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Complete Guitar Player Rock Songbook. Various. Guitar sheet music.


Complete Guitar Player Rock Songbook. Various. Kitara note.


Complete Guitar Player Rock Songbook by Various. For Guitar. Guitar. Softcover. 160 pages. Music Sales #AM1008040US. Published by Music Sales. HL.14043450. ISBN 1495013065. 9x12 inches. The Complete Guitar Player Rock Songbook features a massive collection of 50 hard-rocking hits from the best of classic and contemporary rock music for guitar. Each song includes melody, lyrics, guitar chord shapes, riffs and suggested strumming petterns. Accessible and enjoyable, this is the perfect songbook for all rock guitarists. Each and every tune included in this guitar songbook is a true rock classic, perfect for cranking the amp up to 10, or should that be 11. Old favorites like “All Day And All Of The Night” by the Kinks and “Hey Joe” by Jimi Hendrix are matched by modern classics such as Radiohead's “Creep” and “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon. Other songs include. Born to Be Wild. Call Me. Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Every Breath You Take. Eye of the Tiger. Heroes. Highway to Hell. I Saw Her Standing There. I Want You to Want Me. Jessie's Girl. Livin' on a Prayer. London Calling. Mr. Brightside. Money for Nothing. Rock and Roll All Nite. Roxanne. Should I Stay or Should I Go. Since You've Been Gone. Smells like Teen Spirit. Summer of '69. Supersonic. Yellow. You Shook Me All Night Long. Ziggy Stardust. and more. Note. does NOT include tablature. Call Me. More Than A Feeling. Creep. Zombie. Don't Look Back In Anger. All Day And All Of The Night. Supersonic. Since You've Been Gone. All Right Now. Song 2. Alone. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing. Black. Whiskey In The Jar. Yellow. Here I Go Again. Heroes. Mr. Brightside. Born To Be Wild. Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Teenage Kicks. Chasing Cars. Cocaine. If It Makes You Happy. Sex On Fire. Use Somebody. Jessie's Girl. Every Breath You Take. Eye of the Tiger. Final Countdown. Lithium. London Calling. Hey Joe. I Saw Her Standing There. I Want You To Want Me. Livin' On A Prayer. Money For Nothing. Paperback Writer. The Passenger. Rock And Roll All Nite. Roxanne. Should I Stay Or Should I Go. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Substitute. Sultans Of Swing. Summer Of '69. You Really Got Me. You Shook Me All Night Long. Ziggy Stardust. Highway To Hell.


Complete Guitar Player Rock Songbook by Various. Za kitaro. Kitara. Mehko prekrivalo. 160 strani. Music Sales #AM1008040US. Published by Music Sales. HL.14043450. ISBN 1495013065. 9x12 cm. The Complete Guitar Player Rock Songbook features a massive collection of 50 hard-rocking hits from the best of classic and contemporary rock music for guitar. Each song includes melody, lyrics, guitar chord shapes, riffs and suggested strumming petterns. Accessible and enjoyable, this is the perfect songbook for all rock guitarists. Each and every tune included in this guitar songbook is a true rock classic, perfect for cranking the amp up to 10, or should that be 11. Old favorites like “All Day And All Of The Night” by the Kinks and “Hey Joe” by Jimi Hendrix are matched by modern classics such as Radiohead's “Creep” and “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon. Druge pesmi vključujejo. Born to Be Wild. Call Me. Crazy malo stvar imenovano ljubezen. Vsak Breath You Take. Eye of the Tiger. Heroes. Highway to Hell. I Saw Her Standing obstaja. Hočem, da me želijo. Jessie je dekle. Livin 'na Molitev. London Calling. Mr Brightside. Denar za nič. Rock and Roll All Nite. Roxanne. Naj ostanem ali naj grem. Ker ste bili Gone. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Summer of '69. Nadzvočni. Rumena. Shook ste me vso noč. Ziggy Stardust. in bolj. Opomba. does NOT include tablature. Call Me. Več kot občutek. Creep. Zombie. Ne oziraj se nazaj v jezi. Ves dan in vso Of The Night. Nadzvočni. Ker ste bili Gone. All Right Now. Song 2. Alone. Jaz ne želim zamuditi Thing. Črna. Whiskey In The Jar. Rumena. Here I Go Again. Heroes. Mr Brightside. Born To Be Wild. Crazy malo stvar imenovano ljubezen. Teenage Kicks. Chasing Cars. Kokain. Če te osrečuje. Sex On Fire. Uporabite Somebody. Jessie je dekle. Vsak Breath You Take. Eye of the Tiger. Final Countdown. Litij. London Calling. Hey Joe. I Saw Her Standing obstaja. I Want You Want Me. Livin 'On A Prayer. Denar za nič. Platnice Writer. Potnik. Rock and Roll All Nite. Roxanne. Naj ostanem ali naj grem. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Namestniki. Sultans Of Swing. Summer Of '69. You Really Got Me. Shook ste me vso noč. Ziggy Stardust. Highway To Hell.