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Ukulele All-Time Favorites. Various. Ukulele sheet music.


Ukulele All-čas Priljubljene. Various. Ukulele note.


Ukulele All-Time Favorites composed by Various. For Ukulele. Music Sales America. Folk. Softcover. 64 pages. Music Sales #AM994004. Published by Music Sales. HL.14034450. ISBN 0825636302. Folk. 9x12 inches. Here are 42 all-time favorite traditional songs that are ideal for ukulele accompaniment. Complete with lyrics and chord boxes, this collection is the ideal way to improve your uke skills by playing real songs that everyone can sing. Includes a handy chord library. Songs include. Danny Boy. Drunken Sailor. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Greensleeves. Molly Malone. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen. Oh. Susanna. Pop Goes the Weasel. Scarborough Fair. Will the Circle Be Unbroken. and more. Amazing Grace. The Big Rock Candy Mountain. Camptown Races. Careless Love. Danny Boy. Dixie. Down By The Riverside. Drunken Sailor. Early One Morning. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Frankie and Johnny. Go Down Moses. Grandfather's Clock. Greensleeves. Home on the Range. House Of The Rising Sun. Hush, Little Baby. John Brown's Body. joshua. fit the battle fo jericho. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Lavender's Blue. Mama Don't 'low. the licolnshire poacher. Michael Finnegan. Molly Malone. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. Oh Dear. What Can The Matter Be. Oh. Susanna. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. On Top of Old Smokey. Polly Put The Kettle On. Pop Goes the Weasel. Rivers of Babylon. Santa Lucia. Scarborough Fair. Skye Boat Song. The Streets Of Laredo. There's A Hole In My Bucket. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. The Yellow Rose of Texas.


Ukulele All-čas favoriti sestavljene z Various. Za ukulele. Glasba prodaje America. Folk. Mehko prekrivalo. 64 strani. Музыка по продажам. Izdala Music Sales. HL.14034450. ISBN 0825636302. Folk. 9x12 cm. Tukaj so 42 najljubša tradicionalne pesmi, ki so idealni za ukulele spremljavo. Skupaj z besedili in tetiva škatle, ta zbirka je idealen način, da bi izboljšali svoje Uke sposobnosti z igranjem prave pesmi, da lahko vsi pojejo. Vključuje priročno knjižnico tetiva. Pesmi vključuje. Danny Boy. Drunken Sailor. Za On je dober fant. Greensleeves. Molly Malone. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean. Nihče ne ve Trouble sem videl. Oh. Susanna. Pop Goes podlasica. Scarborough Fair. Bo kroga Unbroken. in bolj. Amazing Grace. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Camptown Dirke. Nepreviden Ljubezen. Danny Boy. Dixie. Navzdol ob reki. Drunken Sailor. Zgodaj zjutraj. Za On je dober fant. Frankie in Johnny. Go Down Moses. Ura dedka. Greensleeves. Home on the Range. House Of The Rising Sun. Hush Little Baby. Body Johna Browna. joshua. fit bitko fo Jeriho. Samo Closer Walk s teboj. Sivka je Blue. Mama Ne "nizka. licolnshire divji lovec. Michael Finnegan. Molly Malone. My Bonnie Lies čez ocean. Nihče ne ve Težave sem videl. Oh Dear. Kaj lahko se zadeva. Oh. Susanna. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Na vrh Old Smokey. Polly Postavi čajnik. Pop Goes podlasica. Rivers of Babylon. Santa Lucia. Scarborough Fair. Skye Boat Song. Streets Of Laredo. Tam je Hole In My Bucket. Ko Johnny Comes Marching Domov. Bo kroga Unbroken. Yellow Rose of Texas.
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