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Country Favorites. Dan Fox. Harmonica sheet music. Intermediate.


Država Priljubljene. Dan Fox. Orglice note. Vmesna.


Country Favorites arranged by Dan Fox. For Harmonica. Harmonica. Country. Difficulty. medium. Instrumental solo songbook. Harmonica Tablature. diatonic and chromatic. , lyrics, chord names and instructional text. 48 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.850103. ISBN 0793524202. With Harmonica Tablature. diatonic and chromatic. , lyrics, chord names and instructional text. Country. 9x12 inches. 20 selections. Blueberry Hill. Could I Have This Dance. Hey, Good Lookin'. I Can't Help It. If I'm Still In Love With You. Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys. Somebody's Always Saying Goodbye. Your Cheatin' Heart. more. Blueberry Hill. Bye Bye Love. Could I Have This Dance. El Paso. Elvira. Green Green Grass Of Home. Hey, Good Lookin'. I Almost Lost My Mind. I Can't Help It. If I'm Still In Love With You. It's Hard To Be Humble. Jambalaya. On the Bayou. Love Me Tender. Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys. Oh, Lonesome Me. Paper Roses. Smoky Mountain Rain. Somebody's Always Saying Goodbye. Stand By Me. You Don't Know Me. Your Cheatin' Heart.


Država favoriti urejene Dan Fox. Za orglice. Orglice. Država. Težavnost. srednje. Instrumental samo pesmarica. Orglice tablature. diatonične in kromatične. , Lyrics, tetiva imena in poučni besedilo. 48 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.850103. ISBN 0793524202. S harmoniko tablature. diatonične in kromatične. , Lyrics, tetiva imena in poučni besedilo. Država. 9x12 cm. 20 izborov. Blueberry Hill. Bi lahko prosim za ta ples. Hej, Good Lookin '. Jaz ne morem si pomagati. Če sem Still In Love With You. Mammas Ne Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys. Nekdo je vedno poslavlja. Vaš Cheatin "Heart. več. Blueberry Hill. Bye Bye Ljubezen. Bi lahko prosim za ta ples. Korak. Elvira. Green Green Grass Of Home. Hej, Good Lookin '. I Almost Lost My Mind. Jaz ne morem si pomagati. Če sem Still In Love With You. It's Hard To Be Humble. Jambalaya. Na Bayou. Love Me Tender. Mammas Ne Let Your Babies Grow Up, da Cowboys. Oh, Lonesome Me. Roses papir. Smoky Mountain Rain. Nekdo je vedno poslavlja. Stand By Me. Vi me ne poznate. Vaš Cheatin "Heart.
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