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The Rolling Stones Fakebook. 1963-1971. The Rolling Stones. Voice sheet music. C Instrument sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Piano sheet music. Intermediate.


The Rolling Stones Fakebook. 1963-1971. The Rolling Stones. Voice note. C Instrument note. Guitar tablature note. Klavir note. Vmesna.


The Rolling Stones Fakebook. 1963-1971. Fake Book Edition. By The Rolling Stones. For voice and C instrument. This edition. Fake Book Edition. Artist. Personality. Fake Book. Guitar Personality. Lead Sheet. Just Real Books Series. Rock and Classic Rock. Difficulty. medium. Fakebook. Vocal melody, chord names, color photos, discography, selected riffs. guitar tab. and introductory text. 431 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.FBM0008. ISBN 0757918891. With vocal melody, chord names, color photos, discography, selected riffs. guitar tab. and introductory text. Rock and Classic Rock. 9x12 inches. The Rolling Stones Fakebook includes 167 songs recorded between 1963 and 1971. All songs are arranged in complete professional-style lead sheets and all critical riffs and figures included. Plus, a special guitar-tab section featuring the pivotal guitar riffs and solos for 29 of their most legendary songs. an introductory essay. a full color ABCKO years discography. with album art. and 40 pages of classic early sheet music covers reproduced in full color make this the ultimate Rolling Stones songbook. 19th Nervous Breakdown. 2000 Light Years from Home. 2000 Man. 2120 South Michigan Avenue. All Down the Line. All Sold Out. Around and Around. As Tears Go By. Back Street Girl. Bitch. Blue Turns To Grey. Brown Sugar. Bye Bye Johnny. Can I Get a Witness. Can't You Hear Me Knockin'. Carol. Child of the Moon. Citadel. Come On. Complicated. Confessin' The Blues. Congratulations. Connection. Cool, Calm and Collected. Country Honk. Cry to Me. Dandelion. Dead Flowers. Dear Doctor. Don't Lie to Me. Doncha Bother Me. Down Home Girl. Down the Road Apiece. Downtown Suzie. Each and Every Day of the Year. Empty Heart. Everybody Needs Somebody to Love. Factory Girl. Family. Flight 505. Fortune Teller. Get Off My Cloud. Gimme Shelter. Goin' Home. Gomper. Good Times. Good Times Bad Times. Gotta Get Away. Grown Up Wrong. Have You Seen Your Mother Baby. Heart of Stone. High and Dry. Hitch Hike. Honest I Do. Honky Tonk Woman. I Am Waiting. I Can't Be Satisfied. I Don't Know Why. aka Don't Know Why I Love. I Got the Blues. I Just Want To Make Love To You. I Wanna Be Loved. I Wanna Be Your Man. I'd Much Rather Be With the Boys. I'm a King Bee. I'm All Right. I'm Free. I'm Going Down. I'm Movin' On. Live. I've Been Loving You Too Long. If You Let Me. If You Need Me. In Another Land. It's All Over Now. It's Not Easy. Jig-Saw Puzzle. Jiving Sister Fanny. Jumpin' Jack Flash. Lady Jane. The Lantern. The Last Time. Let It Bleed. Let's Spend the Night Together. Little By Little. Little Queenie. Little Red Rooster. Live With Me. Long Long While. Look What You've Done. Love In Vain. Loving Cup. Memo From Turner. Mercy Mercy. Midnight Rambler. Miss Amanda Jones. Mona. I Need You Baby. Money. Monkey Man. Moonlight Mile. Mother's Little Helper. My Girl. My Obsession. No Expectations. Not Fade Away. Now I've Got a Witness. Off the Hook. Oh Baby. We Got a Good Thing Goin'. On With the Show. One More Try. Out Of Time. Pain in My Heart. Paint It Black. Parachute Woman. Play With Fire. Please Go Home. Poison Ivy. Version 1. Prodigal Son. Ride On, Baby. Route 66. Ruby Tuesday. Sad Day. Salt of the Earth. Satisfaction,. I Can't Get No. She Said Yeah. She Smiled Sweetly. She's a Rainbow. Shine a Light. Sing This All Together. The Singer Not the Song. Sister Morphine. Sittin' on a Fence. Sleepy City,. Walkin' Through The. Something Happened to Me Yesterday. Somethings Just Stick In My Mind. The Spider and the Fly. Stoned. Stray Cat Blues. Street Fighting Man. Stupid Girl. Surprise, Surprise. Susie Q. Sway. Sweet Virginia. Sympathy for the Devil. Take It or Leave It. Talkin' Bout You. Tell Me. That's How Strong My Love Is. Think. Time is on My Side. Try A Little Harder. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man. Under My Thumb. Under the Boardwalk. Walking the Dog. We Love You. We're Wastin' Time. What a Shame. What to Do. Who's Been Driving Your Plane. Who's Been Sleeping Here. Wild Horses. Yesterday's Papers. You Better Move On. You Can Make It If You Try. You Can't Always Get What You Want. You Can't Catch Me. You Got The Silver.


The Rolling Stones Fakebook. 1963-1971. Fake Book Edition. By The Rolling Stones. Za glas in instrumenta C. Ta izdaja. Fake Book Edition. Umetnik. Osebnost. Fake Book. Kitara Osebnost. Lead Sheet. Samo Real Knjige Series. Rock in Classic Rock. Težavnost. srednje. Fakebook. Vokalna melodija, imena tetiva, barvne fotografije, diskografija, izbrani riffi. Kartica kitara. in uvodno besedilo. 431 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.FBM0008. ISBN 0757918891. Z vokalna melodija, imena tetiva, barvne fotografije, diskografija, izbrani riffi. Kartica kitara. in uvodno besedilo. Rock in Classic Rock. 9x12 cm. Rolling Stones Fakebook obsega 167 pesmi, posnetih med letoma 1963 in 1971. Vse pesmi so razporejeni v popolnih strokovno-style svinca listov in vseh kritičnih rifi in številk, vključenih. Plus, poseben oddelek kitara-tab ponaša ključnem kitarske rife in samospeve za 29 njihovih najbolj legendarnih skladb. Uvodni esej. barvno ABCKO let diskografija. z albuma. in 40 strani klasičnih zgodaj notno pokrovi natisne v vseh barvah, da s tem Songbook končni Rolling Stones. 19. živčnega zloma. 2000 svetlobnih let od doma. 2000 Man. 2120 South Michigan Avenue. Vse po vrsti. Vse Razprodano. Okoli in okoli. Kot Tears Go By. Back Street dekle. Bitch. Blue obrne k Grey. Brown Sugar. Bye Bye Johnny. Lahko dobim Witness. Ne morem You Hear Me Knockin '. Carol. Child of the Moon. Citadel. Come On. Zapleten. Confessin "The Blues. Čestitke. Povezava. Kul, miren in zbran. Država Honk. Cry to Me. Dandelion. Dead Flowers. Dear Doctor. Ne laži mi. Doncha Bother Me. Navzdol Home dekle. Down the Road komad. Downtown Suzie. Vsak dan v letu. Empty Heart. Everybody Needs Somebody to Love. Factory Girl. Družina. Flight 505. Fortune Teller. Get Off My Cloud. Gimme Shelter. Goin 'Home. Gomper. Good Times. Good Times Bad Times. Gotta Get Away. Grown Up Wrong. Ali ste videli Your Mother Baby. Heart of Stone. Visoka in suha. Hitch Hike. Iskren I Do. Honky Tonk Woman. I Am Waiting. Ne moremo biti zadovoljni. Jaz ne vem, zakaj. aka ne vem, zakaj I Love. Dobil sem the Blues. I Just Want To Make Love To You. I Wanna Be Loved. I Wanna Be Your Man. Jaz bi veliko raje Be With the Boys. Jaz sem King Bee. Jaz sem v redu. Jaz sem Brezplačen. Grem dol. Jaz sem Movin 'On. Živeti. Sem bil Loving You Too Long. Če mi dovolite. If You Need Me. In Another Land. To je All Over Now. To ni enostavno. Toplo-Saw Puzzle. Jiving sestro Fanny. Jumpin 'Jack Flash. Lady Jane. The Lantern. Last Time. Let It Bleed. Oglejmo Preživite noč Skupaj. Malo po malo. Little Queenie. Little Red Rooster. Živijo z mano. Long Long Medtem. Poglej, kaj si naredil. Ljubezen zaman. Loving Cup. Memo From Turner. Mercy Mercy. Midnight Rambler. Miss Amanda Jones. Mona. I Need You Baby. Denar. Monkey Man. Moonlight Mile. Materinski Mali Helper. My Girl. My Obsession. No Expectations. Not Fade Away. Zdaj sem pričo. Off the Hook. Oh Baby. Imamo dobra stvar dogaja. Na S Show. One More Try. Out Of Time. Bolečina v mojem srcu. Paint It Črna. Parachute Woman. Play With Fire. Prosim, pojdite domov. Poison Ivy. Version 1. Prodigal Son. Ride On, Baby. Route 66. Ruby Tuesday. Žalosten dan. Sol Zemlje. Zadovoljstvo,. Ne morem Ne. Rekla Ja. Nasmehnila strela. Ona je Rainbow. Sijalo svetlo. Poj To All Together. The Singer Not the Song. Sister Morphine. Sedel na ograjo. Sleepy City,. Sprehajam skozi. Nekaj ​​se mi je zgodilo včeraj. Somethings Just Stick In My Mind. Spider in Fly. Stoned. Stray Cat Blues. Street Fighting Man. Neumno dekle. Surprise, Surprise. Susie Q. Nagib. Sweet Virginia. Sympathy for the Devil. Take It or Leave It. Govorim pa ti. Povej mi. To je, kako močno My Love Is. Pomislite. Čas je na moji strani. Poskusite malo težje. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man. Under My Thumb. Pod Boardwalk. Sprehajali psa. We Love You. We're Wastin' Time. What a Shame. Kaj storiti. Kdo je Vozniška Vaše Plane. Who's Been Sleeping Here. Wild Horses. Yesterday's Papers. You Better Move On. Lahko bi bilo, če boste poskušali. Ne morete vedno Get What You Want. Ne morete Catch Me. You Got The Silver.
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