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Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method - Books 1 & 2 Combo Edition. Jeff Schroedl. Guitar Tablature sheet music.


Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Metoda - Knjige 1. Jeff Schroedl. Guitar tablature note.


Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method - Books 1 & 2 Combo Edition for Guitar. Guitar Tab Method. Softcover with CD. Guitar tablature. 80 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.696633. ISBN 1458436780. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. The First and Only Beginning Guitar Method of Its Kind. This is the guitar method students and teachers have been waiting for. Learn single notes with riffs like “Day Tripper” and “Crazy Train,” power chords with classics by AC. DC and the Who, strumming with songs from Neil Young and Nirvana, and much more. The method's unique, well-paced, and logical teaching sequence will get students playing more easily than ever before, and music from popular artists like The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin will keep them playing and having fun. This special Combo Edition includes Books 1 and 2 of the series, two audio CDs, plus tons of bonus material. Perfect for both acoustic and electric players. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. American Woman. About A Girl. Addams Family Theme. Learning To Fly. Come Out And Play. Joy To The World. Get Ready. Take Me To The River. Don't Fear The Reaper. My Name Is Jonas. Changes. All Along the Watchtower. I Don't Know. MalagueÃa. All I Wanna Do. Electric Funeral. Space Truckin'. Smoke On The Water. Pride And Joy. Hava Nagila. Let's Be Happy. James Bond Theme. Knockin' on Heaven's Door. Fur Elise. Brain Stew. The Godzilla Remix. La Grange. Super Freak. Lean On Me. Smooth. Ain't No Sunshine. Rock Lobster. Hallelujah. Aqualung. The Joker. Hold The Line. Don't Stop Believin'. Boom Boom. Baba O'Riley. Wild Thing. Seven Nation Army. He's A Pirate. Machine Gun. Bang A Gong. Get It On. The Boys Are Back In Town. Barracuda. Batman Theme. The House of the Rising Sun. Birthday. Theme From King Of The Hill. Brain Damage. Patience. La Bamba. In My Life. Bye Bye Love. Can't Buy Me Love. Canon In D. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town. Chicago Blues. Feel The Beat. T.N.T. Come As You Are. Crazy Train. Day Tripper. Detroit Rock City. Do-Re-Mi. I'm Shipping Up To Boston. My Best Friend's Girl. Duelin' Banjos. Everybody Hurts. Heart Of Gold. Bluegrass Run. Blues Riff. Cool Groove. D-mented. Jack Hammer. Mega-Heavy. Metallic. Zeppelin Tribute. Jessie's Girl. Misirlou. Brit Rock. Spanish Bolero. Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue. Has Anybody Seen My Girl. Fly Like An Eagle. Foxey Lady. Free Bird. Evil Ways. Get Up Stand Up. Goodbye To Romance. Green Onions. Green-Eyed Lady. Hawaii Five-O Theme. Hello, Goodbye. Helter Skelter. Hey Joe. I Can't Explain. I Hate Myself For Loving You. I Saw Her Standing There. Iron Man. Jailbreak. Theme From 'Jaws'. Lady Madonna. Land Of A Thousand Dances. Life In The Fast Lane. Louie, Louie. Love Me Tender. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Mama, I'm Coming Home. The Man Who Sold The World. Money. That's What I Want. The Munsters Theme. My Sharona. Norwegian Wood. This Bird Has Flown. Oh, Pretty Woman. Owner of a Lonely Heart. Paperback Writer. Peter Gunn. The Pink Panther. Pipeline. Purple Haze. Rebel, Rebel. R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.. A Salute To 60's Rock. Runnin' Down A Dream. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Should I Stay Or Should I Go. Sleepwalk. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Space Oddity. Still Got The Blues. Sunday Bloody Sunday. Sunshine of Your Love. Susie-Q. Sweet Leaf. Talk Dirty To Me. Taxman. That'll Be The Day. The Thrill is Gone. Ticket To Ride. Tin Pan Alley. The Trooper. 25 Or 6 To 4. Twist And Shout. Walk Don't Run. Wild Night. Wipe Out. Wonderful Tonight. Jamie's Cryin'. Feel Your Love Tonight. Am I Evil. Working Man. Yellow Submarine. Mississippi Queen. Cult Of Personality. South Of Heaven. Refugee. Plush. Bring It On Home. You Give Love A Bad Name. You Really Got Me. You Shook Me. Like A Rolling Stone. Rock You Like A Hurricane. Up Around The Bend. Wherever I May Roam.


Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Metoda - Knjige 1. Guitar Tab Metoda. Mehko prekrivalo s CD-ja. Guitar tablature. 80 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.696633. ISBN 1458436780. Z Guitar tablature. 9x12 cm. Prvi in ​​edini Začetek Guitar Method svoje vrste. To je metoda, kitara učenci in učitelji so čakali. Naučite se posamezne beležke z rifi kot "dan Tripper" in "Crazy Train," moč akordov s klasiko AC. DC in kdo, Drndanje s pesmimi iz Neil Young in Nirvana, in še veliko več. Metodi je edinstvena, dobro tempu, in logično zaporedje poučevanje bodo dobili učenci igranje lažje kot kdaj koli prej, in glasbo iz popularnih izvajalcev, kot so The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix in Led Zeppelin jih bo igral in zabavo. Ta posebna Combo Edition vključuje knjige 1 in 2 seriji, dve glasbenih CD-jev, plus ton bonus material. Kot nalašč tako za akustične in električne predvajalniki. Jesu, Joy of Man je v želji,. Američanka. O dekletu. Addams Family Theme. Učenje, za letenje. Pridejo igrat. Veselje v svet. Get Ready. Take Me To The River. Ne bojte se Reaper. My Name Is Jonas. Spremembe. All Along the Watchtower. Ne vem. MalagueÃa. Vse, kar si želim. Electric Funeral. Prostor Truckin '. Smoke On The Water. Ponos in veselje. Hava Nagila. Bodimo srečni. James Bond Theme. Knockin 'On Heaven vratih. Fur Elise. Brain Stew. Godzilla Remix. La Grange. Super Freak. Lean On Me. Smooth. Ni No Sunshine. Rock Lobster. Hallelujah. Aqualung. Joker. Hold The Line. Ne Stop Believin '. Boom Boom. Baba O'Riley. Wild Thing. Seven Nation Army. On je pirat. Stroj Gun. Bang Gong. Get It On. The Boys Are Back In Town. Barracuda. Batman Theme. House of the Rising Sun. Rojstni dan. Theme From King Of The Hill. Brain Damage. Potrpežljivost. La Bamba. V mojem življenju. Bye Bye Ljubezen. Ne more kupiti Me Love. Canon v D. Starejša ženska za pultom v majhnem mestu. Chicago Blues. Feel The Beat. T.N.T. Come As You Are. Crazy Train. Day Tripper. Detroit Rock City. Do-Re-Mi. Jaz Shipping Up To Boston. Moj najboljši prijatelj je dekle. Duelin "Banjo. Everybody Hurts. Heart Of Gold. Bluegrass Run. Blues Riff. Cool Groove. D-jajo. Jack Hammer. Mega-Heavy. Kovinski. Zeppelin Tribute. Jessie je dekle. Misirlou. Brit Rock. Španski Bolero. Pet Foot Dva, Eyes Of Blue. Je kdo videl moje dekle. Fly kot orel. Foxey Lady. Brezplačne Bird. Evil Ways. Get Up Stand Up. Goodbye To Romance. Zelena Čebula. Green-Eyed Lady. Hawaii Five-O Theme. Hello, Goodbye. Helter Skelter. Hey Joe. Ne znam razložiti. I Hate Myself For You Loving. I Saw Her Standing obstaja. Iron Man. Beg iz zapora. Theme From "Jaws". Lady Madonna. Land Of A Thousand Dances. Življenje na prehitevalnem pasu. Louie, Louie. Love Me Tender. Lucy In The Sky z diamanti. Mama, Prihajam domov. Človek, ki je prodal The World. Denar. To si želim. Munsters Theme. My Sharona. Norwegian Wood. Ta Bird je preletenih. Oh, Pretty Woman. Lastnik Lonely Heart. Platnice Writer. Peter Gunn. Pink Panther. Plinovod. Purple Haze. Rebel, Rebel. R.O.C.K. In The USA. Salute do 60 Rock. Runnin 'Down A Dream. Sgt. Pepper je Lonely Hearts Club Band. Naj ostanem ali naj grem. Sleepwalk. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Prostor nenavadno. Still Got The Blues. Nedelja Bloody Sunday. Sunshine of Your Love. Susie-Q. Sweet Leaf. Talk Dirty To Me. Taxman. To bo dan. Thrill Is Gone. Vstopnica za Ride. Tin Pan Alley. Trooper. 25 ali 6 do 4. Twist and Shout. Walk Ne Run. Wild Night. Obrišite Out. Wonderful Tonight. Jamie Cryin '. Feel Your Love Tonight. Am I Evil. Delovna Man. Yellow Submarine. Mississippi Queen. Kult osebnosti. South Of Heaven. Begunce. Pliš. Bring It On Home. You Give Ljubezen slabo ime. You Really Got Me. Shook si me. Like A Rolling Stone. Rock You Like A Hurricane. Up Around The Bend. Wherever I May Roam.
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