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It's Only a Movie.


To je samo Movie.


It's Only a Movie. Alfred Hitchcock, A Personal Biography. Applause Books. Softcover. 368 pages. Published by Applause Books. HL.314742. ISBN 1557836922. 6x9 inches. “ It's Only a Movie is the best book ever written about my father. It really is amazing. ” –Patricia Hitchcock. North by Northwest. Psycho. Rear Window. The Birds. Vertigo. When it comes to murder and mayhem, shock and suspense, the films of Alfred Hitchcock can not be surpassed. For this book, Charlotte Chandler interviewed Hitchcock, his wife, daughter, film crew members, and many of the stars who appeared in his films, including Kim Novak, Janet Leigh, Cary Grant, Tippi Hedren and James Stewart. Throughout the book, Chandler shares Hitchcock's wit and wisdom. When actors took themselves too seriously, he would remind them, “it's only a movie. ” Chandler introduces us to the real Hitchcock, a devoted family man and notorious practical joker, who made suspenseful thrillers mixed with subtle humor and tacit eroticism.


To je samo Movie. Alfred Hitchcock, Personal Življenjepis. Aplavz Knjige. Mehko prekrivalo. 368 strani. Izdala Aplavz Knjige. HL.314742. ISBN 1557836922. 6x9 cm. "To je samo film, je najboljša knjiga vseh časov o mojem očetu. Res je neverjetno,. "-Patricia Hitchcock. North by Northwest. Psycho. Rear Window. The Birds. Vertigo. Ko gre za umor in Zločin, šok in suspenz, ne more biti presežen s filmi Alfreda Hitchcocka. Za to knjigo, Charlotte Chandler razgovor Hitchcocka, njegova žena, hči, člani filmske ekipe, in veliko zvezd, ki so se pojavili v svojih filmih, vključno s Kim Novak, Janet Leigh, Cary Grant, Tippi Hedren in James Stewart. V celotni knjigi, Chandler deli duhovitosti in modrosti Hitchcocka. Ko akterji sami vzel preveč resno, bi se jih spomnim, "to je samo film. ” Chandler introduces us to the real Hitchcock, a devoted family man and notorious practical joker, who made suspenseful thrillers mixed with subtle humor and tacit eroticism.