1967-1972. By The Beatles. Živeti. DVD. DVD. МВД. Izdala MVD. HL.321198. Sestavljanje Zunaj Beatles. Lennon in McCartney 1967-1972 je neodvisen dokumentarni film, ki prikazuje glasbo in vpliv Lennon in McCartney kot solo skladateljev, med tem prvem post-Beatles obdobju. Od avantgarde, Yoko-vplival, brace od Lennona. Ono albumi, preko nekaterih odličnih singlov in albumov od obeh igralcev, in se zaključi s prvim Wings album od macca in Lennon praznoval novo mesto prebivanja na najbolj politično zapisa je doslej ta film pokaže, kako in zakaj so napisal glasbo so naredili v tem obdobju, in ponazarja njihovo uporabo starih in novih tehnologijah, in kako so bili vedno zadolževanja drug od drugega, čeprav je v obeh pravnih in osebnih sporov po vsej teh letih. Risba na redke posnetke, arhivskih in ekskluzivnih intervjujev, klasičnih predstavah in prodoren razodetja od tesnih prijateljev para, kolegi glasbeniki, Beatles akademiki in muzikologi, smo odkriti tukaj resnično zgodbo o tem, kako se je njihova glasba v sestavi pri pisanju sam ali z novimi partnerji. 2 uri, 18 minut. Pesmi. Daj Peace a Chance. Instant Karma. Ne skrbite Kyoko. Momma Miss America. Mogoče sem čudil. Mati. Bog. RAM. Pooblastilo za People. Predstavljajte si,. How Do You Sleep. Lari. John Sinclair. Dear Friend. Ženska je črnuh of the World. Nekateri ljudje nikoli ne ve. Stric Albert. Luck irskega.
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