
Partiture $55.00


Yo Recuerdo a Mi Hermano Tito. I Remember My Brother Tito. Frank Foster. Advanced.


Spomnim se, moj brat Tito. I Remember moj brat Tito. Frank Foster. Napredno.


Yo Recuerdo a Mi Hermano Tito. I Remember My Brother Tito. arranged by Frank Foster. For big band. Medium to difficult. Score and parts. Published by Walrus Music Publishing. WA.51226. Dedicated to the memory of Tito Puente. Yo Recuerdo A Mi Hermano Tito is a Latin-flavored composition somewhere between a Cha-Cha and a Mambo. It could be called either a fast Cha-Cha or a slow Mambo. Timbales should be the featured solo instrument, as that was Tito's specialty 'axe'. There is no part for timbales on the score, but that shouldnt be a problem for a seasoned timbales player. After an eight-measure intro reminiscent of that on the Latin standard "Mambo Inn," the ensemble goes through the opening chorus featuring alternately brass and saxes on the highly "latin-esque' melody. This is followed by an 8 bars long interlude-modulation from 'F' major to A-flat major leading to the one-chorus piano solo, which may be played as written or improvised, according to the pianist's wishes. More ensemble follows the piano solo, after whichthere's a 'montuno' section in which the piano starts out playing the melody for about eight measures. Soon the rhythm section gives way to conga drum. and timbales. or trap drummer if no timbales are present. Either timbales or trap drums play an extended solo, building in intensity as it goes. This entire section apprears on the score and parts as an empty four-measures repeated indefinitely. After timbales or drums have done their thing, the ensemble takes it out with a shout chorus followed by the ending which is the same as the introduction. Yo Recuerdo. should make an interesting, fairly exciting addition to your large jazz ensemble library. 5, 5, 4, G, P, B, D.


Spomnim se, moj brat Tito. I Remember moj brat Tito. urejen Franka Fosterja. Za big band. Srednje do težko. Rezultat in deli. Izdala mrož Music Publishing. WA.51226. Posvečena spominu Tito Puente. Yo Recuerdo Mi Hermano Tito je Latinska okusom sestava nekje med Cha-Cha in Mambo. To bi lahko imenovali bodisi hitro Cha-Cha ali počasi Mambo. Timbales mora biti izrazit solo instrument, kot da je bila Titova posebnost "sekira". Je za timbales na rezultat ne igra, ampak to ne bi smel biti problem za začinjeno timbales predvajalnik. Po osmih ukrep intro za spominja, da je v Latinski standardno "Mambo Inn" ansambel gre skozi uvodnem zboru featuring izmenično medenine in saksofoni na visoko "latin-esque" melodijo. To je sledilo 8 barov dolgo Interlude-modulacijo "F" velika za A-duru vodi do one-chorus klavir solo, ki se lahko igral kot pisni ali improviziran, v skladu z željami pianista je. Več ansambel sledi klavir solo, po whichthere je oddelek "montuno", v katerem klavir začne ven igrati melodijo za okoli osem ukrepov. Kmalu ritem sekcija daje pot do Conga boben. in timbales. ali past bobnar, če niso bili navzoči timbales. Bodisi timbales ali past bobni imajo podaljšan solo, ki temelji na intenzivnosti, saj gre. Ta celoten oddelek apprears na rezultat in delov kot prazen štiri ukrepov ponavljajočih nedoločen čas. Potem ko so timbales ali bobni naredil svoje stvari, ansambel jo sklene s shout refren, ki mu sledi konec, ki je enako kot z uvedbo. I Remember. naj bi zanimivo, dokaj zanimiv dodatek k vaši veliki jazz ansambel knjižnici. 5, 5, 4, G, P, B, D.
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