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Berklee Practice Method. Vibraphone. Vibraphone sheet music.


Practice Metoda Berklee. Vibrafon. Vibrafon note.


Berklee Practice Method. Vibraphone for Vibraphone. Berklee Methods. Play Along. Softcover with CD. 184 pages. Published by Berklee Press. HL.50449436. ISBN 0634007947. Play Along. 9x12 inches. Get your band together. The Berklee Practice Method is the first-ever method that teaches you to play in a rock band. Learn how to listen, interact and respond, improvise, and become part of the groove. The book and play-along CD will help you improve your timing, technique and reading ability through examples in a wide variety of styles. The Berklee Practice Method is available for many instruments, and each book is based on the same songs, in the same key, to facilitate jamming with other players. Lessons throughout this book guide you through technique that is specific to playing vibraphone in a contemporary ensemble. Topics covered include. warming up. establishing a practice routine. learning by ear. theory and technique. rhythmic interpretation. reading. improvising. song form. interpreting lead sheets. and so much more.


Practice Metoda Berklee. Vibrafon za vibrafon. Berklee Metode. Igrajo skupaj. Mehko prekrivalo s CD-ja. 184 strani. Izdala Berklee Press. HL.50449436. ISBN 0634007947. Igrajo skupaj. 9x12 cm. Get your bend skupaj. Praksa Metoda Berklee je prvič v zgodovini metoda, ki uči, da igrajo v rock bendu. Naučite se poslušati, interakcijo in odzivanje, improvizirati, in postanejo del utora. Knjiga in play-vzdolž CD vam bo pomagal izboljšati vašo krmiljenja, tehniko in recepcijske zmožnosti s pomočjo primerov iz različnih stilov. Practice Postopek Berklee je na voljo za številne instrumente, in vsaka knjiga temelji na istih pesmi, v isti ključ, da se olajša motenje z drugimi igralci. Lekcije v tej knjigi vas bo vodil skozi tehniko, ki je značilen za igranje vibrafon v sodobni ansambel. Teme, ki vključujejo. segrevanje. ustanovitvi praksi rutinsko. učenje po posluhu. Teorija in tehnika. ritmična interpretacija. branje. Improvizacija. Obrazec za pesem. tolmačenje vodstvo liste. in še veliko več.
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