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Best Of Woody Guthrie. Woody Guthrie. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Easy Guitar sheet music. Beginning.Prevod
Best Of Woody Guthrie. Woody Guthrie. Akustična kitara note. Easy Guitar note. Začetek.Originalno
Best Of Woody Guthrie composed by Woody Guthrie. Arranged by Mick O'brien. For Guitar. Strum It. Guitar. Americana and Folk. Difficulty. easy-medium. Songbook. Vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and strum and pick patterns. 56 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.699496. ISBN 0634035878. With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and strum and pick patterns. Americana and Folk. 9x12 inches. Features authentic chords, strum patterns, melody and lyrics for 20 of the most popular songs. all in their original keys. from this highly influential founding father of folk. Includes. Do Re Mi. Dust Pneumonia Blues. The Grand Coulee Dam. Hard Travelin'. I Ain't Got No Home. Jackhammer John. New York Town. Ramblin' Round. Roll On, Columbia. So Long It's Been Good to Know Yuh. Dusty Old Dust. Talking Dust Bowl. This Land Is Your Land. Tom Joad. Vigilante Man. and more. "Strum It" was created to get guitar students and self-taught guitarists playing along with their favorite songs. The songs are arranged using their original keys in lead sheet format, and include the chords for each song, beginning to end. Perfect for players who want to play along with the original recordings, the melody and lyrics are also shown to help players keep their spot and to sing along. Strum It does not include tablature, or the difficult solo passages from the original recordings. Deportee. Plane Wreck At Los Gatos. Ramblin' Round. Riding In My Car. So Long It's Been Good To Know Yuh. Dusty Old Dust. This Land Is Your Land. New York Town. Dust Pneumonia Blues. Tom Joad. Pastures Of Plenty. Vigilante Man. Do-Re-Mi. Going Down The Road. I Ain't Going To Be Treated This Way. The Grand Coulee Damn. Hard Travelin'. I Ain't Got No Home. I Got To Know. Jackhammer John. Jesus Christ.Prevod
Best Of Woody Guthrie ga sestavljajo Woody Guthrie. Urejen Mick O'Brien. Za kitaro. It Drndanje. Kitara. Americana in Folk. Težavnost. lahka srednje. Songbook. Vokalna melodija, lyrics, tetiva imena in Preigravajte in izbrali vzorce. 56 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.699496. ISBN 0634035878. Z vokalna melodija, lyrics, tetiva imena in Preigravajte in pick vzorcev. Americana in Folk. 9x12 cm. Značilnosti avtentičnih akordi, Preigravajte vzorce, melodije in pesmi za 20 najbolj priljubljenih skladb. vse v svojih prvotnih ključev. od tega zelo vpliven ustanovni oče folka. Vključuje. Narediti Re MI. Prah Pljučnica Blues. Grand Coulee Dam. Trdi travelin ". Jaz nimam doma,. Nabijaj John. New York Town. Ramblin 'Round. Roll On, Columbia. Tako dolgo je bilo, Dobro je vedeti YUH. Dusty Old Prah. Talking Dust Bowl. Ta Land Is Your Land. Tom Joad. Vigilante Man. in bolj. "Preigravajte It" je bil ustvarjen, da bi dobili študenti kitare in samouki kitaristi igrajo skupaj s svojimi priljubljenimi pesmimi. Pesmi so urejeni z uporabo njihovih originalnih ključe v obliki svinčevega stanja, in vključujejo tetive za vsako pesem, ki se začne konec. Kot nalašč za igralce, ki želijo igrati skupaj z originalnimi posnetki, so melodija in besedilo tudi pokazala, da bi igralci ohranjajo svoje mesto in skupaj pojejo. Drndanje To ne vključuje tablature ali težke solo odlomke iz izvirnih posnetkov. Deportiranec. Plane Wreck V Los Gatos. Ramblin 'Round. Vožnja v avtu. Tako dolgo je bilo, je dobro vedeti YUH. Dusty Old Prah. Ta Land Is Your Land. New York Town. Prah Pljučnica Blues. Tom Joad. Pašniki of Plenty. Vigilante Man. Do-Re-Mi. Greš po cesti. Ne grem, da se obravnavajo This Way. Grand Coulee Damn. Trdi travelin ". Jaz nimam doma,. Moram vedeti. Nabijaj John. Jezus Kristus.Največkrat iskano