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Songs of the Nations. American Indian Music Adapted for the Native American Flute. Flute sheet music.


Pesmi narodov. American indijski Glasba Prilagojeno za Native American flavte. Flavta note.


Songs of the Nations. American Indian Music Adapted for the Native American Flute. American Indian Music Adapted for the Native American Flute. Composed by Jim Mayhew. For Native American Flute. Squareback saddle-stitched, Methods. Multiple Levels. Book. CD Set. 104 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.30060BCD. ISBN 9780786684304. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. This book with accompanying audio is a detailed guide to learning how to play these songs on the Native American flute. Delve into a deeper understanding of the Native American flute with this unique collection of songs specifically tailored for this beautiful instrument. American Indian music from several Nations. Cheyenne, Lakota, Papago, Ojibwa and many more. has been adapted to the Nakai TAB system and presented for your enjoyment and musical development. These songs of the hunt and home, songs of love and war will increase your appreciation for the richness and diversity of American Indian culture. The music in this collection ranges from easy to very challenging and will improve your skills on this fascinating instrument. Chippew. Little Plover. Flute Melody. Love Song #2. When I Think of Him. Her. I Am Thinking of Her. Come, Let Us Sing. Go With Me. Song of an Ambitious Mother. Why Should I Be Jealous. My Love Must Be Sorrowful. Weeping For My Love. Do Not Weep. In Her Canoe. He Is Gone. Lullaby. Menomine. Flute Melody #1. Flute Melody #2. Love Song - A. Love Song - B. Love Song - D. Love Song - C. Lullaby - B. My Tapping Stick. You Are Struggling. The Slender-Legged Animals. I Will See A Bear. Mocassin Game Song - A. Song of the Beggar's Dance. War Song Concerning the Owls. Song of Protection During the Civil War. Song Concerning a Captive Woman. Northern Cheyenn. Song of the Chief Dance. Song Addressed to Eagle Nest. Hand Game Song. Singing for that Bean. Looking For My Horses. Going Toward That Paint. We Cannot Turn Back. A Hard Road. He Has Gone. The Stones Endure. Old War Song. Badger Medicine Song. Grandfather Helps Me Heal. Song for Treating Sick Babies. Arapah. On My Enemies Ground. Song of War Dance. Yellow Horse. Song of The Gift Dance. WWI War Song. Yellow Horse. Lakot. Swift Dog's Love Song. Blue Cloud's Love Song. Come. Song of the Maiden's Leap. Owls Hooting. The Sunrise. Song of Healing. An Appeal to the Bear. Song of the Bear. Horses I Am Bringing. A Short Time. Song in Honor of Gabriel Renville. Sisseton Chief. I Look for Him In Vain. Song Concerning Sitting Crow. Song of the Famine. A Hard Time I Have. Mandan. Hidats. Buffalo Society Dance Song. Buffalo Society Serenade - B. Need I Be Afraid. Foolish Dog Society Serenade. Song to the Raven. Song of Derision. Song of the Shell. Gardening Song. Kill the Blackbirds. Song on the Roof of the Lodge. I Cannot Sleep. Old War Song. War Song. Song of the Black Eagle. The Youngest Wife of the Chief. My Lover is Dead. Pawne. You Need Not Fear the Horse. I Am Exalted Among the People. Mother's Song for A Dead Baby. Folk Tale Song B. Song of the Strange Little Boy. Song of Affection. Women's War Song. A Woman Welcomes the Warrior. The Horse is Shouting. Song for Returned Pawnee WWI Soldiers. Brown Bear's Song. Crying Song. Father Gave Me a Pipe. Chocta. Steal Partner Dance Song - B. Steal Partner Dance Song - C. Terrapin Dance Song - B. Quail Dance Song. Pleasure Dance Song. Bullet Game Song - A. Bullet Game Song - B. Rabbit in the Garden. A Dog Chases a Racoon. Victory Song. Seminol. Friendship Song - C. Friendship Song - D. Buffalo Dance Song - B. It Moves About As It Feeds. Hunting Dance Song - F. Hunting Dance Song - G. Hunting Dance Song - I. Hunting Dance Song - M. Hunting Dance Song - N. Hunting Dance Song - O. Hunting Dance Song - Q. Hunting Dance Song - S. Hunting Dance Song - V. The Unsuccessful Hunter - A. Alligator Dance Song - B. Possum Calls For Her Lost Baby. Northern Ut. Bear Dance Song - C. Bear Dance Song - I. Dance Faster. Dream Song. Hand Game Song - A. Smoking Song - C. Tea Dance Song - A. Tea Dance Song - B. Tea Dance Song - C. Part 2. Parade Song. Song Used in Treatment of Sick - K. Dance Song - C. On a Mountain, The Noise of the Wind. Papag. The World Would Burn Without the Rain. Song of Brown Buzzard After Removing His Scalp. Song Concerning the Black Snake. The Rocks Are Making a Noise. Four Fires on the Ground. The Girls Are Approaching. Terrible in its Power to Destroy. Song of the Women By the Sea. It Is Time to Pay Your Wager. Little Girl, Come and Help Us Sing. Brown Lizard. Song of a Medicine Woman on Seeing That a Sick Person Will Die. He Will Run Around the Salt Bed. Song for Success in a Race. The Man Who Has No Joy. It Is the Woodpecker. Zun. Pleasure Dance Song - A. Pleasure Dance Song - B. The Rain Is Coming. At The Rainbow Spring - B. The Rain Gods Speak. Badger Woman Speaks. Harvest Dance Song. Comanche Dance Song. Acom. Flower Dance Song. Corn Plant, I Sing For You. The Sun-Youth Has Risen in the East. Hunter's Prayer Song. Deer and Antelope Song. Islet. Hunci Dance â“ Second Song. War Song. 49 Dance Song. Yuma and Yaqu. Song of the Meadowlark and the Diver. Song Concerning the Quail. Dance of the Waterbug. Song of the Blackbird - A. Song of the Blackbird - B. The Redbird Speaks. The Redbird and His Shadow. The Song of the Nighthawk. The Wonder Boy. Miapa'khumi. Decides to Change His Name to Pa'kohan. Song Concerning the Wild Cat. White Cloud Demonstrates His Power. The Sky is in Darkness. Me'sipa Dies. Coyote Seizes the Heart. Sleep My Baby.


Pesmi narodov. American indijski Glasba Prilagojeno za Native American flavte. American indijski Glasba Prilagojeno za Native American flavte. Ki ga sestavljajo Jim Mayhew. Za Native American flavte. Squareback-sedlo žico, Metode. Več ravneh. Knjiga. CD Set. 104 strani. Izdala Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.30060BCD. ISBN 9780786684304. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. Ta knjiga s spremnimi zvok je podroben priročnik za učenje, kako igrati te pesmi na indijanske piščali. Jama v globlje razumevanje indijanske piščali s to edinstveno zbirko pesmi, posebej oblikovane za ta lepi instrument. American indijski glasbi iz različnih narodov. Cheyenne, Lakota, Papago, Ocipve in še veliko več. je bil prilagojen sistem Nakai TAB in predstavil za vaš užitek in glasbenega razvoja. Te pesmi o lovu in doma, bodo pesmi ljubezni in vojni povečati svojo zahvalo za bogastvu in raznolikosti ameriške indijske kulture. Glasba v tej zbirki se giblje od enostavno zelo zahtevna in bo izboljšala svoje sposobnosti na tem fascinantno instrumenta. Chippew. Mali deževnik. Flavta Melody. Песня о любви. Ko razmišljam o Njem. Her. Razmišljam o njej. Pridite, zapojmo. Go With Me. Pesem ambiciozen Matere. Zakaj bi moral biti ljubosumen. Moja ljubezen je treba žalosten. Jok Za moje ljubezni. Ne jokajte. V Her kanuja. On Is Gone. Lullaby. Menomine. Флейта Мелодия. Флейта Мелодия. Ljubezen Song - A. Ljubezen Song - B. Ljubezen Song - D. Ljubezen Song - C. Lullaby - B. Moj Tapping Stick. Ste se borijo. Vitke noge Živali. Bom videl, medved. Moccasin Game Song -. Pesem Berač je ples. War Song zvezi sove. Pesem varstvu Med državljansko vojno. Song zvezi ujetništvu Woman. Severna Cheyenn. Pesem glavnega Dance. Song naslovilo na Eagle Nest. Hand Game Song. Petje za to Bean. Looking For My konj. Greš proti temu Paint. Mi ne more obrniti nazaj. Hard Road. On je šel. Stonesi Vzdrži. Stara War Song. Badger Medicina Song. Dedek Pomaga Me Heal. Pesem za zdravljenje bolnih novorojenčkov. Arapah. Po mojih nasprotnikov Ground. Song of War Dance. Rumena konj. Pesem The Gift Dance. WWI War Song. Rumena konj. Lakot. Swift Dog Love Song. Blue Cloud Love Song. Pridi. Pesem The Maiden je Leap. Sove hooting. Sunrise. Song of Healing. Pritožba na medveda. Pesem Medveda. Konji I Am Predložitev. Kratek čas. Pesem v čast Gabriel Renville. Sisseton Chief. Iščem zaman. Song zvezi Sitting Crow. Pesem lakote. Hard Time I Have. Mandan. Hidats. Buffalo Society Dance Song. Buffalo Društvo Serenade - B. Moram bojte. Neumno Dog Society Serenade. Pesem z Raven. Pesem posmeha. Pesem Shell. Vrtnarjenje Song. Kill Blackbirds. Pesem na strehi lože. Ne morem spati. Stara War Song. War Song. Pesem Black Eagle. Najmlajši Soproga načelnika. My Lover je Dead. Pawne. Vam ni treba bati za konja. Jaz sem vzvišeno med ljudmi. Materinski Song za mrtvega Baby. Folk Tale Song B. Pesem Strange fantek. Pesem naklonjenosti. Ženski War Song. Ženska pozdravlja Warrior. Konj je Vpitje. Pesem za vrnjeno Pawnee prve svetovne Soldiers. Song rjavega medveda. Crying Song. Oče mi je dal cev. Chocta. Kradejo Partner Dance Song - B. Kradejo Partner Dance Song - C. Terrapin Dance Song - B. Prepelice Dance Song. Pleasure Dance Song. Bullet Game Song -. Bullet Game Song - B. Zajec v vrtu. Pes lovi Racoon. Victory Song. Seminol. Prijateljstvo pesmi - C. Prijateljstvo pesmi - D. Buffalo Dance Song - B. To Premakne O Kot je Feeds. Lov Dance Song - F. Lov Dance Song - G. Lov Dance Song - I. Lov Dance Song - M. Lov Dance Song - N. Lov Dance Song - O. Lov Dance Song - Q. Lov Dance Song - S. Lov Dance Song - V. Neuspešno Hunter -. Alligator Dance Song - B. Oposum klici za Her Lost Baby. Severna Ut. Bear Dance Song - C. Bear Dance Song - I. Ples Faster. Dream Song. Hand Game Song -. Kajenje Song - C. Tea Dance Song -. Tea Dance Song - B. Tea Dance Song - C. 2. del. Parade Song. Song uporabljajo pri zdravljenju bolnih - K. Dance Song - C. Na gori, hrup vetra. Papag. Svetovna Bi opeklina Brez Rain. Pesem Brown kanja Po umaknil lasišča. Song Glede Black Snake. Rocks so kar Noise. Štiri Požari na terenu. Dekleta so se približujejo. Grozno je v njeni moči, da uniči. Pesem od žensk ob morju. Čas je, da plača svoje stave. Deklica, Pridite in nam pomagajte Sing. Brown Lizard. Pesem Medicine Woman na to, da bolna oseba Will Die. On bo Run Around the Salt Nočitev. Pesem za uspeh na dirki. Človek, ki nima Joy. To je žolna. Zun. Užitek Dance Song -. Užitek Dance Song - B. Rain Is Coming. At The Rainbow Spring - B. Po dežju Gods Speak. Badger Woman Speaks. Harvest Dance Song. Comanche Dance Song. Acom. Flower Dance Song. Corn Plant, I Sing For You. Sun-Youth je povečalo na vzhodu. Lovska Molitev Song. Deer in Antelope Song. Otoček. Hunci Dance "drugi pesmi. War Song. 49 Dance Song. Yuma in Yaqu. Pesem MEADOWLARK in potapljač. Song Glede prepelice. Ples Waterbug. Pesem Blackbird -. Pesem Blackbird - B. Redbird Speaks. Redbird in njegova Shadow. Pesem Nighthawk. Wonder Boy. Miapa'khumi. Odloči, da spremenite svoje ime Pa'kohan. Song Glede Wild Cat. Bela Cloud dokazuje svojo moč. Sky je v Darkness. Me'sipa Dies. Coyote prinasa Srce. Spati My Baby.
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