
Partiture $5.25


Wassail Song. Leroy Anderson. Handbell sheet music. Percussion sheet music.


Zdravica Song. Leroy Anderson. Handbell note. Tolkala note.


Wassail Song composed by Leroy Anderson. 1908-1975. Arranged by Martha Thompson. For handbell choir. 3-6 octaves. Christmas, Sacred. Grade 3. Handbell score. 8 pages. Published by Hope Publishing Company. HP.2404. Martha Lynn Thompson's 3-6 octave transcription of the last movement of Leroy Anderson's "Suite of Carols for String Orchestra" features a brisk tempo. triple meter with the feeling of one beat per measure. The familiar Yorkshire Carol appears throughout as an unadorned melody in both treble and bass ranges, above a malleted bass accompaniment, beneath an embellished melody, and with melodic phrases playing off one another in the various bell ranges. After a grand pause in measure 123, the setting races to an exciting climax.


Pivske pesmi sestavljajo Leroy Anderson. 1908-1975. Uredil Martha Thompson. Za handbell zbor. 3-6 oktave. Božič, Sacred. Razred 3. Handbell ocena. 8 strani. Izdala Hope Publishing. HP.2404. Martha Lynn Thompson 3-6 oktave prepis zadnjega gibanja Leroy Andersona "Suite za Carols za godalni orkester" ima živahne tempo. triple meter z občutkom enem utripu na ukrep. Seznanjeni Yorkshire Carol se pojavi v celotnem kot Neokićen melodijo v tako visokih in nizkih tonov razponih, nad malleted bas spremljavo, pod okrašeno z melodijo, in melodične fraze igranje off med seboj v različnih razponih zvonec. Po velikem premoru v ukrepu 123, se nastavitev dirkah do razburljivega vrhunca.
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