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The Great American Songbook - Country. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Great American Songbook - Država. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note.


The Great American Songbook - Country. Music and Lyrics for 100 Classic Songs. By Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 402 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.110386. ISBN 1476875499. 9x12 inches. This essential compendium of country tunes includes. Abilene. Always on My Mind. Are You Lonesome Tonight. Blue Bayou. Breathe. Butterfly Kisses. Can the Circle Be Unbroken. Cold, Cold Heart. Desperado. The Devil Went Down to Georgia. Flowers on the Wall. For the Good Times. Galveston. The Gambler. God Bless the U.S.A.. I Swear. Jolene. The Keeper of the Stars. On the Road Again. Rocky Top. Smoky Mountain Rain. Stand by Your Man. When Will I Be Loved. You Don't Know Me. Your Cheatin' Heart. and scores more. 400 pages of music. I Saw The Light. Abilene. Achy Breaky Heart. Don't Tell My Heart. Act Naturally. I Swear. Teddy Bear. The Keeper Of The Stars. Can The Circle Be Unbroken. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. On The Road Again. All My Ex's Live In Texas. Butterfly Kisses. Through The Years. All The Gold In California. Stand By Me. Breathe. Always on My Mind. You're Still The One. I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow. Annie's Song. Are You Lonesome Tonight. Games People Play. You Decorated My Life. Big Bad John. Blue Bayou. Blue Moon Of Kentucky. Bonaparte's Retreat. Jolene. Desperado. Bye Bye Love. You Don't Know Me. Can't Help Falling in Love. Rocky Top. Your Cheatin' Heart. The Closer You Get. Cold, Cold Heart. Could I Have This Dance. Coward Of The County. Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast. Detroit City. The Devil Went Down To Georgia. Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue. Don't Take Your Guns To Town. Down At The Twist And Shout. You Got It. Every Which Way But Loose. Family Tradition. Flowers On The Wall. For The Good Times. Four Walls. Galveston. The Gambler. God Bless The U.S.A. Great Balls of Fire. Half As Much. He Stopped Loving Her Today. Help Me Make It Through The Night. Husbands And Wives. I Love A Rainy Night. I Walk The Line. I Wish I Was Eighteen Again. I Wouldn't Have Missed It For The World. Just A Little Lovin'. Will Go A Long Way. The Last Word In Lonesome Is Me. Little Green Apples. Me And Bobby McGee. Mountain Of Love. My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys. The Night they Drove Old Dixie Down. Oh, Lonesome Me. Okie From Muskogee. One Has My Name, The Other Has My Heart. Peaceful Easy Feeling. A Rainy Night In Georgia. Release Me. I Never Promised You A. Rose Garden. Send Me The Pillow You Dream On. She Believes In Me. Since I Met You Baby. Singing The Blues. Sixteen Tons. Smoky Mountain Rain. Snowbird. Stand By Your Man. Sunshine On My Shoulders. Swingin'. Talkin' In Your Sleep. Thank God I'm a Country Boy. Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree. Wake Up Little Susie. Walkin' After Midnight. When Will I Be Loved. When You're Hot, You're Hot. A White Sport Coat. And A Pink Carnation. Why Me. Why Me, Lord. Wooden Heart. Wichita Lineman. You Are My Sunshine. You Win Again. Young Love. Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground.


Great American Songbook - Država. Music and Lyrics za 100 Classic Songs. Z različnimi. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara Songbook. Mehko prekrivalo. 402 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.110386. ISBN 1476875499. 9x12 cm. Ta bistvena zbirka pesmi držav, ki vključuje. Abilene. Always on My Mind. Are You Lonesome Tonight. Blue Bayou. Breathe. Butterfly Kisses. Lahko kroga Unbroken. Cold, Cold Heart. Desperado. Devil Went v Gruziji. Rože na steni. Za Good Times. Galveston. Gambler. God Bless the USA. Prisežem. Jolene. Keeper of the Stars. Na cesto. Rocky vrh. Smoky Mountain Rain. Stand by Your Man. Ko bom Be Loved. Vi me ne poznate. Vaš Cheatin "Heart. in mnogo več. 400 strani glasbe. Sem zagledal luč. Abilene. Bolečine v mišicah Breaky Heart. Ne povej My Heart. Seveda deluje. Prisežem. Teddy Bear. Keeper Of The Stars. Lahko kroga Unbroken. Bo kroga Unbroken. Na cesto. All My Ex živi v Teksasu. Butterfly Kisses. Skozi leta. Vse zlata v Kaliforniji. Stand By Me. Breathe. Always on My Mind. Ti si še vedno tisti,. I Am Man Of Constant Sorrow. Annie Song. Are You Lonesome Tonight. Igre People Play. Vi Okrašena My Life. Big Bad John. Blue Bayou. Blue Moon Of Kentucky. Bonaparte je Retreat. Jolene. Desperado. Bye Bye Ljubezen. Vi me ne poznate. Ne morem Help Falling in Love. Rocky vrh. Vaš Cheatin "Heart. Closer You Get. Cold, Cold Heart. Bi lahko prosim za ta ples. Strahopetec grofije. Očka Ne hodite tako hitro. Detroit Mesto. Devil Went v Gruziji. Ne bi moj Brown Eyes Blue. Ne Vzemite svoje puške Town. Navzdol na Twist And Shout. You Got It. Every Which Way But Loose. Družinska tradicija. Rože na steni. Za The Good Times. Štiri stene. Galveston. Gambler. God Bless The U.S.A.. Great Balls of Fire. Pol toliko. Ustavil jo ljubiš Danes. Pomagaj mi, da bi prek noči. Husbands and Wives. I Love A Rainy Night. I Walk The Line. I Wish I Was Osemnajst enkrat. Tega ne bi zamudil za nič na svetu. Just A Little Lovin '. Bo še dolgo pot. Zadnja beseda v Lonesome Me. Little Green Apples. Me And Bobby McGee. Mountain Of Love. Moji junaki so bili vedno Cowboys. Night Odpeljali Old Dixie dol. Oh, Lonesome Me. Okie Od Muskogee. Eno je, My Name, drugi pa My Heart. Peaceful Easy Feeling. Rainy Night V Gruziji. Spustite me. I Never Promised vami. Rose Garden. Pošlji mi blazino sanjaš o. Ona verjame vame. Odkar sem spoznal tebe Baby. Singing The Blues. Šestnajst Tons. Smoky Mountain Rain. Snowbird. Stand By Your Man. Sunshine On My Shoulders. Swingin '. Govoriš v spanju. Hvala bogu, da sem Country Boy. Tie Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole hrast. Wake Up malo Susie. Sprehajam po polnoči. Ko bom Be Loved. Ko ste Hot, si vroče. Bela Sport Coat. In Pink Carnation. Zakaj me. Zakaj Me, Lord. Wooden Heart. Wichita Lineman. You Are My Sunshine. You Win Spet. Mlada ljubezen. Angel Letenje preblizu Ground.
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