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Strolling Around the World - Cello. James McLeod.


Sprehodu Around the World - Cello. James McLeod.


Strolling Around the World - Cello composed by James McLeod. Orchestra. For cello. Orchestra method. study. Strolling Strings. Grade 3. Method book. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.GL121CO. ISBN 084976937X. Strolling Strings is a fresh and exciting way to sustain or restore interest in your orchestra at all grade levels. Performing at banquets, PTA meetings, and private parties provides much needed exposure for your program. In addition, it gives your students the opportunity to reach out and become involved in their community, developing their performance skills as they go. Strolling Strings is a fun and effective way for orchestra directors to meet the dual challenges of educating students and providing quality entertainment for the community. Strolling Around the World is perfect for less advanced players, or for strolling groups just getting started. This 30-minute show features the music of England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, and the U.S.A. Grades 2-3. Strolling Strings is your program's answer to marching band, jazz ensemble, and show choir. In addition, strolling allows your students to communicate with an audience in a unique way that builds confidence, self-esteem, and creativity. This innovative curriculum includes both complete shows and individual "showstoppers. " Each includes program notes, detailed performance suggestions, and a Show Host script.


Sprehod Around the World - violončelo skladatelja Jamesa McLeod. Orkester. Za violončelo. Metoda orkester. Študija. Sprehodu Strings. Razred 3. Metoda knjiga. Izdala Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.GL121CO. ISBN 084976937X. Sprehodi Strings je svež in zanimiv način za ohranitev ali obnovitev zanimanje za vašo orkester na vseh ravneh razred. Opravljajo na bankete, sestanke PTA in zasebnim strankam nudi prepotrebno izpostavljenosti za vaše programa. Poleg tega, da daje svojim študentom priložnost, da bi dosegla in se vključijo v njihovo skupnost, ki razvija svoje sposobnosti delovanja kot gredo. Sprehodi Strings je zabaven in učinkovit način za orkester direktorjev za soočanje z dvojnim izzivom izobraževanju študentov in zagotavljanju kakovostne zabave za skupnost. Sprehodu Around the World, je kot nalašč za manj napredne igralce ali za sprehode skupin šele začeli. Ta 30-minutna oddaja prikazuje glasbo Angliji, Franciji, Nemčiji, na Irskem, v Italiji, Mehiki, Rusiji, Španiji in ZDA stopenj 2-3. Sprehodi Strings odgovor je vaš program, da korakajo pasu, jazz ansambel, in predstava zbor. Poleg tega Sprehodi omogoča svojim učencem, da komunicirajo z občinstvom na edinstven način, ki gradi zaupanje, samozavest in ustvarjalnost. Ta inovativni učni načrt vključuje tako popolne predstave in individualnih "showstoppers. "Vsak vključuje Program ugotavlja, podrobne predloge za uspešnost, in scenarij za Show Host.
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