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Just for Fun -- Children's Songs for Banjo. Banjo sheet music.


Samo za zabavo - otroške pesmi za Banjo. Banjo note.


Just for Fun -- Children's Songs for Banjo. 59 Children's Classics. For Other Fretted. This edition. Easy Banjo TAB. Banjo Method or Supplement. Book. Just for Fun. Children. 84 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.41037. ISBN 0739096273. Children. Children's Songs for Banjo is designed to be playable by beginning and novice musicians. It's perfect for children, and for parents who want to strum and sing these great songs along with their kids. Plus, matching guitar, ukulele, and mandolin books are available---just for fun. Titles. A-B-C. A-Hunting We Will Go. All the Pretty Little Horses. All Through the Night. The Alphabet Song. Angels Watching Over Me. The Animal Fair. Baa, Baa, Blacksheep. The Bear Climbed Over the Mountain. Bill Hogan's Goat. Billy Boy. Bingo. Blue Jay Pulled the Four-Horse Plow. Bobby Shafto. Brahms' Lullaby. Come Little Leaves. Did You Ever See a Lassie. Do Your Ears Hang Low. The Farmer in the Dell. Father's Whiskers. Found a Peanut. Frere Jacques. Go In and Out the Window. Goodbye, My Lover, Goodbye. Goodnight, Ladies. Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush. Hickory Dickory Dock. Hush, Little Baby. I Have a Little Dreidel. If You're Happy. And You Know It. It's Raining, It's Pouring. Itsy Bitsy Spider. Jesus Loves Me. John Brown's Baby. Limericks. London Bridge Is Falling Down. Mary Had a Little Lamb. Michael Finnegan. Mighty Lak' a Rose. Mr. Frog Went A-Courting. The Muffin Man. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean. Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer. On the Bridge of Avignon. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pop. Goes the Weasel. Raisins and Almonds. Rig-a-Jig-Jig. Ring Around the Rosie. Rock-a-Bye-Baby. Row, Row, Row, Your Boat. Sailing, Sailing. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain. Sing a Song of Sixpence. Skip to My Lou. This Old Man. Three Blind Mice. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. It's Raining, It's Pouring. Itsy Bitsy Spider. Jesus Loves Me. John Brown's Baby. Limericks. London Bridge Is Falling Down. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Michael Finnegan. Mighty Lak' A Rose. Mr. Frog Went A-Courting. The Muffin Man. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer. On The Bridge of Avignon. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pop. Goes the Weasel. Raisins and Almonds. Rig-A-Jig-Jig. Ring Around The Rosie. Rock-A-Bye Baby. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Sailing, Sailing. She'll Be Coming 'round the Mountain. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Skip to My Lou. This Old Man. Three Blind Mice. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Where, Oh Where, Has My Little Dog Gone. Banjo Chord Dictionary. A-B-C. A-Hunting We Will Go. All The Pretty Little Horses. All Through The Night. The Alphabet Song. Angels Watching Over Me. The Animal Fair. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. The Bear Climbed Over the Mountain. Bill Hogan's Goat. Billy Boy. Bingo. Blue Jay Pulled the Four-Horse Plow. Bobby Shafto. Brahms' Lullaby. Come Little Leaves. Did You Ever See A Lassie. Do Your Ears Hang Low. The Farmer in the Dell. Father's Whiskers. Found a Peanut. Frere Jacques. Go In And Out The Window. Goodbye, My Lover, Goodbye. Goodnight, Ladies. Here We Go 'round The Mulberry Bush. Hickory Dickory Dock. Hush, Little Baby. I Have a Little Dreidel. If You're Happy. And You Know It.


Samo za zabavo - otroške pesmi za Banjo. 59 Otroške Classics. Za druge rezljani. Ta izdaja. Easy Banjo TAB. Banjo Method ali Dodatek. Knjiga. Samo za zabavo. Otroci. 84 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.41037. ISBN 0739096273. Otroci. Otroške pesmi za Banjo je zasnovan tako, da bo mogoče predvajati z začetka in novice glasbenikov. To je kot nalašč za otroke in za starše, ki želijo Drndanje in pojejo teh odličnih pesmi, skupaj s svojimi otroci. Plus, ki ustrezajo kitara, Ukulele, in mandolina knjige so na voljo --- samo za zabavo. Naslovi. A-B-C. -Lov bomo šli. Vse Pretty Little Konji. Vso noč. Alphabet Song. Angels Watching Over Me. Sejem živali. Baa, Baa, Blacksheep. Bear prehojenih Over the Mountain. Bill Hogan je Goat. Billy Boy. Bingo. Blue Jay potegnil Four-Horse Plow. Bobby Shafto. Brahmsov "Lullaby. Pridite majhne Leaves. Ali ste kdaj videli Lassie. Narediti ušesih Hang Low. Kmet v Dell. Luskin očeta. Najdeno kikiriki. Mojster Jaka. Pojdi v in skozi okno. Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye. Lahko noč, dame. Here We Go 'Round Mulberry Bush. Hickory Dickory Dock. Hush Little Baby. I Have a Little Dreidel. Če si srečen. In You Know It. Dežuje, To je Lije. Majhen Bitsy Spider. Jesus Loves Me. John Brown Baby. Limericks. London Bridge je Falling Down. Mary Had a Little Lamb. Michael Finnegan. Mighty Lak "Rose. Mr Frog Went A-Dvorjenje. Muffin Man. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean. Devetindevetdeset Steklenice za pivo. Na Mostu Avignon. Polly wolly Doodle. Pop. Gre podlasica. Rozine in mandlji. Rig-a-Jig Jig-. Ring Around the Rosie. Rock-a-Bye Baby-. Row, Row, Row, Vaša Boat. Jadranje, jadranje. Prišla bo Prihaja 'Round the Mountain. Zapoj pesem o kovancu. Preskoči na moj Lou. Ta Old Man. Tri slepe miši. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Dežuje, To je Lije. Majhen Bitsy Spider. Jesus Loves Me. John Brown Baby. Limericks. London Bridge je Falling Down. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Michael Finnegan. Mogočni Lak "Rose. Mr Frog Went A-Dvorjenje. Muffin Man. My Bonnie Lies čez ocean. Devetindevetdeset Steklenice za pivo. Na mostu iz Avignona. Polly wolly Doodle. Pop. Gre podlasica. Rozine in mandlji. Rig-A-Jig Jig-. Ring Around The Rosie. Rock-A-Bye Baby. Row, Row, vrstica svojo ladjo. Jadranje, jadranje. Prišla bo Prihaja 'round the Mountain. Zapoj pesem o kovancu. Preskoči na moj Lou. Ta Old Man. Tri slepe miši. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Kadar Oh Če je My Little Dog Gone. Banjo Chord Dictionary. A-B-C. -Lov bomo šli. Vse The Pretty Little Konji. Vso noč. Alphabet Song. Angels Watching Over Me. Sejem živali. Baa, Baa Black Sheep. Bear prehojenih Over the Mountain. Bill Hogan je Goat. Billy Boy. Bingo. Blue Jay potegnil Four-Horse Plow. Bobby Shafto. Brahmsov "Lullaby. Pridite majhne Leaves. Ali ste kdaj videli Lassie. Narediti ušesih Hang Low. Kmet v Dell. Luskin očeta. Najdeno kikiriki. Mojster Jaka. Noter in skozi okno. Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye. Lahko noč, dame. Here We Go "krog Mulberry Bush. Hickory Dickory Dock. Hush Little Baby. I Have a Little Dreidel. Če si srečen. In You Know It.
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