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B.B. King Anthology. B.B. King. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.


B.B. King Anthology. B.B. King. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Vmesna.


B.B. King Anthology by B.B. King. For Guitar. Hal Leonard Guitar Recorded Versions. Blues. Difficulty. medium. Easy guitar tablature songbook. Vocal melody. on most songs. , lyrics. on most songs. , chord names, guitar chord diagrams, guitar tablature, standard guitar notation and guitar notation legend. 216 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.690492. ISBN 0634030582. With vocal melody. on most songs. , lyrics. on most songs. , chord names, guitar chord diagrams, guitar tablature, standard guitar notation and guitar notation legend. Blues. 9x12 inches. The All Music Guide praises B.B. King in no uncertain terms as 'the single most important electric guitarist of the last half century. ' This outstanding new book in our Guitar Recorded Versions series provides note-for-note transcriptions with tab for 35 hits from this living legend from 1950 to 2000, including Ask Me No Questions, Lucille, The Thrill Is Gone and more. Guitar Recorded Versions are note-for-note transcriptions of guitar music taken directly off recordings. This series, one of the most popular in print today, features some of the greatest guitar players and groups from blues, rock, and heavy metal. Guitar Recorded Versions are transcribed by the best transcribers in the business. Every book contains notes and tablature. Chains And Things. Get Off My Back Woman. I Want You So Bad. Five Long Years. Fools Get Wise. Please Accept My Love. Recession Blues. She's Dynamite. Sweet Sixteen. You Upset Me Baby. B.B. Blues. Everything I Do Is Wrong. It's My Own Fault Darlin'. A New Way Of Driving. When Your Baby Packs Up And Goes. B.B.'s Boogie. Bad Luck Soul. Beautician Blues. King Of Guitar. Just Like A Woman. King's Special. Watch Yourself. Ask Me No Questions. Cryin' Won't Help You. Don't Answer The Door. Lucille. Miss Martha King. Paying The Cost To Be The Boss. Rock Me Baby. So Excited. Sweet Little Angel. The Thrill is Gone. Riding With The King. Three O'clock Blues. You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now.


B.B. King Anthology s B.B. King. Za kitaro. Hal Leonard Guitar Recorded Versions. Blues. Težavnost. srednje. Easy kitara tablature pesmarica. Vokalna melodija. na večini pesmi. , Lyrics. na večini pesmi. , Imena tetiva, kitara struna diagrami, kitara tablature, standardna kitara zapis in zapis kitara legenda. 216 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.690492. ISBN 0634030582. Z vokalne melodije. na večini pesmi. , Lyrics. na večini pesmi. , Imena tetiva, kitara struna diagrami, kitara tablature, standardna kitara zapis in zapis kitara legenda. Blues. 9x12 cm. All Music Vodnik hvali BB King v nobenem primeru negotovih pogojev, kot "najpomembnejši električni kitarist zadnjega pol stoletja. Ta izjemna nova knjiga v naši kitara Posneto različice serije ponuja note-za-note transkripcij z zavihkom 35 zadetkov iz te živo legendo 1950-2000, vključno Ask Me ne vprašanja, Lucille, Thrill Is Gone in več. Kitara Posneti Različice so note-za-note prepisi kitarske glasbe, vzetega neposredno off posnetkov. Ta serija je ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih v tisku danes, ima nekaj največjih kitaristov in skupin, od bluesa, rocka in heavy metala. Guitar Posneti Različice so prepisane z najboljšimi prepisovalci v poslovnem. Vsaka knjiga vsebuje opombe in tablature. Verige in stvari. Get Off My Back Woman. I Want You So Bad. Pet dolgih let. Bedaki Get Wise. Prosim, sprejmite moje ljubezni. Recesija Blues. Ona je Dynamite. Sweet Sixteen. You razburjena Me Baby. B.B. Blues. Vse, kar naredim je narobe. To je moja krivda Ljubica. Nov način vožnje. Ko Your Baby paketi Up In Goes. B.B. 's Boogie. Bad Luck Soul. Beautician Blues. King Of Guitar. Just Like A Woman. King je posebna. Pazi nase. Ask Me No Questions. Cryin 'vam ne bo pomagal. Ne odpret vrata. Lucille. Miss Martha King. Plačevanje stroškov, ki jih Boss. Rock Me Baby. Tako razburjen. Sweet Mali Angel. Thrill Is Gone. Riding With The King. Tri ure Blues. You Done izgubili svoje dobra stvar Zdaj.
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