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Stoccato. Fred Gramann. Handbell sheet music. Handchime sheet music. Percussion sheet music.


Shranjeni. Fred Gramann. Handbell note. Handchime note. Tolkala note.


Stoccato arranged by Fred Gramann. For 5-7 octave handbell choir with optional 5-7 octave handchimes. Master Ringer Series. General. Level 4. Handbell score. Published by Chorister's Guild. LO.CGB812. The title Stoccato is a combination of staccato and toccata, both of which describe the piece with its quick motion. toccata. and use of mallets. staccato. Commissioned in honor of the musical ministry of Alice Ralston at Fist United Methodist Church of Midland, the musical theme is base on a musical representation of the letters A-L-I-C-E-R-A-L-S-T-O-N. The opening three statements of her name provide moments of reflections and remembrance, to be savored as the memories of Alice's work are treasured by all. The remainder of the piece is pure celebration, to be rung joyously.


Stoccato urejen Fred Gramann. Za 5-7 oktave handbell zbor z neobveznimi handchimes 5-7 oktave. Master Ringer Series. Splošno. Raven 4. Handbell ocena. Izdala Chorister je Guild. LO.CGB812. Naslovno Stoccato je kombinacija staccato in Toccata, ki sta opisujejo kos s hitrim gibom. Toccata. in uporaba mallets. staccato. Naročena v čast glasbeni ministrstva Alice Ralston na Fist United Methodist Church of Midland, glasbena tema je osnova na glasbeno zastopanje kratice ALICERALSTON. Odprtje tri izjave njenega imena zagotavljajo trenutkov refleksije in spominu, da se savored kot spomini na delo Alicinega zaupajo vse. Preostanek kosu je čista praznovanje, ki bo pozvonil joyously.
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