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Precipitation to the Dance. Flute sheet music.


Padavine na ples. Flavta note.


Precipitation to the Dance. the Start of A Skier's Powder Morning. Composed by Jonathan Cohen. For flute choir. Standard notation. 7 2 pages. Duration 4 minutes, 45 seconds. Falls House Press #FC-JC10. Published by Falls House Press. PR.FCJC10. With Standard notation. Precipitation to the Dance musically simulates a skier's start to a morning of powdery snowÑthat rare and endless blanket of white for which skiers yearn. In the first scene, the snow falls peacefully, gloriously, and lyrically at night. With little transition, the second scene describes the smooth beauty of the snow as seen from the rising lift. Anticipation finally gives way to the third scene, when the skiers leap from the lifts and dance through the powder in a rollicking jig that includes jumps, turns, and a triumphal return to the mountain base. Scored for piccolo, 4 C flutes, alto flute, bass flute, and optional contrabass, this is a fun piece to play for flute choirs. For players of moderate skill.


Padavine na ples. Začetek smučar je Powder Morning. Sestavljajo ga Jonathan Cohen. Za flavto zbor. Standardni zapis. 7 2 strani. Trajanje 4 minute in 45 sekund. Falls House Press #FC-JC10. Published by Falls House Press. PR.FCJC10. S standardnim zapisom. Padavine na ples glasbeno simulira začetek smučarja, da je zjutraj praškastih snowÑthat redke in neskončno odejo belo, za katere smučarji hrepenijo. V prvem prizoru, sneg pade na miren način, s slavo, in lirično ponoči. Z malo prehod, drugi prizor opisuje nemoteno lepoto snega, kot je razvidno iz naraščajočega dvigala. Predvidevanje končno daje pot na tretjem prizoru, ko so smučarji preskok iz dvigala in plesa skozi praška v Vesel rezbarske, ki vključuje skoke, obrne in Triumfalni vrnitev v gorskem bazo. Dosegel za pikolo, 4 flavte C, alt flavto, bas flavto, kontrabas in neobvezno, to je zabavno kos, da igrajo za flavto zborov. For players of moderate skill.
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