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Little Black Songbook of American Favorites. Various. Guitar sheet music.Prevod
Little Black Songbook ameriških priljubljene. Various. Kitara note.Originalno
Little Black Songbook of American Favorites. Lyrics. Chord Symbols. Composed by Various. For Guitar. The Little Black Songbook. Traditional. Softcover. 288 pages. Music Sales #AM989483. Published by Music Sales. HL.14019181. ISBN 0825635756. Traditional. 4.75x7.5 inches. Complete lyrics & chords to over 130 of America's favorite songs in a pocket-sized collection. The Air Force Hymn. Alexander's Ragtime Band. Amazing Grace. America. America, the Beautiful. The American Flag. Anchors Aweigh. Angels from the Realms of Glory. Angels We Have Heard On High. The Army Hymn. A-Tisket, A-Tasket. Away Rio. The Band Played On. The Banks Of The Ohio. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Blow the Man Down. Bridal Chorus. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. The Caissons Go Rolling Along. The Camptown Races. Carry Me Back To Old Virginny. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today. Christ Was Born on Christmas Day. The Church's One Foundation. Clementine. Colorado Trail. Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean. Coventry Carol. Cradle Song. Cripple Creek. Cumberland Gap. Danny Boy. Dixiie. Down in the Valley. The First Noel. Flag OF The Free. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Give My Regards to Broadway. Go Tell It On the Mountain. God Of Our Fathers. God Save America. Goodbye, My Lady Love. Goodnight, Ladies. Hail, Columbia. Hail To The Chief. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing. He Leadeth Me. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Holy, Holy, Holy. Home Again From A Foreign Shore. Home on the Range. Home, Sweet Home. House Of The Rising Sun. I Love To Tell The Story. I Want To Be In Dixie. I'm On My Way To Freedom Land. In The Sweet By And By. I've Been Working On The Railroad. Jesus Loves My, This I Know. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me. Jingle Bells. Joy To The World. Just As I Am. Keep the Home Fires Burning. Kentucky Babe. Let My People Go. Let Us Break Bread Together. Llisten To The Mockingbird. Little Brown Jug. The Marines' Hymn. Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis. Memorial Day. The Memphis Blues. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. My Old Kentucky Home. The Navy Hymn. Nearer, My God, to Thee. O Come All Ye Faithful. O God Our Help In Ages Past. O Holy Night. O Little Town of Bethlehem. Oh, Susanna. Old Folks At Home. Old Hundreth. The Doxology. The Old Rugged Cross. On The Banks Of The Wabash. Onward, Christian Solders. Pledge Of Allegiance. Prayer Of Thanksgiving. Ragtime Cowboy Joe. Rally Round The Flag. Red River Valley. Rock Of Ages. Rock-A My Soul. Sailing, Sailing. St. Louis Blues. Scarborough Fair. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain. Shenandoah. The Sidewalks of New York. Silent Night. The Soldier's Farewell. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. Sourwood Mountain. Speed Our Republic. Springfield Mountain. The Stars And Stripes Forever. The Star-Spangled Banner. Steal Away. The Streets Of Laredo. Sweet Adeline. Sweet and Low. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Tell Me Why. Tenting Tonight. There Are Many Flags In Many Lands. Turkey In The Straw. Wabash Cannonball. We Plough The Fields And Scatter. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Were You There. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. When I Survery the Wondrous Cross. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. When The Saints Go Marching In. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Wondrous Love. Yankee Doodle. Yankee Doodle Dandy. The Yellow Rose of Texas. You're A Grand Old Flag. You're in the Army Now.Prevod
Little Black Songbook ameriških priljubljene. Lyrics. Tetiva simboli. Sestavljajo ga Various. Za kitaro. Little Black Songbook. Tradicionalni. Mehko prekrivalo. 288 strani. Музыка по продажам. Izdala Music Sales. HL.14019181. ISBN 0825635756. Tradicionalni. 4.75x7.5 cm. Popolne lyrics. Air Force Hymn. Alexander Ragtime Band. Amazing Grace. America. Amerika, Beautiful. Ameriška zastava. Dvignimo sidro. Angeli iz Realms of Glory. Angeli smo slišali na visokih. Army Hymn. -Tisket,-Tasket. Gosti Rio. Band odigrana. Banks Of The Ohio. Battle Hymn Republike. Blow ranjenca. Bridal Chorus. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Kesoni Go kotali. V Camptown Dirke. Carry Me Back To Old Virginny. Kristus Gospod je Risen Today. Kristus se je rodil na božični dan. Cerkve One Foundation. Clementine. Colorado Trail. Columbia, Gem oceana. Coventry Carol. Cradle Song. Cripple Creek. Cumberland Gap. Danny Boy. Dixiie. V dolini. First Noel. Zastava Proste. Za On je dober fant. Daj mi Old Time Religion. Pozdravi na Broadway. Pojdi Povej It On the Mountain. God Of Our Fathers. God Save America. Goodbye My Lady ljubezen. Lahko noč, dame. Hail, Columbia. Hail To The Chief. Evocirati. Herald Angels Sing. On Vodil me. Dobil je ves svet v svojih rokah. Holy, Holy, Holy. Home Again iz tujega Shore. Home on the Range. Home, Sweet Home. House Of The Rising Sun. I Love povedati zgodbo. I Want To Be In Dixie. Jaz sem na poti do svobode deželi. V bombona, ki pa je z. Sem delal na železnici. Jesus Loves My, to vem. Jezus, Rešitelj, Pilot Me. Jingle Bells. Veselje v svet. Tako kot sem. Hranite Home Fires Burning. Kentucky Babe. Let My People Go. Vzemimo Kruh Skupaj. Llisten To The Mockingbird. Malo Brown Jug. Marines 'Hymn. Meet Me in St Louis, Louis. Memorial Day. Memphis Blues. Mighty Fortress je naš Bog. My Bonnie Lies čez ocean. My Old Kentucky Home. Navy Hymn. Bližje, moj Bog, k tebi. O Come All Ye Faithful. O Bog našo pomoč v Ages Past. O Holy Night. O mestece iz Betlehema. Oh, Susanna. Stari ljudje doma. Stara Hundreth. Doxology. Old Rugged Cross. Na bregovih Wabash. Dalje krščanski spajkah. Pledge zvestobo. Zahvalno molitev. Ragtime Kavboj Joe. Rally Round Flag. Red River Valley. Rock Of Ages. Rock-My Soul. Jadranje, jadranje. Louis Blues. Scarborough Fair. Nosila je Yellow Ribbon. Prišla bo okrog planine. Shenandoah. Pločnikih New Yorku. Silent Night. Vojak je v slovo. Včasih se počutim kot matere otroka. Sourwood Mountain. Hitrost Naša republika. Springfield Mountain. Stars and Stripes Forever. Star-Spangled Banner. Steal Away. Streets Of Laredo. Sweet Adeline. Sweet and Low. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Povej mi zakaj. Tenting Tonight. Obstaja veliko Zastave V mnogih deželah. Turčija v Straw. Wabash Cannonball. Mi Plough Polja in razprševanje. Želimo vam Merry Christmas. Ste bili. Kaj prijatelja imamo v Jezusu. Ko sem Survery čudovite križ. Ko Johnny Comes Marching Domov. Ko Saints Go Marching V. Bo kroga Unbroken. Prekrasen Ljubezen. Yankee Doodle. Yankee Doodle Dandy. Yellow Rose of Texas. Si Grand Old Flag. Ti si v vojski zdaj.Največkrat iskano