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The '20s. Various. C Instrument sheet music.


20-ih. Various. C Instrument note.


The '20s. Paperback Songs. Composed by Various. For C Instruments. Paperback Songs. Softcover. 256 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240236. ISBN 0634064150. 4.25x6.75 inches. A compact and convenient collection of 123 hits from the Roaring '20s, including. Ain't Misbehavin'. Button Up Your Overcoat. Bye Bye Blackbird. Chicago. Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue. I Can't Give You Anything but Love. Me and My Shadow. More Than You Know. My Blue Heaven. My Heart Stood Still. Second Hand Rose. Stardust. What'll I Do. more. If I Had A Talking Picture Of You. Good News. After You Get What You Want You Don't Want It. Ain't Misbehavin'. Ain't We Got Fun. Runnin' Wild. Alabamy Bound. I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time. Alice Blue Gown. Louise. All By Myself. Manhattan. Lazy. Avalon. Amapola. Pretty Little Poppy. Stumbling. Together. Among My Souvenirs. Angela Mia. More Than You Know. Hallelujah. Any Time. April Showers. Baby Face. Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. Back In Your Own Backyard. The Best Things in Life Are Free. Button Up Your Overcoat. Bye Bye Blackbird. California, Here I Come. Carolina In The Morning. Cecilia. Does Your Mother Know You're Out. Charmaine. Chicago. That Toddlin' Town. Collegiate. Crazy Rhythm. 'Deed I Do. Down Yonder. Everybody Step. Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue. Has Anybody Seen My Girl. The Hawaiian Wedding Song. Ke Kali Nei Au. How About Me. I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me. I Can't Give You Anything But Love. I Cried For You. I Want To Be Bad. I'd Rather Be Blue Over You. I'll Get By. As Long As I Have You. I'm Just WIld About Harry. I'm Sitting on Top of the World. If You Knew Susie. Like I know Susie. If You Were the Only Girl in the World. In A Little Spanish Town. 'Twas on a Night Like This. It All Depends On You. The Jazz-Me Blues. Ka-lu-a. Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella. Let Me Sing And I'm Happy. Limehouse Blues. Love Me Or Leave Me. The Love Nest. Ma. He's Making Eyes At Me. Margie. Me And My Shadow. Mean To Me. Miss You. Moonlight And Roses. Bring Mem'ries Of You. Mountain Greenery. My Blue Heaven. My Buddy. My Heart Stood Still. My Honey's Loving Arms. My Mammy. My Man. Mon Homme. My Yiddishe Momme. Neapolitan Nights. Paddlin' Madelin' Home. Peggy O'Neil. Rose Room. Say It With Music. Second Hand Rose. Sentimental Me. The Sheik Of Araby. Side by Side. The Song Is Ended. But The Melody Lingers On. Sonny Boy. Stardust. Sugar Blues. Sunny Side Up. There'll Be Some Changes Made. Thou Swell. Three O'clock In The Morning. Toot, Toot, Tootsie. Good-bye. The Varsity Drag. The Wang Wang Blues. 'Way Down Yonder In New Orleans. Wedding Bells. Are Breaking Up That Old Gang Of Mine. What'll I Do. When My Baby Smiles At Me. When My Sugar Walks Down The Street. When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob Bobbin' Along. When You're Smiling. The Whole World Smiles With You. Whip-Poor-Will. Who's Sorry Now. With a Song in My Heart. Yearning. Just For You. Yes. We Have No Bananas. You're the Cream in My Coffee. All Alone. Wabash Blues. Do It Again. Dardanella. I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate. Linger Awhile. Swanee. The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise. Yes Sir, That's My Baby. The Prisoner's Song. Look for the Silver Lining. I'll Build A Stairway To Paradise. Honeysuckle Rose. Whispering. Mississippi Mud.


20-ih. Paperback Songs. Sestavljajo ga Various. Za C Instruments. Paperback Songs. Mehko prekrivalo. 256 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.240236. ISBN 0634064150. 4.25x6.75 palcev. Kompaktna in priročna zbirka 123 zadetkov od bučanje '20s, vključno. Ni Misbehavin ". Button Up Your plašč. Bye Bye Blackbird. Chicago. Pet Foot Dva, Eyes of Blue. Ne morem ti lahko dam, ampak ljubezen. Jaz in moja senca. More Than You Know. My Blue Heaven. My Heart obstala. Rabljeni Rose. Stardust. Kaj mi je storiti. več. Če bi imel Talking tvojo sliko. Good News. Po You Get What You Want si ne želiš. Ni Misbehavin ". Ni imamo zabavno. Runnin 'Wild. Alabamy Bound. Jaz bom pri tebi Apple Blossom čas. Alice Blue Obleke. Louise. All By Myself. Manhattan. Lazy. Avalon. Poppy. Pretty Little Poppy. Spotike. Skupaj. Med Moji Spominki. Angela Mia. More Than You Know. Hallelujah. Vsak čas. April Showers. Baby Face. Baby, ne boš Prosimo Come Home. Nazaj Na svojem dvorišču. Najboljše stvari v življenju so zastonj. Button Up Your plašč. Bye Bye Blackbird. California, Here I Come. Carolina v jutranjem. Cecilia. Ve tvoja mama si Out. Charmaine. Chicago. Da Toddlin 'Town. Collegiate. Crazy Rhythm. "Deed I Do. Dol potem tukaj. Vsi Step. Pet Foot Dva, Eyes Of Blue. Je kdo videl moje dekle. Hawaiian Wedding Song. Ke Kali Nei Au. Kako About Me. Ne morem verjeti, da si zaljubljen vame. Ne morem ti lahko dam, ampak ljubezen. Jokala sem za vas. I Want To Be Bad. Raje Be Blue Over You. Bom Get By. Dokler sem vas. Jaz sem samo Wild About Harry. Sedim na vrh sveta. Če ste vedeli, Susie. Tako kot vem, Susie. Če ste bili edino dekle na svetu. V malo Spanish Town. "Bila v noči, kot to. Vse je odvisno od vas. The Jazz-Me Blues. Ka-lu-. Naj Smile Be Your Umbrella. Let Me Sing In jaz sem srečen. Limehouse Blues. Love Me Or Leave Me. Ljubezen Nest. Vendar. On-metrovke Eyes At Me. Margie. Me And My Shadow. Pomeni meni. Miss You. Moonlight In Roses. Prinesite Mem'ries tebe. Gorska narava. My Blue Heaven. My Buddy. My Heart obstala. Loving Arms mojega medu. Moj Memi. My Man. My Man. Moj Yiddishe Momme. Neapeljske Nights. Paddlin "Madelin 'Domov. Peggy O'Neil. Rose Room. Say It With Music. Rabljeni Rose. Sentimental Me. Arabskega šejka. Vzporedni. Pesem se konča. Ampak Melody utripa na. Sonny Boy. Stardust. Sladkorni Blues. Sunny Side Up. Tam boste Nekatere spremembe, narejene. Ti swell. Tri zjutraj. Toot, Toot, Tootsie. Good-bye. Varsity Drag. Wang Wang Blues. "Pot navzdol potem tukaj v New Orleansu. Poroka Bells. So Breaking Up That Old Gang Of Mine. Kaj mi je storiti. Ko My Baby mi smehlja. Ko My Sugar hodi po ulici. Ko Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob klekljano 'Along. Ko se smejiš. Whole World Smiles With You. Whip-Poor-Will. Kdo je žal zdaj. S pesmijo v srcu. Hrepenenje. Samo za vas. Da. Nimamo Bananas. Ti si smetana v moji kavi. All Alone. Wabash Blues. Daj še enkrat. Dardanella. Rad bi shimmy kot moja sestra Kate. Nekaj ​​časa ostajal. Swanee. Svet čaka na Sunrise. Da, gospod, To je moj otrok. Zapornika Song. Poglej za posije sonce. Bom zgraditi Stairway to paradise. Kovačnika Rose. Šepet. Mississippi Mud.
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