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Robert Starer - Album for Piano. Robert Starer. Piano sheet music.Prevod
Robert starer - Album za klavir. Robert starer. Klavir note.Originalno
Robert Starer - Album for Piano by Robert Starer. For Piano. Keyboard. Piano Publications. 240 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.120864. ISBN 0793515653. 9x12 inches. Now back in print, this definitive 240-page collection of the complete piano works of noted composer Robert Starer includes not only his popular 'Sketches in Color' but also a large number of previously hard-to-find intermediate pieces perfect for teaching. In typical Starer style, the pieces in the collections Steven Vignettes. 1950. , Four Seasonal Pieces. 1985. , Three Israeli Sketches. 1957. , At Home Alone. 1980. , and Hexhedron. 1971. bear imaginative titles such as “The Camel and the Moon,” “Dancing Next Door,” and “Doggedly, Lulishly, Almost Pig-Headedly,” a literary connection that encourages students to connect emotions to notes. The collection ranges from Starer's elementary works to his concert works. Pink. Black And White. Crimson. Bright Orange. Evens And Odds. As The Gentle Wind. Starer. Orange Sun. Starer. Leaves Are Falling. Starer. The Moon On The Frozen Pond. Abe Gabe Ada Fae & Ed. Starer. In The Mirror. Starer. Echo Chamber. Starer. Turn Me Round. Starer. Up & Down, Right & Left. Starer. Darkness And Light. Starer. Adding And Taking Away. Starer. Walking With Two Fingers. Starer. Sliding Into Keys. Twelve Notes, Twelve Times. Fanfare. Starer. Song Without Words. Starer. Jig Saw. Starer. Interrupted Waltz. Starer. Chorale. Starer. Toccata. Starer. Purple. Starer. Shades Of Blue. Starer. Maroon. Khaki. Pepper And Salt. Aquamarine. Chrome Yellow. Pastorale. Starer. Little White Sheep. Starer. Dance. Starer. Five Preludes. Starer. Dialogue With The Self. Opening Petals. Starer. Dreams Of Glory. Starer. In The Birdcage. A Faded Old Photograph. Pop-Time. Herman The Brown Mouse. A Small Oriental Vase. Starer. Steps To The Attic. Starer. Shadows On The Wall. Deep Down The Soul. Dancing Next Door. Excursions For A Pianist. Prelude. 1946. Starer. Toccata. 1946. Starer. Musingly. Starer. Gurglingly. Starer. Coolly But Not Chillily. Starer. Doggedly Mulishly Almost. Starer. Philosophically. Starer. Frantically. Starer. Evanescents. 1975. Starer. Sonata No. 1. 1950. Starer. Sonata No. 2. Grey. Countdown. Silver And Gold. Aluminum. Camel And The Moon, The. Starer. Ideal Self, The. Fantasy. Starer.Prevod
Robert starer - Album za klavir Robert starer. Za klavir. Tipkovnica. Piano publikacije. 240 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.120864. ISBN 0793515653. 9x12 cm. Zdaj pa nazaj v tiskani obliki, je to dokončno pobiranje 240-stran od celotnih klavirskih del opozoriti skladatelja Roberta starer ne vključuje le svoje priljubljene "Skice v barvah", ampak tudi veliko število že težko najti vmesne dele nalašč za poučevanje. V značilnem slogu starer, kose v zbirkah Steven Vinjete. 1950. , Four Sezonsko Pieces. 1985. , Trije izraelski Skice. 1957. , Sama doma. 1980. In Hexhedron. 1971. nosi domiselne naslove, kot so The Camel in Lune, Ples Next Door, in vztrajno, Lulishly, Skoraj Pig-Headedly, literarna povezava, ki spodbuja študente povezati čustva do not. Zbirka se giblje od starer v osnovnih del na svojih koncertnih del. Pink. Black and White. Crimson. Bright Orange. Evens in kvote. Kot nežen veter. Starer. Orange Sun. Starer. Listi padajo. Starer. Moon po zaledenelem ribniku. Abe Gabe Ada Fae. Starer. V ogledalu. Starer. Echo Chamber. Starer. Turn Me Round. Starer. Up. Starer. Teme in svetlobe. Starer. Dodajanje In Ob Away. Starer. Hoja z dvema prstoma. Starer. Sliding Into Keys. Dvanajst ugotavlja, dvanajstkrat. Fanfare. Starer. Pesem Brez besed. Starer. Jig Saw. Starer. Prekine Waltz. Starer. Zbor. Starer. Toccata. Starer. Vijolična. Starer. Odtenkih modre. Starer. Maroon. Kaki. Poprom in soljo. Aquamarine. Chrome Yellow. Pastoralno. Starer. Malo bele ovce. Starer. Dance. Starer. Pet preludijev. Starer. Dialog z Jazom. Delovni Latice. Starer. Dreams Of Glory. Starer. V The Birdcage. Faded Old Photograph. Pop-Time. Herman Brown Mouse. Mala Oriental Vase. Starer. Stopnice na podstrešje. Starer. Sence na steni. Deep Down The Soul. Dancing Next Door. Izleti za pianista. Prelude. 1946. Starer. Toccata. 1946. Starer. Zamišljeno. Starer. Gurglingly. Starer. Hladnokrvno, vendar ne Chillily. Starer. Vztrajno Mulishly Skoraj. Starer. Filozofsko. Starer. Besno. Starer. Evanescents. 1975. Starer. Sonata št 1. 1950. Starer. Sonata št 2.. Grey. Odštevanje. Srebro in zlato. Aluminij. Camel In The Moon,. Starer. Ideal Self,. Fantasy. Starer.Največkrat iskano