Partiture $5.00
House of Untold Horrors. for Narration and String Orchestra. Lauren Bernofsky. Beginning.
Hiša groze Untold. za pripoved in godalni orkester. Lauren Bernofsky. Začetek.
House of Untold Horrors. for Narration and String Orchestra. composed by Lauren Bernofsky. 1967-. For string orchestra. Orchestra. FJH Beginning Strings. Score only. Full set. score and parts. also available. ST6192. Halloween. Grade 1. Score only. Duration 7 minutes. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.ST6192S. One of the most interesting and inventive novelty pieces in years. This work uses narrator to tell the horrific yet comical story of Willoughbus Wallaby and his encounter with a ghostly house and its resident kitty. Using a whirlwind of fun, achievable effects. you will be stunned by the incredible sounds your orchestra will be able to make. , this piece is ideal for orchestras with some students who are not yet able to use their bow. or in some cases, don't even know fingerings yet. In addition, many effects reinforce pedagogical concepts while students have fun. Sure to be one of the highlights of your next program, regardless of what time of year you perform it. I am not only a composer but a music mom. At the time I wrote this piece, my son, Nicholas, was seven and studying the cello at the Indiana University String Academy. When his teacher Cara Miller asked me to write a piece for the annual cello Halloween concert, I happily agreed - I'm always looking for ways to make music-making fun. Cara and I wanted a piece that the kids would have a great time playing. I later arranged the work for string orchestra. I thought that having an actual story would be a fun basis for the piece. And it's not really a scary story - well, not until the very end, but by then it's just funny. The story of course justifies the many unusual sound effects called for in the piece, which will broaden students' palette of sounds that they know how to produce on their instruments. And these sound effects, strange as they may seem, also have pedagogical value. For instance, the rain sound effect, made by tapping fingers on the tops of the instruments, actually serves to develop strong curved fingers in both hands. Two of the sound effects, the scuttling rats and the scream, were invented by Nicholas. Appropriate for first year string students. All instruments stay in first position, and optional third violin. viola. parts and piano are included to aid in rehearsal and performance situations. Grade 1 - 1.5.
Hiša groze Untold. za pripoved in godalni orkester. ki ga sestavljajo Lauren Bernofsky. 1967 -. Za godalni orkester. Orkester. FJH Začetek Strings. Rezultat le. Celoten sklop. rezultat in deli. na voljo tudi. ST6192. Noč čarovnic. Razred 1. Rezultat le. Trajanje 7 minut. Objavila FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.ST6192S. Ena izmed najbolj zanimivih in domiselnih novosti kosov v letih. To delo uporablja pripovedovalca povedati grozljivo še komično zgodbo Willoughbus Wallaby in njegovo srečanje s srhljivo hišo in njeno muco rezidenta. Uporaba vrtinec zabave, dosegljive učinke. boste presenečeni nad neverjetno zvokov vaš orkester bodo mogli narediti. Ta kos je idealna za orkestre z nekaterimi dijaki, ki še niso mogli uporabljati svoj lok. ali v nekaterih primerih sploh ne vem fingerings še. Poleg tega je veliko učinkov okrepiti pedagoške pristope, medtem ko študenti zabavali. Prepričan, da bo eden od vrhuncev vaš naslednji programa, ne glede na letni čas jo opravlja. Nisem samo skladatelj, ampak glasba mama. V času, ko sem pisal ta del, moj sin, Nicholas bil star sedem let in študira violončelo na Indiana University godalnega akademije. Ko me je njegov učitelj Cara Miller prosil, da napišete kos za letni violončelo Halloween koncert, z veseljem strinjal - Jaz sem vedno išče načine, da bi-glasbeni norčuješ. Cara in sem hotel kos, da bi imeli otroci veliko časa igral. Kasneje sem priredil za godalni orkester. Mislil sem, da bi bilo ob dejanski zgodbo zabavno podlaga za kos. In to ni res strašljivo zgodbo - no, ne do konca, ampak potem je samo smešno. Zgodba seveda opravičuje številne nenavadne zvočne učinke, imenovane v kosu, ki bo razširil paleto učenčevo zvokov, ki vedo, kako se pripraviti na svojih instrumentih. In te zvočne učinke, čudno, saj se morda zdi, tudi pedagoško vrednost. Na primer, zvočni učinek dež, ki ga dotikom prsta na vrhovih instrumentov, dejansko služi za razvoj močne ukrivljene prste obeh rok. Dva izmed zvočnih efektov, so eksplozivom podgane in krik, je izumil Miklavža. Primerno za prvo leto godalnih študentov. Vsi instrumenti ostati na prvem mestu, in opcijskim tretjo violino. vijolična. deli in klavir so vključene v pomoč v vaje in uspešnosti situacijah. Stopnja 1-1,5.