
Partiture $1.70


The Child. Susan Borwick. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Beginning.


Otrok. Susan Borwick. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Začetek.


The Child composed by Susan Borwick. 1946-. For SATB choir and piano. Children. Moderately Easy. Octavo. Scripture. Mark 10. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers. MN.50-8816. With Scripture. Mark 10. Children. Mark 10. 13-14 speaks of the central place for children next to Jesus the Christ. In a world where children at times are devalued, unheard, starving, and disconsolate, Christ refocuses our hearts on the child. God is often present through the voice and actions of the child, in the heart of the child God's love resides. The anthem is a call to listen to, guide, cherish, and love the child and all children.


Otrok sestavi Susan Borwick. 1946 -. Za SATB zbor in klavir. Otroci. Zmerno Easy. Osma. Pismo. Mark 10. Izdala Morningstar glasbeni založniki. MN.50-8816. Z pisma. Mark 10. Otroci. Mark 10. 13-14 govori o osrednjem mestu za otroke poleg Jezusa Kristusa. V svetu, kjer se razvrednotenega otroci v času, ni bil mogoč, stradajo, in Beznadan, Kristus preusmerja naša srca na otroku. Bog je pogosto predstavijo skozi glas in ukrepi za otroka, v osrčju otroka Božje ljubezni prebiva. Himna je klic poslušati, vodnik, cenijo in ljubijo otroke in vse otroke.
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