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The Salley Gardens' Red, Red Rose. Robert Burns. Choir sheet music.Prevod
Red Salley vrtov «, Red Rose. Robert Burns. Zbor note.Originalno
The Salley Gardens' Red, Red Rose arranged by Joseph M. Martin. For Choral. Studiotrax CD. Shawnee Press. CD only. Shawnee Press #CD0335. Published by Shawnee Press. HL.35022854. The familiar and well-loved words of Robert Burn's poem, “My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose,” are set to the Irish folk song “The Salley Gardens,” creating this lovely and moving choral work by Joseph Martin. The orchestration lifts this choral to new heights and allows the singer to fully understand the depth of the poem and appreciate a melody often lost in familiarity. Truly breathtaking.Prevod
Red Salley vrtov «, Red Rose uredil Joseph M. Martin. Za zborovsko. Studiotrax CD. Shawnee Press. Samo CD. Шони Пресс. Izdala Shawnee Press. HL.35022854. Znanega in dobro ljubil besede Robert opeklina je pesem »Moja ljubezen je kot rdeča, rdeča Rose," so določene z irsko ljudsko pesem "The Salley Gardens", ki ustvarja to lepo in ganljivo zborovsko delo Josepha Martina. Orkestracija dvigne to zborovsko v nove višave in omogoča pevec v celoti razumeti globino pesmi in cenijo melodija pogosto izgubil v poznavanju. Resnično dih.Največkrat iskano