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Rev. Gary Davis. The Video Collection on DVD. Rev. Gary Davis. Electric Guitar sheet music. Flatpicking Guitar sheet music.
Rev Gary Davis. Video Collection na DVD-ju. Rev Gary Davis. Electric Guitar note. Flatpicking Guitar note.
Rev. Gary Davis. The Video Collection on DVD composed by Rev. Gary Davis. For Guitar. Flatpicking. Boxed, Concert. Documentary. Vestapol. Blues. DVD. Duration 105 minutes. Published by Grossman's Guitar Workshop. MB.13111DVD. ISBN 9781579408695. Blues. 5.25 x 7.5 inches. The first two tracks are taken from a short film that played in theatres in the early 1960s. This was shot while Rev. Davis lived in the Bronx. The filmmaker was very interested in the ambience but we do get a chance to see Rev. Davis play. Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest had one show that featured Rev. Davis along with Donovan and Shawn Phillips. The next two tunes are from this program. In 1969 Rev. Davis traveled to Seattle, Washington to play for the Folklore Society. Tracks 5-12 were filmed by the Anthropology Department of the University of Washington at the home of John Ullman. This is rough footage but shows Rev. Davis relaxed amongst friends and his trusty cigar. During that stay John was able to take Rev. Davis in to a proper television studio and tracks 15-23 are from this session. These are seminal performances. The independent filmmaker Lionel Rogosin brought Rev. Davis together with other musicians for his film Black Roots. Tracks 24-26 are from this film. This collection ends with some very rough footage from the wedding celebration of John Gibbon. one of Rev. Davis's earliest New York students. This was originally recorded on reel to reel tape and over the years the tape disintegrated. So what we have left is a faint video image with good sound that shows Rev. Davis enjoying himself at a party with friends. I Heard. The Angels Singing. Advice on Playing Guitar. Buck Dance. Calling for Irene. Candyman. Children of Zio. Cincinnati Flow Rag. Slow Drag. Death Don't Have No Mercy. Guitar Lesson. Twelve Gates To The City. Hard Walkin' Blues. I Belong To The Band. Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burning. Lord, I Feel Like Goin'. Make Believe Stunt. Oh Glory How Happy I Am. Sally Where'd You Get Your Liquor From. Samson And Delilah. She's Just Funny That Way. Spoonful. Sun Is Goin' Down. Talk on Death. Twelve Gates To The City. Twelve Gates To The City. Instrumental. Twelve Sticks. Wouldn't Say Quit.
Rev Gary Davis. Video Collection na DVD-ju sestavljajo Rev. Gary Davis. Za kitaro. Flatpicking. Boxed, koncert. Dokumentarni. Vestapol. Blues. DVD. Trajanje: 105 minut. Izdala Grossman je Guitar Workshop. MB.13111DVD. ISBN 9781579408695. Blues. 5,25 x 7,5 cm. Prvi dve skladbe so vzete iz kratkega filma, ki je igral v gledališčih v začetku leta 1960. To je bil ustreljen, medtem ko Rev Davis je živela v Bronxu. Filmar je bila zelo zainteresirana v ambientu, vendar bomo dobili priložnost, da vidijo Rev Davis igrati. Pete Seeger je Rainbow Quest imela eno predstavo, ki pokaže Rev Davis skupaj z Donovan in Shawn Phillips. Naslednji dve melodije so iz tega programa. Leta 1969 Rev Davis odpotoval v Seattle, Washington, da igrajo za Folklornega društva. Skladbe 5-12 so posneti z oddelka za antropologijo na Univerzi v Washingtonu na domu John Ullman. To je groba posnetke, vendar kaže, Rev Davis sproščeno med prijatelji in njegov zaupljiv cigar. Med tem bivanjem bil John sposobna sprejeti Rev Davis se za pravega televizijskega studia in vozne 15-23 od te seje. To so semenske predstave. Neodvisni filmar Lionel Rogosin prinesel Rev Davis skupaj z drugimi glasbeniki za svoj film Črna Roots. Skladbe 24-26 so iz tega filma. Ta zbirka se konča z nekaj zelo grobo posnetkov od poročnega praznovanja John Gibbon. eden Rev Davisa prvih New York študentov. To je bil prvotno posnet na kolutu na kolutu trak in v nekaj letih trak razpadla. Torej, kaj nam je ostalo, je šibek video slike z dobrim zvokom, ki prikazuje sam Rev. Davis uživajo na zabavi s prijatelji. I Heard. Angels Singing. Svetovanje na igranje kitare. Buck Dance. Poziva k Irene. Candyman. Otroci zio. Cincinnati Flow Rag. Slow Drag. Smrt Še nimate No Mercy. Guitar Lesson. Dvanajst Gates v mesto. Hard Walkin 'Blues. I Belong To The Band. Naj bo vaš Lamp obrezane in Burning. Lord, I Feel Like Goin '. Verjemite, da Stunt. Oh Glory Kako sem srečna. Sally Kje You Get Your tekočine iz. Samson in Dalila. Ona je samo smešno, da Way. Žličko. Sonce se dogaja dol. Govoriti o smrti. Dvanajst Gates v mesto. Dvanajst Gates v mesto. Instrumental. Dvanajst Sticks. Ne bi rekel, Quit.