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The Apocryphal Still Life. Vibraphone sheet music.Prevod
Apokrifni Still Life. Vibrafon note.Originalno
The Apocryphal Still Life composed by Christopher Deane. Vibraphone Solo - Unaccompanied. For vibraphone solo. vibraphone. Level 5. Book. Published by Innovative Percussion. IP.S-CD-APO. Composer's notes. The Apocryphal Still Life was written upon the request of the Percussive Arts Society to be performed by contestants for the 1996 Vibraphone Competition to be held at the PASIC Convention '96. The work is dedicated to the virtuoso vibist and good friend, Jon Metzger. In addition to the use of one hand harmonics, a very simple preparation is called for which is to have the lowest "D" and "E" pitches of the instrument raised so that they remain unaffected by the damper system throughout the piece. The piece is composed entirely in cycles consisting of two measures of 6. 4 followed by a measure of 4. 4 although it is not the desire of the composer to have this fact immediately perceived by the listener. "The Apocryphal Still Life is a solo for vibraphone dedicated to the virtuoso vibist Jon Metzger. Basically the composition is in an ABA form with the A section being slow. quarter note 56. and the B section being in double time. 8th note quarter note. The focus of both sections is mainly triplets. however, the triplets of the A section are used as an effect rather than a pulsating rhythm. Many special effects are required to perform this work. one-handed rolls, preparing the D and E. middle range. to sustain freely in spite of the pedaling, one-handed harmonics and dead strokes. All of these effects are clearly explained on a detailed performance notes page. The Apocryphal Still Life is an excellent solo for vibraphone. It was written at the request of the Percussive Arts Society to be performed by contestants for the vibraphone competition held at PASIC '96. Its special effects and idiomatic style would be rewarding for both the performer and the audience at a college-level recital. " - John Beck Percussive Notes, October 1997.Prevod
Apokrifne Still Life sestavljajo Christopher Deane. Vibrafon solo - brez spremstva. Za vibrafon solo. vibrafon. Stopnja 5. Knjiga. Izdala inovativna tolkala. IP.S-CD-APO. Pojasnila skladateljevega. Apokrifni Still Life je bil napisan na zahtevo udarnega Arts Society, ki ga tekmovalci izvajajo za Vibrafon Competition 1996, ki bo potekala na konvenciji Pašić '96. Delo je posvečena virtuoz vibist in dobrega prijatelja, Jon Metzger. Poleg uporabe eni strani harmonike, je zelo enostavna priprava pozvala ki je najnižjo "D" in "E" nagibov instrumenta postavljeno tako, da ne vpliva na sistem blažilnika vsej kosu. Kos je v celoti sestavljen iz ciklov, ki so sestavljeni iz dveh ukrepov 6. 4 sledi merilo 4. 4, čeprav to ni želja skladatelja, da je to dejstvo nemudoma zaznava poslušalec. "Apokrifni Still Life je solo za vibrafon posvečen virtuoz vibist Jon Metzger. V bistvu je sestavek v obliki ABA s odsek se počasi. četrtletje opomba 56.. in oddelek B, ki je v dvojni čas. 8. nota četrtinka. Poudarek obeh odsekov je predvsem trojčki. Vendar pa so trojčki oddelka A se uporablja kot učinek in ne kot ritmu. Številni posebni učinki so potrebna za opravljanje tega dela. enoročno zvitkih, pripravljajo D in E. srednji razpon. da svobodno ohranjati kljub poganjati, z eno roko harmonike in mrtvih kapi. Vsi ti vplivi so jasno razloženo na strani za podrobna pojasnila uspešnosti. Apokrifni Still Life je odlična solo za vibrafon. To je bilo napisano na zahtevo udarnega Arts Society, ki ga tekmovalci izvajajo za konkurenco vibrafon potekala na Pašić '96. Njegove posebne učinke in idiomatičen slog bi nagrajevali tako za izvajalca in publiko v uvodni izjavi nivoja college. - John Beck udarnega ugotavlja, oktober 1997.Največkrat iskano